submitted 21 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey Sky kids ✨

We recently experienced a few issues that led to an in-game experience that's not at the level we strive for it to be.

We wanted to offer a quick thanks for bearing with us while we worked to sort things out. Your kind words and supportive memes always mean a lot to us. 💕

Oh, and be sure to access Sky and check your inbox. 🥰

submitted 19 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I did experience some issues (getting stuck in the welcome to aviary loop, not being able to get list of dailies or complete them, server crashes), but was still able to get most of my candles during that time, but I know many people weren't able to play at all for a few days, and I think most people myself included, had given up on getting candles back so this is a pleasant surprise, but I can understand why people who couldn't log in at all won't be happy, this really doesn't cover their loss.

Still.. Free candles, whoop whoop 😂😂

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

They make it easy, with such a stunning world!

I really should go back to carrying my in game camera around more.. 🤔

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi fellow Lemmineers....Lemmings....Lemurs!

If you too are in awe of Sky's awesome flight mechanics and want to go deeper, or if you just want to collect candles faster, here are a few more flying techniques that should help you fulfill both of those needs and master the skies! This guide is tailored towards mobile controls, but these should all be doable on a controller and m&k as well.

Cloud boosting

While clouds are mostly known as a way to recharge our wings, they can also be used to propel ourselves forwards at greater speeds than the normal flying speed.

  1. Fly into a cloud at a downward angle.
  2. At a certain depth, the cloud will propel your Skykid outwards. Try to get a feel for what the best angle of entry is for each cloud, as different cloud formations can have different depths.
  3. Generally, the faster or deeper you're able to dive into a cloud, the faster it will propel your Skykid outwards.

Vertical flying

A great way to reach high places. In comparison to circling upwards or flapping upwards, this greatly increases the heights you can reach, while also using less wing power and getting there faster.

  1. Initiate a slide (e.g. by jumping forwards a few times).
  2. While in a sliding state, flap your wings once to lift off the ground.
  3. Pull back on the left joystick and keep pulling back.
  4. Switch to the gliding mode.
  5. Flap your wings.

Steps 2-5 should be executed moderately quickly and the execution order is important. If you start pulling back before lifting off the ground it will fail. Same goes if you switch to the gliding mode before pulling back. But this also means that you don't have to execute them at the same time, so don't stress yourself trying to get it in under 0.1ms like a GTA cheat code. Focus instead on getting the order right. If you do everything right, you'll be gliding vertically with two fingers pressed on your screen, one holding the left joystick down, and one pressing on the right joystick to flap upwards.

No-run-up vertical flying

The basic vertical flying is great, but much like an airplane our Skykid needs a long-enough runway to jump a few times and lift off. That isn't always possible, especially in places like Vault of Knowledge with its small floating platforms. This variation instead relies on another movement technique that allows you to enter a sliding state with minimal space.

  1. Initiate a "stretch". To do that, press and hold with your finger on your Skykid until it starts crouching. While still holding, stretch your Skykid to the right by dragging your finger in that direction until the white circle at its feet fills up. Keep holding.
  2. Now with your left finger, flick the left joystick to the opposite direction you've stretched, so in this example flick to the left.
  3. Your Skykid will appear to briefly "moonwalk" on the ground. You can now let go of all inputs and if you move forwards, your Skykid will slide.
  4. Execute steps 2-5 of the normal vertical flying routine above.

Mid-air vertical flying

Now I hear you saying: "You're so cool I wish I could be like you!!". That's great, but isn't there something else you wanted to know? "Well, sometimes I don't want to slow down and do all that preparing, I want to execute it mid-air". You're in luck because that's possible too! Think of the slide like a charge. If you manage to lift off the ground while sliding, you will continue to have a slide charge available until you touch the ground again. This means you can execute the rest of the steps whenever and wherever you want as long as you haven't touched the ground.

  1. While sliding on the ground, flap once and lift off.
  2. Fly as you normally would, but do not touch the ground. Mantas and Jellyfins are okay.
  3. To initiate a mid-air vertical flight, execute steps 2-5 of the normal vertical flying routine above.

In the example gif, after exiting the tunnel I briefly "crash-land" on the ground to get a slide going, then lift off the ground and continue my candle run. Notice that I never touch the ground. After having cleared the cave and being out in the open, I initiate a vertical flight mid-air to make my way to the top of the mountain.

Air hopping

Flying is pretty forgiving in Sky. But there are nonetheless situations where you need to fight against strong winds, make adjustments on the fly or preserve your wing power. In Eden, all three of those apply. In such situations, air hopping (I don't know what to call this -_-) can be helpful. Air hopping refers to using the left joystick to hop like you normally can on the ground, except it's used while hovering in the air. While the distance you can cover with air hopping remains unchanged in comparison to simply pushing the joystick in that direction, you move at a higher speed, can resist stronger winds, can change directions much more abruptly, all while not using any wing power.

  1. Start flying.
  2. Enter hover mode.
  3. Flick your left joystick in your chosen direction multiple times to air hop.

In the example gif, I gain height by gliding against the wind currents, but it is only thanks to air hopping that I can actually move forwards against the wind currents and pick up speed to be able glide again, gain height, and so forth.

And that's it. Let me know if this is useful and if I should do a part 2. Also, since this is my first guide, any suggestions or critiques are welcome, even more so if it's a technique that I didn't mention!

And remember to fly responsibly🪽

P.S. If you struggle to learn these or simply learn better with a co-pilot, I can add you! I'm currently trying to re-learn these on controller so we'll both be starting from scratch :)

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The Guide from Season of Shattering will appear in Home and the Aviary Village event shop. ✨

My first* photo from Sky (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Finally got all my Sky screenshots from my phone on to my pc so I can look through them properly, might post my favourites here. I'm slow enough at getting things done that hopefully it won't be spammy, but if it is, let me know lol

So anyway, this was one of the first friends I made who wasn't also a moth, they took me under their wing lol, even traded hearts for a while, but they slowly logged on less and less, and I haven't seen them at all in a couple of weeks now, which is sad. They always had the best outfits, and I'm looking like such a moth 😂😂

*Technically my second, but the first was just of the gate to Prairie Cave, that I needed to figure out what spirits I was missing to get through 😂

E: Also from this game, not when I first played, gonna have to see if I have any screens from way back then 🤔

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Maybe it's time to solve a riddle or two. ❓ Looks at all the paper lanterns, all shiny and bright. 🏮 It can only mean it's time for Days of Moonlight! ✨

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(image stolen from reddit)

I get that there have been hackers who have exploited the shared camera memories to glitch through whole realms at a time (they aren't even efficient - an in game friend who was carrying me used them a few times, and you have to repeat each at least 3 times to get all the candles lit, it's without a doubt faster to just run it), but surely they can tell the difference between those and the ones that just open a door, and address the hackers' "exploits" without removing a feature that they created and enabled and have allowed to exist for so long it has become essential to solo players.

The fact that they've removed the camera memories but not the chibi fall tells you they're not actually bothered at all about players taking shortcuts, as long as they've spent currency to be able to do it, and as long as it doesn't help others who you aren't carrying or who don't happen to have the mask/spell/will to be tiny.

So this is entirely about removing community driven support that exclusively helps solo players make the grind a teeny tiny bit easier, at zero cost or harm to TGC (the 5-30 minutes you have to wait for other players to help literally gains them nothing), and when there are numerous and frequent game breaking bugs and issues that they aren't addressing because they're not accidentally making playing easier.

My biggest takeaway from TGC's behaviour is that I'm so fucking glad I never gave them any money, and it ensures that I never will, because if I had, I'd be so upset at how they function (or don't) it might have been enough for me to quit completely.

Vent over

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

🛠️ Hotfix 🛠️

🔷 White Candles can be used again while using the carry interaction with a friend

🔷 Fixed an issue with the carry interaction that prevented players from being able to walk in a straight line

🔷 Fixed an issue where the Sunlight Beach Shorts would glitch the walking animation and make it look like your knees hurt. Your knees feel better now.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi there, moths! I'm in love with this game's dreamy, floaty aesthetic and I want to explore it someday. I am a little afraid it'll have free-to-play game tendencies and demand more time or money than I want to give it. Should I be worried about playing it as a filthy casual moth?

This artwork's original source is 下次再相见时,一起去水母飞舞的夜空中赏月吧 by Claudiaaa叶蓟: Weibo, Twitter, Instagram

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Players who have visited Valley of Triumph ✔️, and at least started the 3rd quest from the Hopeful Steward in Aviary Village, can relive this Spirit’s memories at the Vault of Knowledge & collect their beloved expression.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This event is all about finding peace beneath the stars. ✨

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sky Kids! 🕯️

From September 9th - 29th at 11:59 pm PDT (UTC -7) you can enjoy Double Light in Seasonal Candle clusters, and double Treasure Candles scattered across two realms each day.

Find all eight for an extra boost to your Candle run. 💫

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A Traveling Spirit will be visiting Sky on September 12th!

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We understand that recent server issues affected your Days of Sunlight experience and Seasonal Candle collection.

To make up for the lost Light, we're extending the planned Double Seasonal Light and Double Treasure Light event by 13 additional days!

📅 September 9th - 29th at 23:59 PDT (UTC -7)

Thank you all Sky kids for your patience through this time. 🙏

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

To make sure that all Sky kids can enjoy the full duration of Days of Sunlight, the event will be extended until the following date: september 13 6:58 GMT. The date and time above reflects the ending of Days of Sunlight in your current time zone (September 12th, at 23:59 PDT (UTC -7)!

Keep enjoying your time with the Spirits and collecting popsicles at the Elevated Clearing!

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

From September 16th through 29th, the Guide from Season of Shattering will appear in Home and the Aviary Village event shop.

Check with this Spirit to access the two ancient memories and unlock items originally from this Season!

Through the Void of Shattering, you'll also be able to check your progress on Season of Shattering Quests. To complete those quests, clear the Darkness that appears when Shard Eruptions of varying strength fall in the realms.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello Sky kids,

We recognize that the server errors this week made it hard to get ready to meet the Earth Prophet.

So, to make sure everyone can get the most of their time with this Traveling Spirit, we’re pleased to extend their visit until Sep. 5th, 23:59 PDT (UTC-7).

Our team continues to look into the full impact of the issues that affected many of you earlier this week. We appreciate your patience as we work towards steps to address that impact.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Floating around in Sky? Count us in!

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello Sky kids,

We're aware some players are currently having issues loading the game due to server issues. Our team is aware of it and currently investigating.

Thank you for your patience. We apologize for any inconvenience.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am 100% confident that I had collected all of the WL on the map after doing Eden this week (apart from trials), and was at 149 buffs knowing I just need todays shard to get to 150, but as part of my daily run I've just flown through Isle, and to my surprise, there was a WL waiting for me at the top of the hill/steps heading to the temple.

I collected it and am now at 150, definitely hadn't lost any in the last few days, so what's going on?

There has been a bugged WL on the map at Isle for absolute ages, I wonder if it has anything to do with an attempted fix? (E: just checked the nearest map shrine, and the WL indicator for Isle is gone, so this might be it!)

Either way, worth having a look, in case it isn't just me!

submitted 4 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

See the patch notes for more info.

▶️ Or watch the recording of yesterday's Patch Notes Reading with Tio and Tethys: https://youtube.com/live/QUOW4d8sI-g

submitted 4 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We are aware of the following bugs that are ongoing or were introduced with the arrival of Patch 0.26.5:

🔹 When wearing the swim trunks from Days of Sunlight, the walking animation on the legs may appear warped.

🔹 **[Nintendo Switch for Hong Kong, Japan, and Korea] **Due to a processing delay, Days of Sunlight IAP will not be available for purchase the first several days of the event. They should be available by the end of the week.

🔹 The icon colors in the emote wheel may not display correctly.

🔹 Players may experience issues with walking straight when carrying friends piggyback.

🔹 Players may freeze after collecting the third fragment of the Season of Duets quest 4.

🔹 [Android] Players may crash when accepting a feedback survey after purchasing an IAP.

🔹 [Huawei] Players may experience a black screen or crash after purchasing an IAP.

We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience these may cause while we work to resolve them in a future update.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

🕯️ Double Light Event

☀️ Days of Sunlight

👀 Updates to Daily Quests

❤️ New Feature: Favoriting Emotes

👉 Join Tio & Tethys for a Patch Notes Reading stream today at 0h00 gmt! They will be live on YouTube, Twitch, and TikTok.

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Sky: Children of the Light

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Community about the game « Sky: Children of the Light », created by ThatGameCompany for iOS, Android, Nintendo Switch, PS4/5, PCs

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