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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/CrystallineEyes on 2024-04-10 01:42:47.

I've heard this a few times over the past year or so, mostly on social media, thank god, but some people I know have said similar things. Wow. I absolutely hate it. The idea is that cis men who get insecure about not being strong or tall enough, or the opposite in cis women, are experiencing gender dysphoria.

Wanting to conform to gendered expectations of your sex is Extremely Normal and expected, as well as generally encouraged by society. Being trans, and having the desperate desire for the OPPOSITE sexual characteristics is Extremely Not Normal, requires intervention and is the source of great suffering, alienation and discrimination. How you could think to compare the two is just beyond belief to me. I'm sorry for spelling out what is obvious to people here, I just feel like I need a sanity check about something that feels totally lacking in it.

If I hadn't heard this from someone I know I'd assume it's some attempt at parodying the trans community, but I guess not. I really, really hope this doesn't catch on as the next step after 'you don't need to have dysphoria to be trans'. Feeling like nobody understood the nightmare I was going through before transitioning was bad enough when people were much less aware of this mess, but being surrounded by 'queer allies' who really, really think they do but are equally as lost is so much worse.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/Elch5036 on 2024-04-08 23:02:07.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/WolverineBusiness398 on 2024-04-08 22:27:22.

At this point I don't know what to say. They also condemned surrogacy. Source down below.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/666thegay on 2024-04-08 17:40:07.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/MindlessTourist62 on 2024-04-08 16:59:13.

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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/Rare-Priority-2170 on 2024-04-08 02:14:09.

I seem to keep butting heads within the trans community just on things I thought people knew? Trans people have dysphoria over genitalia and non binary people are not trans but are gnc are the main things people keep calling me transmed for? They act like I’ve said bad things when I just a thing when these are regular views, everyone I know irl as these views, but are these really considered fringe or is it just an online problem?

That J Cole bar (i.redd.it)
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/ToSadToBeBad on 2024-04-08 06:16:37.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/Elch5036 on 2024-04-08 00:15:41.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/MindlessTourist62 on 2024-04-07 21:09:32.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/Elch5036 on 2024-04-07 22:48:30.

I’ve specifically seen a very high demographic of alt girls between 13-19 trying to gain as many minority points as possible. Leaning into every single condition/minor disability/sexuality. They possibly can to try to see more interesting and I just don’t get it.

They always claim to have so many different disabilities and sexualities and genders and have such a disadvantage life when in reality, they’re just middle-class white women living in the suburbs . People actually have all those things wrong in their life normally have bigger things to worry about.

I’m one of the very few people who actually hit all the categories of being neurodivergent, physically, disabled, trans, although special little labels, that they like to slap in their bios… it’s not that interesting. They take some weird representation of how I actually live my life and then twist it to this weird fantasy that they try to enact IRL. not only is it spread with misinformation but it’s just completely off it’s uncanny.. especially with the trans stuff. These people also live in America where they try to make excuses for every single thing in their life when there’s a pretty easy to find a solution for. It’s the most annoying thing in the world. And then the same people automatically assume that if you disagree with them, you’re in a lucky situation, you’re rich, and you’re basically a “straight white man” to them. It’s the weirdest fucking thing I cannot stress that enough.

I have an unsupported family. They would rip out my hair and physically touch me, and it made me extremely uncomfortable to make sure that was not binding. That is what I would consider unsafe environment to be trans, yet I still do everything I can to pass. Dressed like a male, act like one, still grow body hair, ect… it was to the point where I would get grounded if somebody would call me a boy or my chosen name but I still did it because that’s who I am. I’m not giving that up just because other people do not like it. No matter how dangerous it might be. Because I know if it don’t put myself in danger with them, I’m gonna be a danger of myself if I can’t transition. I understand legal/medical things blocking you from transitioning, but social things are no excuse. Especially when these people specifically do things to make themselves look female, and not feminine. There’s a difference between a feminine and a female looking man. These people don’t seem to understand that, and it pisses me off. Especially the ones who actually do have supportive families to take that for granted. I was suggested to start HRT when I was 11 years old. Almost 7 years later, I’m still not able to because of my parents. Because of the legal wall of me because I don’t have a parent to sign for consent.

They will never understand what we go through.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/ToSadToBeBad on 2024-04-07 06:06:22.

So I again I seen a video made my Blaire white and this time was about Dylan Mulvaney. Blaire was talking about the fact why people have a problem with Dylan winning a woman of the year award. She stated Dylan is a trans woman not a woman, she said there should be a separate trans woman award. Blair stated her self that she isn’t a woman , she is a trans woman and people who say otherwise is lying to her. Any-thoughts?

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/ToSadToBeBad on 2024-04-07 04:04:36.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/666thegay on 2024-04-07 02:28:33.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/BookieBonanza on 2024-04-06 23:59:20.

I am FTM. Without disclosing many personal details, I just started work at a women’s clothing store. The training has all been female-centric, from the color scheme to the wording, and implying that I am a potential customer. The staff is all women. They’re all welcoming and kind towards me, and believe I’m a biological man. But the discussion of bras/breasts (one of the common products we offer) has been a way bigger issue for me than I believed it would be. I thought I was far enough in my transition that being around these things would be no big deal, like it is for most biological men. At the most, I thought it would be weird to be so close to women’s garments the same way it would be for immature guys. But this is way worse.

I started having anxiety and felt sick during my third shift there. My pay is good, the job is easy, and the employees are all so nice. But working here makes me feel as though I’m being put into the female category, even though it’s as a man. I don’t want to be a “womanly man.” I may have effeminate mannerisms, but this is proving I am NOT comfortable being girly or feminine like a lot of gay men are. I thought I could handle it but I hate it.

What do I do?! I don’t have a second job and I’m only a week into this one. How should I talk to the management about this issue? SHOULD I talk to the management about this issue? Can I find a way to better fit the job, or should I jump ship ASAP? I’m leaning towards quitting, but I really need to have a different job lined up first. Please let me know if you have any advice for at least being okay with this job while I search for another solution.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/cancrimson on 2024-04-06 19:13:51.

A bunch of us gay and bi trans men have got fed up of our spaces being flooded by nondysphoric "trans men" that constantly bash men and masculinity. It can be pretty isolating being both MLM and trans, so I made a server for us to connect with eachother, without fear of being told phallo is transphobic or some bullshit.

It's 16+ but there is a private channel for NSFW stuff for 18+ members. You're also welcome to join if your partner is a trans man. Hope to see you guys there

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/J-Ant28 on 2024-04-06 16:23:10.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/ToSadToBeBad on 2024-04-06 12:03:26.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/ToSadToBeBad on 2024-04-06 06:44:15.

I don’t understand why I can’t just be a man?, someone told me “your not a man”, “your a trans man”, my whole week was going good, but that statement hurt me so bad cause it’s making me think I will never be a man, so what’s the point of being on earth. I hate this with a passion . I just wanna be a man nothing else please.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/ToSadToBeBad on 2024-04-06 02:11:23.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/arsoninaforest on 2024-04-05 19:10:44.

so guys this is a small vent and i need some advice because i really dont know what to do.

i am a 18 year old transsexual woman from austria. i've experienced sex dysphoria since i was a little child, came out at 15 but had to wait two years for hrt since the waiting lists are endless. i paid for my own theraphists that arent covered by insurance to shorten the wait times. i've basically felt crippling dysphoria my entire life.

there's a person in my friendgroup, we are not really friends but my best friend is pretty close with him, so i have to see him from time to time.

we'll call him F. F is nineteen, a tucute, has absolutely no dysphoria and says he is transgender. quote: "i want to be a woman with big tits and a huge cock". he is into women, says he is a lesbian, but also somehow identifies as nonbinary at the same time. he is 6'0, has a beard, green hair and doesnt even tuck. and he walks into womens restrooms like that.

he called me out several times for misgendering and deadnaming him, asked me for sex multiple times, constantly tries to talk me out of bottom surgery,- quote: "embrace your girldick" like man, no. i have dysphoria, i am actually trans, i am not even able to date because of this dysphoria.

so long story short: he got his estrogen prescribtion (?) today, after three years of theraphy and hopping around several theraphists because nobody wanted to write him a diagnosis for transsexuality. one time he asked me what he has to say, in order to get a diagnosis. i didnt tell him of course. who tf lies to doctors wtf

i'm really fed up from all of this, F makes me extremely mad and spamtexted me because he got his estrogen, basically telling me stuff like "see, you dont need dysphoria to be trans, i am the same as you" all the time.

i dont know what to do. i wanna break contact with him but i am afraid that i'll lose contact with my best friend as well so i have really mixed feelings, because she is literally the best friend i have ever had in my life, and we've been friends for ages.

sorry for this long rant but i had to get this out somewhere.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/LRASshifts on 2024-04-05 18:43:16.

I’m going private and will probably be able to start T within the next 6 months.

It’s a much shorter waiting time compared to the NHS but still I feel like sometimes I simply cannot endure more of it.

I am certain that I am transexual because the dysphoria I experience is just textbook, I am described as a stereotypical straight man by friends. Everything is just natural and right about being a man. It always has been like this. Even when I was a kid and was dressed like a girl people always made comments about how much I am a tomboy and even constantly joked about how I should have been born a boy.

Still, as authentic as I know I am, when alone, imposter syndrome still hits me occasionally. My mind just doubts itself, are you really really really trans? Or are you just an attention-seeker? Are you just lying to yourself and everyone else? It constantly beats me down even though I know I’m not faking it.

I know it’s a common problem for even man post-transition or stealth ones, but the feeling is just very distressing to experience. I can’t really talk about it irl because others won’t understand as I am the only transexual I know in my social groups.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/ToSadToBeBad on 2024-04-05 10:58:42.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/666thegay on 2024-04-05 10:10:51.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/666thegay on 2024-04-05 10:08:30.

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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/GoofyGooberGlibber on 2024-04-05 04:08:50.

I keep seeing posts in reddits unrelated that have a comment or question about being trans (or gender, in general).

I'm part of an asexuality sub for funsies. I want to know what trhe discussion is. I see a post today from someone griping about their sister's transphobia, and how can they better educate her on the subject of gender?

Great, homie, I'm real sorry your sister is that way. But what the hell does asexuality have to do with being trans? Other than because you have the whole queer community at gunpoint rn?

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