submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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[-] [email protected] 56 points 3 weeks ago

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I can't wait to download my own version of the latest gpt model

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago

It does help to know what those funny letters mean. Now we wait for regulators to catch up..


If anything, we're a very long way from anything close to intelligent, OpenAI (and subsequently MS, being publicly traded) sold investors on the pretense that LLMs are close to being "AGI" and now more and more data is necessary to achieving that.

If you know the internet, you know there's a lot of garbage. I for one can't wait for garbage-in garbage-out to start taking its toll.

Also I'm surprised how well open source models have shaped up, its certainly worth a look. I occasionally use a local model for "brainstorming" in the loosest terms, as I generally know what I'm expecting, but it's sometimes helpful to read tasks laid out. Also comfort in that nothing even need leave my network, and even in a pinch I got some answers when my network was offline.

It gives a little hope while corps get to blatantly violate copyright while having wielding it so heavily, that advancements have been so great in open source.

this post was submitted on 08 May 2024
156 points (95.3% liked)


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