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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/WonderfulQuestion545 on 2023-10-08 04:40:58.

My (24F) sisters (13F) birthday just passed and I missed it. My mother (46F) was in charge of planning and hosting her party. She decided to have her party at a restaurant since that's what my sister wanted

Since me and my mother both worked that day the party was set to start either in the late afternoon or early evening. When it came close to the time for me to get off work I called her and asked her what time the party was supposed to start and she said she didn't know. She told me to just get to her house before she did. I asked her what time she got off work and what time she was supposed to be home and she said she didn't know. To every question that I asked her the response was "I don't know"

When I got off work I went home to change and started heading over to her house. I called her to let her know that I was on my way and she told me that they were about to leave the restaurant already. I was obviously pissed and my sister was upset because I wasn't there. She mentioned that she told me to be at the house before she got there. I mentioned that I asked her when she was getting off work and when she'd be home and all she kept saying was "I don't know". She said "Well I didn't know" and then I asked her "Well don't you think that's something that you're supposed to figure out beforehand? Especially when you're planning something that's supposed to involve everyone?" she didn't have an answer

So am I overthinking or did my mother purposely make me miss my sister's birthday?

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/loveisembarrassing3 on 2023-10-08 01:00:46.

Recently, I have been really busy with school so I haven't spent much time with my boyfriend.

Well today rolls around and I decide to call him (currently long distance because of college). And everything is normal we are laughing and hanging.

Until he decides to ask me a question, about how I envisioned my dream life. I thought this was a bit funny because he knows, so I told him graduate, find myself a secure job, marry him and have kids (like we have always talked about). When I ask him the same question, all he mentioned was expanding his career (he currently quit his job as an electrician to learn programming) with no mention of me at all. And then he started talking about how he kind of doesn't want kids until he is in his late thirties. Which was kind of odd because we always agreed and had a plan that after I graduate I will move with him and we will start developing our life and family. But he said making such a big career switch made him realize more stuff in his life he wanted and having kids wasn't really one of them. Which is valid and completely okay, but having kids is a bit of a huge deal breaking for me.

So we went into this long conversation and ultimately realized we wanted the best for each other and wanted both of us to be happy so we broke it off. Truly, I don't want to force him into a life he doesn't want, nor do I want to force myself. We agreed to be friends, still love each other, the whole jist right.

I was obviously crying and upset afterward until I realized my birthday is tomorrow. Then, idk I got kind of angry because he knew that (he has been counting down the days) and he decides to bring about his whole new view on life before my birthday? Idk just wish he chose any other day, but i guess its good he didn't do it on my birthday.

Lmao just a bit pissed. 4 yrs down the drain and I'll always be reminded a day before my birthday. 🎉

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Economy-Flow8762 on 2023-10-08 05:40:04.

I (20F) lost my parents in a car accident almost 2 weeks ago . I have a little sister (10F) who is now in my custody. Yesterday my uncle (40 M) came to me telling me that my little sister would be better off in the familiarity of a two parent household which he and my aunt (about 40 F???) could provide. I'll admit my first thought was hell no but I kept my composure and I told him I didn't think it was a good idea. He then told me that I was in no position to take care of and raise a ten-year-old and that this way I can finish school and not have to worry about my little sister. I reiterated that it wasn't a good idea and that there was a reason my parents left my little sister in my care (it was specified in their will). He threatened to fight me for custody and that's when I went off. I told him for f*** off and that if he wanted to waste money on lawyers for a judge to ask my sister what she wants then to go ahead. I also told him his lying cheating self had no business fighting for custody of a niece be barely sees. I also threatened to bring up all the family drama if he tried to fight me for custody and that if he wanted something to spend money on then to get his sugar baby pregnant.

Anyway my grandma told me I overreacted and that he was just concerned so now I am wondering if I was an asshole.

Also some more context:

  • My parents were good with their finances and so now my little sister and I have a good amount of money to live off of while I finish school (I have a year left) and get a job.
  • Because of our age difference I was extremely parentified, and so my little sister is very attached to me. I am in the military as well (National Guard) so when I went away for training it was very hard for her. With everything that's happened and out current situation she is more attached than ever. I am 100% sure that if a judge asked her what she wanted she would say she wanted to stay with me. She even told me once that I couldn't move away and if I did I would have to take her with me because "what would I do without my big sissy?".

Anyway please let me know if I am the asshole and if I should be worried. I already lost my parents I can't lose my little sister too.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/maryisakitty on 2023-10-08 01:04:00.

Hello- I need opinions on a situation.

First, My (28F) and my boyfriends (27M) housemate Claire (20F) has had her boyfriend Pete (20M) staying over every night for the last couple of weeks. We want to try and bring this up with her without being assholes as we think he should pay rent/towards household expenses. Would we be assholes for asking this? Our bills have significantly increased since he’s been staying with us, and we would be asking him to contribute $50 a fortnight towards this.

Second- today said housemate and boyfriend brought home a German shepherd puppy without asking us first. Literally found out after hearing the puppy barking in her room. I was confronted about it whilst my boyfriend was napping upstairs and was told it was only temporary as they were “asked to take the puppy for two weeks for a friend” but the puppy is 10 weeks old and I’m not sure how legit this story is.

Because I was put on the spot and told about this after she brought the puppy home, I was super nice, but did bring up immediate concerns - we have a French bulldog and a cat already. They’re both 5 years old and we’ll trained/used to each other, however I don’t ont want to risk either of them getting hurt or stressed. Both her and her boyfriend work full time and are not home Monday-Friday from 8am til 5pm. I work from home 3 days a week and I worry the puppy would become my responsibility during the week.

Claire has said she will keep the puppy in her room and just take her out a few times during the day, but hasn’t mentioned what will happen whilst she’s at work. I am also concerned about the puppy damaging her room and our bond being affected because of this. We also have an inspection in two weeks and the extra dog and extra person would be noticed- as we haven’t asked permission for them to be here we worry about getting evicted over this. Claire has assured us that it is only for two weeks and the puppy will be gone before the inspection, but she also hasn’t really provided any details about why she’s “dog sitting” her friends 10 week old puppy.

My boyfriend wants to tell our housemates to get someone else to take care of the puppy, and is very concerned that Claire has not thought this through. How do we go about bringing this up without being dicks? Thanks in advance, it’s been stressful.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Sorry-Maize-5317 on 2023-10-08 03:31:57.

Hi everyone! I wanted to share this story because I am so incredibly grateful to this woman, and it is something I will never forget. THANK YOU 🙏 ❤️

I was in target alone, i usually go with my mom, or one of my siblings, but I was going to get my mom a birthday gift, so obviously she couldn’t be with, and I just stopped quick on my way home from work. It was late, probably close to 9pm. I was browsing in the isles when I noticed I was being followed, I mean it was a store so I really didn’t think much of it, but the store was mostly empty. But once he followed me around a full loop of the store I started freaking out.

Just for reference I am 16 f, and around 5’1, and this guy was probably late 50s early 60s, and he had to be at least 6 foot, and probably 250 some pounds, big guy to say the least. And I was alone, being followed by him, I had no idea what his intentions were, and I knew I stood no chance, I didn’t have my purse with me, just my wallet, so I didn’t have my defense spray. And my keys were in the car where I keep my pocket knife so I had no source of protection at all. I was just thinking if all the what ifs.

I ended up starting to speed walk to the front of the store trying to get away as fast as possible, I really didn’t know what to do, I didn’t wanna go to my car and have him follow me, but the store was almost empty, so I couldn’t blend with a crowd of people. I just wanted to find a employee, but as I was going to find one, he also started speed walking, and caught up to me, he literally grabbed me by the arm, and started dragging me through the isle, that’s when this literal Angel of a woman came up and yelled, “what are you doing with my daughter, let her go before I call the police” by that point I was in tears, the man quickly let go of me and Literally sprinted out of the store.

I stood there in so much shock, crying in this strangers arms, and she just let me, once I got my composure, she asked me if I was okay and what happened I explained, we told an employee, and she said she would run the cameras and inform the police. The woman walked me to my car, and even offered to follow me to make sure I got home safe.So to this woman, if you see this, THANK YOU, you don’t know how much you mean to me, you not only saved my life, but you let me, a literal stranger just sit and cry in your arms, and you comforted me, when you didn’t have too. Without you idk what would’ve happened, but I know, this much I probably wouldn’t have made it home that night. You truly saved my life, and I will never forget that. I wish I got your name, or your number so I could somehow repay you for your kindness, but everything just moved so fast, either way, thank you from the bottom of my heart. And to everyone else, this is your sign stuff like this can happen anywhere. And please never let your guard down.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/MoneyPrinter12 on 2023-10-08 00:43:04.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/RunRunGrey on 2023-10-07 21:31:29.

Buckle up this is going to be a long one.

My brother in law is dating a woman that seems to be a life time grifter/con woman. My husband and I are both uncomfortable around her and wish they would break up. It is pretty obvious that we aren’t fans of hers. When she is around we mainly just ignore her. We haven’t told his brother that we don’t like her or implied that our relationship with him would change because of the relationship. We have just been hoping the problem would go away naturally.

So why do we think she is a con woman? Our state has a very public criminal/court record search system. You can see everything from parking tickets to full divorce documents. She has a pretty intense criminal record which includes forgery charges, fraud, theft of property, car theft and assault. These are the core documented past incidents. I also have personal judgements about her life choices which could make me an asshole. She has children from multiple fathers and it is always the man’s fault for their relationship ending. That could be true for some of them, however her last husband filed for divorce with the reasoning being fraud and not no fault. The divorce was granted under the fraud designation and based on what you can see in the filing it was for not disclosing her criminal past and getting him fired from his job for misuse of his company's credit card. Neither he or her were charged with the misuse because he paid off the debt to his employer. When she talks about him she makes it seem as though he is the criminal and not her.

As a result of her criminal history she is unable to rent an apartment and is living with an elderly woman who she takes care of. She is going to inherit her property when she dies as long as she provides guardianship for her adult son who is severely disabled and living in a group home. I have no real proof that this situation is being done with malicious intent but given her past the idea is in my mind. The home has an estimated value of $750,000 and the girlfriend and her youngest children live there with the elderly woman.

Through the same public information where I was able to see her criminal past and divorce I can see were guardianship was filed. The legal proceedings for the guardianship was paid for by the elder woman who hired a separate lawyer to represent BIL girlfriend. About six weeks later the girlfriend hired a separate lawyer to file the option to rights over to the state in the event that the elderly woman dies, which is different than what their agreement is. Again, she hired a new lawyer to file this change.

Last week the elderly woman’s 5 year old golden retriever dog ate a sponge (the harder ones for scrubbing a pot) and required surgery to remove it. The girlfriend was supposed to work with the vets office and have the dog treated. She instead had the dog put down! She told the elderly woman that the dog didn’t make it. I know about all of this because she was talking to people about it at barbecue my in-laws hosted.

My brother in law is aware that she has had quote “a rougher past” but I know he hasn’t looked into her criminal record and is relying on her account of her past. Even if I sent everything I have found out about her to him he wouldn’t leave her. He is someone with low self esteem and is desperate to not be alone. He has melted down and gotten angry with people when confronted with uncomfortable truths. The girlfriend is also extremely manipulative. She had her children call him step dad after three weeks of dating. She has tried to get my children and others to call her auntie the first time we met her. My husband shut that down immensely.

People generally seem to like her because she is extremely charismatic, but to me it rubs me the wrong way. To me it seems very disingenuous, almost like she is trying to create fast relationships with people to endear them to her. Other family members seem to be giving her a chance. We have told my husband’s parents about everything we found. My mother in law is not happy about their relationship but won’t say anything. My father in law is very religious and believes he can’t judge her based on her past but only if she does something against his family. Since she hasn’t yet he is okay with her hanging around.

Maybe I am too judgmental, but I think she will eventually hurt the elderly woman that will result in her death. Give the disabled son over to the state and inherit the house. If anything goes wrong I think she will blame my BIL the way she blamed her ex husband for the credit card misuse. I don’t have any proof that this is what she is intending to do. Maybe I watch too much crime tv. I can’t take my assumptions anywhere and I don’t want to do anything the alienates my BIL.

She hasn’t technically committed a crime yet. She hasn’t inherited the house. She hasn’t signed her guardianship rights over to the state because she can’t because the elderly woman is still alive. I could alert the attorney of the option she filed. I am not sure if the dog is a crime. I don’t know the elderly woman but have her name from the guardianship filing.

I guess I am wondering what others would do.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Garlicknot69 on 2023-10-07 21:51:08.

Omg so this just happened so I’m typing as fast as possible so I was in the car trying to put my baby to bed while my boyfriend was inside a store and he had my phone and my son had his phone from earlier in the day to watch cartoons..okay so I was looking through his phone and I opened Reddit and saw his messages and he LITERALLY messaged a escort on here last year when my son was 6 months old to meet up for sex and not just her another woman too .. and I looked up his history on safari and it literally said escorts in (my city ) and escorts in my area so he was looking up escorts I confronted him and he denied it at first but as I kept yelling at him he did admit to it but said he didn’t sleep with them and it isn’t cheating

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/whatever--whenever on 2023-10-07 20:39:57.

My husband (23M) and I (23F) moved a few months ago back to the city where I grew up. Specifically, we moved pretty close to my grandparents. My grandparents had been alone for many years since all their children and grandchildren had ended up moving away for different reasons quite far from where they live, so knowing that we were going to move near them was a great joy for them, especially for my grandmother. My grandparents were so excited about it that they asked us to please see each other at least once a week so they could have regular contact with us. My husband and I work from Monday to Friday so we decided to dedicate part of our Saturdays to spending time with my grandparents. We talked to them and came to the conclusion that we would spend Saturday mornings with them at their house and have lunch together. My grandmother was fascinated by the idea since she LOVES to cook, she has always told us how much cooking de-stresses and relaxes her and how she almost couldn't do it because it was just the two of them and she hardly needed to cook. We still asked them to please let us know if they needed us to bring the food and/or dessert on any Saturday to prevent my grandmother from cooking too much. My grandmother told us that she didn't need us to do that at all and she asked us not to even mention the fact that we brought food on a Saturday. Despite all this, my grandfather didn't seem to have any problem with this, so we started going to see them every Saturday.

The first few months everything seemed to be going great, we really enjoyed each other's company and we took the opportunity to help my grandparents with many of their technological problems, such as how to use their smart TV or mobile phones properly. However, as time went by my grandfather began to make some comments behind my grandmother's back such as that "it was too much for her to have to cook for 4 people every week" or that "they didn't have that much money to spend in that much food every week". I have to clarify that my grandparents have a fairly high standard of living and that money is the LEAST of their worries. My husband and I somewhat ignored his comments since my grandmother seemed very happy and she always let us know how having us there every Saturday helped her improve a lot with her depression. However, 2 months ago my grandfather asked us one Saturday afternoon after lunch to go with him to the city center. When we were about to go back to our house, he told us that we couldn't continue like this and that my grandmother was really being affected by our weekly Saturday visit. He basically made us understand that it was OUR FAULT that my grandmother was more tired, sad and depressed. As if my husband and I were being a "burden" to them. My husband and I told him that we could change our weekly visit to monthly and that we could bring food for everyone. My grandfather asked us to be the ones to tell my grandmother and made us promise to never tell her that he had talked to us about this topic.

That same day at night my grandfather called us and told us to please not stop going every week because my grandmother was going to go into an even greater depression if we stopped going My husband and I didn't know what to do and began to feel quite uncomfortable on our weekly visit to their house. Three weeks ago my grandfather came to our house to talk "some things" with us. He told us that he had tried in every way to please everyone but that it was definitely too much of an expense for them to have us there every Saturday and that we had to stop going every week. My husband and I agreed in a coordinated manner. After all, we were finally going to be able to have Saturdays free for ourselves, so we didn't give the matter any more importance.

On Friday of that same week my grandparents called me on speaker to ask us what we wanted to eat the next day at their house. I couldn't believe it! I told them in a polite way that we wouldn't be able to go to lunch with them for several weeks but that we would stop by on Sundays to see them quickly in the morning. When I hung up the phone I received a message from my grandfather letting me know "how disappointed he was in me for making my grandmother feel so bad about our weekly meal at their house". I sent him a voice note telling him that we were going to be busy on Saturdays for real and that I was just doing what he asked of us. My grandfather deleted the messages from our conversation on WhatsApp. Since then (3 weeks ago) we have not gone to eat at their house again.

My parents and my husband say I'm right but a part of me feels bad that my grandmother believes that we are the ones who don't want to go and be with them when in reality it is my grandfather who has forced us to take this step.


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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Junior_Duck8089 on 2023-10-07 20:42:45.

So this situation happened December of last year, just before I left for a college program in Orlando. I (female 20) have never gotten along with my younger sister (female 18) who has various mental health issues and a personal vendetta against me I will never fully understand. She hurt me a lot when we were kids, and not in a “sisters hair pulling” kind of way. We’re talking burning me with irons on purpose, trying to hold me under the pool water when my parents weren’t around (she’s a larger girl compared and later on I’ll explain why this is), cutting my hair, cutting me with scissors, ripping heads off my dolls, and even would tell lies about me at school- like how she said I got hit by a bus and died in the 5th grade.

When I was a sophomore the issues between us only got worse and worse. I started trying to stand up for myself more and while my Mother would separate us when things seemed to go too far (because I’ll admit I’m no Angel, I had my share of unkind words and jabs), however when we stayed at my Dad’s it was a much different story. He would go into his room and sleep of get so angry he couldn’t handle it, so he walked away; which would lead to my worst nightmare.

While eating dinner I tried to pause the tv to use the restroom and my sister got mad. I told her not to unpause it until I came back, but she didn’t wait for me and I got upset and called her a bitch. Again, I had my fair share of insults, but never one time had I been violent with her- I’ve only ever put my hands up or ran away.

That day, however, she decided violence would be the only answer to my calling her that as she took the steak knife from her dinner plate and held it to my neck. It was like time froze for me. I don’t even remember to this day when she put it down or how I ended up on the floor- just the smell of the food, the way it felt against my neck, and that she said she wanted to kill me.

I do remember running to tell my Dad, but he was out cold on the couch and so instead I went to bed and put a chair behind my door because I was scared. I actually called 911 but ended up saying it was an accidental dial because I was scared of what they would do to my sister.

The next day my grandmother picked us up and took me to school (my mom homeschooled my sister after finding out she was bullying some girls at her school and stealing money from my grandmother’s fundraiser- she also had kids sign a ‘petition’ to rename me as ‘dumb hoe’ or something) where I had a full on panic attack in the bathroom mirror. I don’t know what caused it. I may sound dramatic but I really only remember bits and pieces of what happened that day to lead me to the counselors’ office, where I spilled everything.

I waited in her office for what felt like a million years when my Mom came in along with a police officer and my grandma (Dad’s Mom).

Two days of sleeping at grandma’s later, we get a call my sister is in a jail cell for the night after attack my mother who recently had stomach surgery and trying to hit her in the stitches. My mom ended up going to the hospital because of the bruising and my sister was trying to claim child abuse after my mother got her to the ground by the back of her neck. She only managed to call 911 because my grandpa lived one house away and heard all the commotion.

She ended up admitting to the officers she didn’t want to kill my mother but she “really really wanted to hurt (my name) because she took my life.” I still don’t know what she meant by that.

Fast forward after various behavioral facilities, ins/outs of public school, and multiple different medication/therapy trials- she and I started to get better during the pandemic, though there was an entire city distance from each other. She still made comments about me and would fly off the handle but she hadn’t been violent in a long time.

Now that you know our history, let’s go back to December: The first incident was when dad dropped a Christmas present she’d gotten her dog and the paper scratched a bit. She waited until he went back to grab more from the house and (with me in the back seat) took his phone, keys, and wallet before trying to speed off and nearly wrecking us into the neighbors fence before my dad jumped infront of the car and started banging on the window. Mind you, her therapist had informed my dad to tell any family of ours to record this kind of behavior: so that’s what I did. I sent it to my Mom to talk to Dad about later (I try to seem involved as little as possible on her mental space).

At Christmas with Mom, I won $200 something bucks in lottery tickets, and she won only $8 which lead to her wishing me dead and leaving without any of the gifts I’d worked to buy her.

And finally, the straw that broke the camels back for me, was when she lunged at me from across the room during presents with my elderly grandmother and so I slammed the Christmas gift in my hand right into her face. She’d seen the video on moms phone while trying to send herself pictures of the day.

Because of this, in the eyes of some, I may deserve it- but I was done. And when she told me she hoped I got assaulted and murdered in Orlando, that she wished I never come home and claimed I’d ruined her life, I was broken. She ran off crying and I chased her into the other room telling her that she should consider me a stranger. As far as she was concerned, I wasn’t family to her anymore and she was dead to me.

I go home today. I have had her blocked on every piece of media or contact possible, I even deleted any pictures of us. I am done with her. And these past 10 months away from her, with no contact, have made me realize just how much better my life is without the anxiety she brings in it.

But now that I’m coming home, my grandmother wants me to apologize even though my sister told her she hates to breath the same air as me, let alone see my face.

Should I apologize and AITA?

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/ShredeDOOR284 on 2023-10-07 10:45:07.

TLDR: GF watches 4 yo brtoher more than mother and it is beginning to feel as a burden on our relationship and her own progress in life.

So I understand this title is a bit confusing but my gf has 2 brothers one is 18 other is 4 yo and she is 20. So our relationship is great and we talk about everything but I just can't find a common ground on this one. So obviously her mom had her other son later and I feel it's beginning to be a burden on the relationship between us. So he has just started pre K recently and her mom recently got a new job as she has been job hoping and everything's inconsistent. Because of this and with her being a single mother I feel as if my gf has taken a role as the 2nd parent even though she says it is not like this. I can not make plans in advance for dates, time together, or just free will from her as she lives with her mom still. We have spoken about moving in tg & the mom said she could not move out until February. I love her to death but working around someone's schedule as if we r in highschool is insane to me. I have been doing all I can to help her out career wise and all the bells and whistles. But at what point do I need to speak with her mother.

Because of the burden of taking care of her brother she restricts herself on where she could work and the hours available, when we can be tg, and just flat out freedom.

So now that we got the meat I'll explain it better. So I live on my own with my own transportation and all that. she is practically the opposite. I typically spend all weekends with her and that's where we get most of the time tg. But in the last 2 months more and more often she's either had to stay home and watch her baby brother or bring him with her. This is fine however this limits what you can do as being with a 4 yo is not fun sorry if u think so. With the job she has now never working around her requested hours my gf gets the brunt end of the stick and I do to. Not a big deal tho right? Well say a weekday I wanted to spend time with her. Well it can't be anytime because her mom has to know everything all the time and if not it's a lie just so we can be tg. I completely understand family comes first but when do I tell her mom to make the sacrifices for her kid instead of my gf. I just feel as if the situation is extremely unfair to our relationship and puts an unnecessary strain on us. I feel as if she is being treated as a kid still even tho she is 20 and will not stand up to her mom to appear as a bad child or bad sister. (Messed up family situation I won't share but let's just say it makes things a little more difficult (trauma))

AITA for wanting her mom to take more responsibility for her younger son and be the one making sacrifices instead of my GF who needs to start focusing on herself so we can make better progress towards our futures and family if we pursue that

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/SpeksofKiwi on 2023-10-07 20:35:32.

My husband (26m) and I (21f) have had a very bumpy relationship with my parents since we’ve been together. We got married back in April and are currently expecting our first child (I’m 4 months pregnant). I have gone minimal contact with my family but hadn’t cut them off completely, we updated them on my health, on the baby and tried our best to mend things so we could all be a “happy family”.

This all changed this past Wednesday, I was talking to one of my family members and had mentioned some of the things that weren’t really sitting right with me. My mother had said once I had the baby I should stay with them for the first two weeks while I recover, my husband and I discussed it but I could t get over them saying “you and the baby” excluding my husband. I asked my family member if I was being paranoid and overthinking and that’s when everything came out. My family member had informed me of my parents plans for me and the baby.

They have made it very clear to everyone in our family that my husband is NOT welcomed in their home, nor their family. My family member also told me that they had hoped that I would “wake up” and realize that I didn’t love my husband and divorce/leave him and go back to my parents. Needless to say I was livid and heartbroken hearing this, but the final straw was for me was when I found out that that had sent my older brother to drive around and figure out where I lived.

My husband and I moved across town and never told anyone in my family where we moved or our address because I didn’t feel safe and it’s them knowing. My father had threatened my husband when we first got engaged/married and I felt safer then not knowing. I felt so violated when I found out.

When my husband got home that evening I told him everything, I told him I was done with my parents and I was going to block them. He told me he would support my decision but thought it would be best that he text my dad and let him know the decision I made so they wouldn’t panic if they couldn’t get ahold of me. He texted my father and told him that I had blocked them and that we knew everything they had done/been planning, my father responded saying he didn’t know what my husband meant. My husband told him we knew he sent my brother out to our area, found our house and sent a picture to my parents and that they are continuing to hurt me with their actions. After that, we didn’t get a response.

After about 20 minutes someone started banging on our door, we originally thought it was our neighbor so my husband went to go get the door and I stayed in our room. When he opened the door I heard my mother yelling at him saying she needed to check on me, she needs to see me, and demanding to talk to me or else. My husband told them calmly that they needed to leave or he would call the police, my mother then yelled she was going to call the police and tell them he was beating me and holding me hostage.

My husband closed the door locking it and called 911, my mother then began walking around our house yelling and knocking on all our windows. My husband went back outside and told them the police were coming and they needed to leave but they refused. My mother was yelling and accusing my husband of controlling me and hurting me, the police got there and came inside and spoke with me. I told them I was fine, I just didn’t want to see or speak with them but the recommended that I go and tell them to leave because it might help de-escalate the situation.

My parents were still admit that my husband was beating me and told the police he sent a threatening text saying he was hurting me (which was false) and that they knew he was hurting me. We finally got them to leave and thought that would be the end of it. Two days later, my half brother showed up unannounced and asked to talk. My husband had answered the door so they sat on our porch and talked, I couldn’t hear their conversation but I could see my half brother recording but things seemed calm. I was doing laundry when I heard the front door open and my husband yell to call 911 and my father in law, I ran out and saw my half brother with my husband in a chokehold so I ran to the back of the room and called 911. My husband was able to get him out and he left a few minutes after. The police came took our statements and asked if we wanted to press charges? My husband said yes because he had been assaulted and they sent an investigator out. While waiting for the investigator my half brother called and texted both of us saying everyone makes mistakes, they’re both imperfect and hopes he doesn’t take it personally.

There is now a warrant out for my half brothers arrest and we’re waiting ro here back from the sheriffs office. Throughout all of this though, I’ve had family reach out and tell me that we are taking things to the extreme and need to drop the charges on my brother because we’re “family after all”. AITA?

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/notanincelformuch on 2023-10-07 16:35:07.

Throwaway for obvious reasons.

I'm smiling so hard as I'm writing this, I never imagined this could happen.

A little background; when I was younger (still a minor), after the official school account posted a picture of me, I got stuck with B who wouldn't go three days without sending me explicit pictures and videos of himself on his various accounts.

B went so far as harassing me on the school account I managed after I made my personal account private. I wasn't his only victim (the oldest girl out of us was 17), but I was the one he harassed the most often, probably because I'd get so fed up that I'd insult him and then he'd try to make me "change my mind".

I found out recently that someone posted one of his cringe videos on every gay 🌽 they could find.

Because of his pathetic dirty talk, creeps found his accounts and are bombarding him with explicit scenarios, videos and pictures.

He's been posting about this, crying on live about his stalkers which excited them even more : which with his experience i'd have thought that he'd handle this better.

My friends also find this funny, our gc's filled with memes. I can't post them sadly but one of my friends hasn't stopped photoshopping his face on whatever she could find (she did pikachu's surprised face, shane dawson's apology video and dream's face reveal so far) and another of my friends is convinced that's the work of Taylor Swift and even made us a slideshow.

I had to go even further so I commented "i'd invest in a chastity cage if I was u ;) wouldn't want u to lose ur membership ! stay silly xo" under a staged pic of him crying.

I can't believe that how he'd stop being an incel.

I just had to get this off my chest so I'll lose this account password and maybe stalk it once in a while.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/TrickyBalance3436 on 2023-10-07 09:36:48.

1, 20f, have been together with my boyfriend, 21m, for over 3 years now. Occasionally he makes jokes that end up making fun of me and I get mad at him and tell him to stop. No one else but him laughs at the jokes, it's like he wants to bring me down by joking about my insecurities. It got to a point over a year ago where I told him if he keeps doing that, I'd end things because he doesn't respect me. I just kept forgiving him though. Today he made fun of my lisp. He knows that I recently got jaw surgery and I can't speak properly because I am in the recovery process, yet he still said that. He knows how insecure I am about that. I decided to block him on everything while I decide if I should end things with him or not. What would you guys do? Is this a good reason to ends or should I just forgive him like I always do?

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Purple-Storm9085 on 2023-10-07 15:22:27.

AITA for refusing to end my friendship with my best friend?

When I (17F) was 6 years old a family moved into my grandma's apartment building. The family was composed of the mom Layla and her two children Jacob (8M) and Emily (5F) .

My grandma has always been a friendly woman and from the moment that this family arrived, she started to talk to them to make sure they were doing good, since Layla was a single mother.

Over time, Layla and my grandma became friends and one day my grandma introduced me to them. In order to make the story shorter let's just say that Emily, Jacob, my brother and I became really close and we would do a lot of things together. I would always be over at their house, we would do sleep overs, be at each other´s birthday party´s and such. It got to the point that Emily became my best friend.

Here's the thing, even though my grandma became friends with Layla, she started to notice some things that she didn't like. Layla would go on vacation alone and would leave her kids alone (at a very young age, which they couldn't take proper care of themselves), she would not feed them, making them figure out meals for themselves and she would sometimes take her kids in the middle of school to go on a vacation.

My grandma felt sorry for the kids and would always cook and care for them. For a while, when I was about 10, Layla hired my grandma to make her children's meals and my grandma only took the job because she knew that they would not eat if she wasn't the one feeding them.

Because of Layla´s neglect of the kids, they always liked my grandma more than their mom and they even call their grandma to this day. Because of that, Layla got jealous of my grandma and started to distance herself from her.

About five years ago the family moved to another apartment building and some of Layla´s family members (a couple) moved into her old apartment. My grandma grew closer to the couple too and they are always having dinner, going on day trips and seem like they honestly care about my grandma.

One day they invited my grandma to dinner and told her everything that Layla had been plotting over the years. They said that Layla had been buttering my grandma so that she would take care of her kids and one day she could leave the kids with her and never return. My grandma was shocked that she would do something like that to her own children, but again, it was Layla. But what really shocked her was that she was also plotting to steal my grandma´s money and flee the country with it. That was the final straw for my grandma. She called Layla, who denied it at first but then started to say how hard it is to be a mom to her disrespectful children that dont listen and don't want anything to do with her. My grandma told her that they didn't like her because she never cared enough about them to feed them or give them love and then hung up.

Here's the thing, Emily and Jacob are the sweetest and most respectful people I know. They thank you a million times if you do the smallest thing for them and they always shower you with love everytime they see you. But they do not love their mom, she never showed them love so now they decided not to give it to her either.

So now we get to the part where people think I'm an asshole. My parents and my brother are telling me and my grandma that we cannot spend time with any of Layla´s family members, including Emily. But Emily has been my best friend for years and my only friend for a big part of that time. I´m autistic and have a difficult time with social interactions, but Emily is the most social person I know and she has always helped me with social anxiety and with making new friends. I also don't think that it's fair that we punish Emily and Jacob by taking away the only family they have left. They see my family as their family, my grandma as theirs too, my parents as uncle and aunt, my brother and I as cousins, I don't think that it's fair to take that from them because of what a mother that they don't want to be affiliated with has done.

My grandma doesn't want to stop seeing Jacob, Emily or the couple that lives in her building, but my parents are pressing her, saying that she isn't that young and might not realise when she has fallen into a scheme. My grandma had my dad when she was young so she is quite young for a grandma, so I don't think that that would be a problem. She is also not dumb, and she has realised when Layla tried to trick her in other aspects over the years.

They also want me to stop hanging out with Emily, but I am not cutting ties with my best friend because it's not her fault.

AITA for refusing to end my relationship with my best friend?

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Exciting-Interest-32 on 2023-10-07 14:00:17.

I have just seen a video online showing a dad who is following his daughter in the car. In the video, he states that she was bullying another kid on their school bus, and was suspended for using the bus...

Instead of driving her to school himself, he decided to make her walk to school instead. She walked 5 miles over 3 days to the school as a punishment...

It has obviously divided the Internet... Some saying that it is too harsh of a punishment, he is abusing her etc... Here is MY take on it:

My daughter is a victim of bullying... It has got so bad, she has got to the point she has self harmed and has had... "dark thoughts"... She is 13. Many others might not agree with this punishment, but I am 100% behind this guys decision... She is not in any danger, she is being followed by her dad so if she needed help im sure he would be there in a second, but walking 5 miles to school will at worst give her sore legs, make her out of breath, tired and achy... It ISN'T going to kill her... However the consequences of bullying COULD kill someone...

Just needed to vent somewhere and get it off my chest. If I could send the dad this message directly I would...

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Mundane_Lime_2168 on 2023-10-07 10:14:37.

So me (53M) and my wife Rose (53F) had our older daughter Sarah (31F) when we were 22. We were young and broke, but managed and now we raised Sarah the best we could. She got pregnant at 15. It was a very depressing time for her, she had to go to therapy, and never told us anything about the father, which always upset her, so we never pushed the issue.

She originally wanted to terminate, but kept canceling, and eventually told us she wanted to give her up for adoption. But five months into the pregnancy, when she was discussing with a social worker for a couple to adopt, the couple dropped out of the adoption. After trying to find more couples, Sarah asked us if we wanted to adopt. Me and Rose were both 38 at this point, and we had both been discussing having another child, so we ended up adopting our daughter Ellie when Sarah had her at 16. Two years after Ellie, me and my wife had our son Logan (13) biologically. Growing up we always planned on telling Ellie she was adopted, but we knew with telling her that, we had to tell her Sarah was her bio mother.

Sarah never became close with Ellie, not even as siters. She moved out after the birth and lived with Roses sister. She has always shown sisterly love to her Logan, but never towards Ellie. There has always been conflicting feelings with Sarah I have seen posts on Sarah's Instagram where she posted a picture of what was supposed to be the five of us, but Ellie was cut out. I confronted her about this and she says its too painful. However, a couple years ago she showed up drunk begging us to let us see her "daughter". We talked to her and let her stay but did not let her near Ellie since she was drunk. We found out from her husband she had suffered several miscarriages and was told to consider a surrogate.

She ended up doing that four years ago and has since had twins Jack and Jill (3M and F) who are biologically hers. Ellie has loved being an aunt to the twins and Sarah has encouraged this with Ellie, and has been inviting Ellie over her house for family time with Logan, who loves being an uncle. We have asked Sarah that in light of the twins, and Ellie being close to them, wouldn't it be time to tell Ellie the truth, but Sarah keeps claiming she is not ready.

Recently Ellie came to us and has told us she is pregnant. This time it is a completely different situation, we have met the father, he is a child hood friend of hers and they decided they wanted to lost their virginities to each other. We had the talk with Ellie long ago, as we did with Sarah. We approached the situation calmly and have since met with the father and his parents. Ellie is insistent on keeping the baby. She is 3 months along. We have not told Sarah yet, we do not know how to approach the situation, we dont know how she will be able to take it. Me and my wife are considering telling Ellie the truth but we need Sarah to be there.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Letstrythisagainrn on 2023-10-07 07:00:42.

AITA for kicking out my fwb after he read papers I left laying on my bed?

I’ve had a FWB for like 9 months now. He’s younger. Things have been fine till like a month ago when he came over drunk and said a bunch of rude, insensitive shit. I add this because it definitely made me more defensive around him since.

We hung out and watched tv in the living room. Kissed for a few min. Went to my room. I went into my bathroom to put my hair up. I had done therapy earlier and had some paper I’d done a exercise on my bed. It had personal stuff. I come out and he’s sitting on my l bed holding it reading/laughing. I snatched the paper. Balled it up. Threw it. Said: you don’t fucking read shit in my bedroom. Went back into my bathroom. Collected myself. Told him to leave. He wanted to talk about it. I refused. Wouldn’t look at him. Said bye.

I feel like maybe I’m the asshole becsude he didn’t know what it was. But I also feel like you don’t read peoples hand written notes.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/New_Mushroom_3906 on 2023-10-07 05:02:56.

To start this story I’m 18f, and I have a 9 year old sister, who has a phone, not that that’s an issue, but the thing that gets me is it isn’t monitored whatsoever, no parental controls no child lock nothing, she has complete access to the internet. And that ticks me off because looking back my mom did the same thing for me, she hated having to entertain me, and the phone would be my distraction so she wouldn’t have to deal with me, which I loved at the time but looking back it caused so many issues. and she’s doing the same with my sister.

when I was younger I had some horrible experiences with gross people online, and thinking what they were doing was okay because I was so young, and was never taught cell phone safety, or internet precautions, I was just handed a cell phone, probably around the same age as her, between 8 and 10. And I hate the thought of the same happening to my sister. I only lived with my mom until I was around 13, then she lost custody. I just recently I got back in contact with my mother, and sister, A few days ago my sister was staying at my apartment, because my mom was out of town, and plus I wanted to spend some time with her, when I noticed she was glued to the phone texting someone, just out of general curiosity I asked who, she said it was her “special friend” whom she was messaging on Instagram, I asked her what she meant by special friend, and if she knew them from school, she said no, it’s a friend she met online, and apparently she wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, but she trusts me.

I’m glad that she trusted me with this information, but I asked if I could see the account, it was a burner account, with catfish pictures, I reversed searched them, to be 100% sure. God knows who this was talking to my sister, so I took it upon myself to talk to her about how unsafe this was, and showed her the Pinterest photos, and how she was being catfished, and to never send anything to anyone you don’t know online. This is not in any way her fault, I wasn’t mad at her, but I was furious with my mother.

So I helped her make her Instagram private, and we went through her following and narrowed it down to who she knew. There was probably about 10 grown men following her, whom she did not know, I wish I could make this shit up. We removed reported and blocked all of them, I made sure she knew how to block people. Once I got a moment alone, I called my mom, and WENT OFF, I told her how her 9 year old daughter is talking to strangers on the internet, possibly being groomed, and how she is being a shit parent, and needs to WAKE UP and get it together before her kid is on the news for getting kidnapped by a online predator or something. And that she already messed up my childhood and she will NOT mess up hers. I was furious, I’ll admit I said some not so nice things, but she needed to hear them. She told me to butt out of her parenting and that what she’s doing is fine, and she insists she checks on her, it is clear she does not, I even asked her if mom ever looked at her phone, no surprise she said no. I’m just so sick of her bullshit. Was I out of line, maybe, but I’m sick of her lazy parenting, and something needed to be done here, before way worse things happen. Her having a phone is not my issue, lots of kids do, the fact that she’s left unattended, and allowed access to the entire internet, without being checked on because of my mothers laziness is. So Aita and should I have just left the whole situation alone, and is it bad I don’t feel bad for yelling at her.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/throwra_10888 on 2023-10-07 07:59:20.

My husband and I got married a year ago. He and I didn't live together before, in fact we hardly saw each other because we both worked and studied at the same time, so our time was quite limited. We got married and went to live together in his apartment.

Unfortunately two months after our wedding his father died in an accident. My mother-in-law and my husband (who is an only child) were devastated as it was quite sudden.

My mother-in-law, left alone, began to suggest to my husband that we move with her to her house to keep her company, but because she is from another state we couldn't due to our jobs and college.

Then she came to us, our apartment is 2 rooms, so my mother-in-law occupied one and my husband and I occupied another.

I mean my mother-in-law never liked me. She is one of the mothers who think "that no woman is good enough for her son."

As a couple who are still "in the honeymoon stage" we had sex very frequently. Every day, even up to twice a day. This changed when my mother-in-law arrived, since the apartment is small so I didn't feel comfortable doing it with her living there.

The thing is that when we did have sex with my husband, my mother-in-law magically "interrupted us." It didn't matter what time it was, even if it was 3 AM she casually got up and knocked on our door asking "What are we doing?" Or telling my husband that she feels bad because her head hurts or things like that.

This has been going on since my mother-in-law moved in with us, it's been a stressful 7 months. Besides, I have no privacy of any kind, she criticizes everything I do, especially my food.

My husband tries to give me my place, saying things like: "it's not true mom, the food tastes good."

What really annoyed me was the fact that she started saying that several things of value and money were lost in her room casually the day I stayed at home. (I had the day off from work and study in the afternoons)

I really got fed up, I told my husband that this really wasn't what he expected. I agreed to let her move in with us because my father-in-law passed away and I was really trying to be empathetic to her and her pain, but I'm not going to let her call me a thief.

Now I'm at my parents' house, my husband keeps calling me and sending me messages to come back, but I don't know what to do anymore. This is really stressful.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Intelligent_Mix_333 on 2023-10-07 00:29:27.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Expensive_Star3664 on 2023-10-07 02:51:15.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Quick-Nail-9370 on 2023-10-07 01:10:57.

My husband(25F) and me(24F) live in California. We do not live near a beach so the only time we go to one is when we visit my parents. We are spending the weekend at there house and go to there house in the morning today. We went to the beach in the afternoon. I was wearing a Normal bikini underneath my husband’s workout shorts from when was a reserve marine and a t shirt. We’re from Colombia and my parents are strict and my husband is ameican but still prefers I would cover up a little bit. He thought i was covered fine, but my parents said I looked too much like a prostitute. They wanted me to wear longer pants. I said because we were already at the beach is was to much work to change. They asked my husband if he was fine with it and he said he was very okay with it. They were still mad and told us to set our things separately from them. When we went home, they went through my clothing to make sure it was appropriate. We are going back tomorrow and asked me to wear longer pants. Am I an ass for wearing these clothes.?

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/dnims24 on 2023-10-06 19:36:51.

Hi Morgan (if you see this)! Sorry for the length in advance.

Will I be the A-Hole if I temporarily move into the guest bedroom?

So my (33F) boyfriend (33M, Jeff) has sleep apnea and it's really starting to affect my mental health. We've been living together for about two years now and his snoring has recently gotten more aggressive and loud. Sometimes he stops breathing which freaks me out, or he'll suddenly catch his breath very loudly. He's tried laying on his back and his side, and he even elevates his head most nights (sometimes he slips down because we need to get new pillows).

The past couple of weeks, I've been begging him to call this sleep center that he got a referral to. He finally tried to call the other day and they didn't answer. Yesterday he got ahold of someone and they set an appointment for him, but it's not until late December (this is being posted in October). This week I've been getting woken up every night and I usually end up moving to the couch to go back to bed, but our dogs are light sleepers so I usually end up having to take them outside before I can go back to sleep.

In all I feel like it's really messing with me. Every morning I wake up exhausted because of the broken sleep from his snoring, and sometimes I can still hear his snoring from the couch. I'm not currently working so I'm in charge of keeping the house tidy, but I have no energy. I mentioned to him the other day that we might need to get another bed in the guest room (there's currently no furniture in there) for me to sleep in instead until this gets resolved. I'm just not sure if I can handle having such awful sleep every night until December.

Some other details that might not be important:

  • The couch we have right now sucks. It's not very comfortable and it's a recliner so when I sleep on it I'm a little crooked. We've had our eye on this other couch that's kind of pricey but we both loved. He brought up just biting the bullet and finally buying it so that I can have a more comfortable spot to go back to bed when I get up. (I didn't take this the wrong way, I thought it was sweet of him.) I don't know how I feel about it. On the one hand, we really want the couch, but at the same time I want to sleep in an actual bed.
  • His dad has sleep apnea as well, but I don't think he was ever tested for it. I'm worried that if we have kids they might get it as well. Is it genetic?
  • After doing some research this morning, I'm strongly for the CPAP machines, or anything that can help him breathe. His mother is against them, saying they have bad side effects but she won't go into the details about it.
  • He works nights, so he usually doesn't go to bed until anywhere between 1AM and 4AM. You would think that I'd be in a dead-sleep by then, but his snoring is so loud it still wakes me up every night.

TL;DR: Boyfriend snores every night so I'm thinking about getting a separate bed

I left his toxic ass (lemmit.online)
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Throwawaycocogirl on 2023-10-06 20:30:17.

So, my(28F) Boyfriend(30M) told me to go to a cafe so we could chat and have a little date, and I was excited because I wanted to tell him some good news. We met up and were having a good time, and I told him that I quit my old job because I was hired at Head Start, and I was to start on the 16th of this month. I felt that I was shining bright, and I thought he would get excited for me but all he did was have a deadpan face and told me in the coldest way “Congrats” I knew immediately something was wrong and I asked him. He told me that for the past weeks, he had been thinking about our relationship and how it feels monogamous and very much the same and that were better off ending our relationship. I was not shocked or surprised, and he didn’t like my reaction or when I said OK. He asked what was wrong with me and I told him that I was thinking of ways to break up with him.

He was shocked, and I then explained that I started to fall out of love with him the moment that he started listening to those alpha male podcasts, when he would body shame me (I am slim thick hourglass), how I should straighten my hair (2c/3a curly hair), how I should wear his favorite colors (white & pink I hate them), how I should give up on my dreams, and how I wanted to kill him after he made fun of me for going to sing happy birthday to my late brother ( I go to his grave to sing him happy birthday). He was wide-eyed and couldn’t find anything else to say I also told him that my landlord would like the key back since he needs it for his new tenant, he gave it back quickly because he's afraid of him (don’t know why). I told him that I missed what we had before his disgusting attitude changed because of the podcast, and I also told him that I told his family and friends the reason for our breakup (so he doesn’t twist the story). When I got up to leave, he said to me that without him I won’t be ok I told him back that it was alright, it's ok that I would be so much better without you. I left with my head held high and looking towards a new future. So, I advise to everyone please walk away from the toxicity and never look back.

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