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Discussion of MySQL and assistance for MySQL related questions.

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/N1KH17 on 2023-08-18 06:08:44+00:00.

Soo , context . I had installed MySQL back in 2021 , for my college lectures, used it for about 3 months and uninstalled it later as I thought I would never need it again .

Now I'm trying to install MySQL, it's asking me to enter a root password , I don't remember that . I tried looking up some solutions . They ask you to go to services and look for MySQL but the problem is that it isn't installed yet so it won't show up in services .

Is there a way to solve it or should I give up and use some alternative?

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/adkud on 2023-08-17 17:32:08+00:00.

I've had this problem in two separate stacks on two separate versions of mysql (5.7 and 8.0). I build REST APIs and often there's a pattern where a request writes some data to the db, then client gets that back and immediately makes a request again that assumes the data is there. But sporadically the newly written data will not be visible for up to a second or so later. The first request commits the transaction. I've tried different transaction isolation levels. I've written code on the second request that will wait for the expected data to become visible. But what gives here? I thought once a transaction is committed, all subsequent reads should see the new data.

I'm not using a read replica, I'm sure the transaction is committed because I manually commit it in the orm , and I'm not using any asynchronous operations.

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/Revolutionary_Use587 on 2023-08-17 13:22:19+00:00.

I have allocated 40 GB memory out of 64 GB to innodb_buffer_pool_size variable so what should be the idle max_allowed_package size ?

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/Ascentii_0 on 2023-08-16 20:49:50+00:00.

Looking for MySQL User Group or mentor in Hampton Roads Virginia [Chesapeake VA, Norfolk VA, Virginia Beach VA]. We have Microsoft SQL User Group and Python User Groups but no MySQL groups.

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/Bulky_Photograph_299 on 2023-08-16 19:39:09+00:00.

I have spring boot project with mysql db. the database have about 10 columns( all string, nothing heavy) and I don't expect to have that many users at least for first 4-5 months. So, I was looking for any mysql host that has a decent free tier. I was looking into Heroku, seems like the cheapest they have is $10/mon. no free trier.

just for context, the project involves a user uploading up to 4 pictures and some text inputs. Then, simply display them on the frontend. I am thinking of storing the actual image in a file system and the image path in the database. So, the db should be fairly light.

Any mysql host you suggest giving a shot and and any file system(was looking into amazon s3 but it seems an overkill for my case)

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/GreatScott1973 on 2023-08-16 17:45:21+00:00.

I have set up a MySQL server to replace a backend MS Access database. I created the dan file and can successfully link the tables directly on the server. However, when I try to connect the other computers in the office I get a -7745 error. I have successfully set up a similar setup in other locations without issue.

The error itself doesn't provide any additional details. Any help with this error would be greatly appreciated.

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/YouWereDumb on 2023-08-16 11:50:58+00:00.

Could someone help with this. This is happening in SqlYog.

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/4r73m190r0s on 2023-08-16 07:42:51+00:00.

I have created some connections via Workbench following some tutorial. Was wondering is it possible to see those connections and their parameters using MySQL CLI ?

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/pedrofranca22 on 2023-08-15 18:39:23+00:00.

I have 3 variables that should change when I send a form. Two are dates, one is a number. How can I change it with the form? The table is already being displayed correctly on the page, but the values should change accordingly to the variables.

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/boolwizard on 2023-08-15 16:07:20+00:00.

Say I have a column named ‘dates’ that is made up of group_concat dates.

An example of a single row:

2023-01-01, 2023-02-01, 2023-01-01

Is there a way to have that column act as a list?

This is essentially the query i’m trying to figure out:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE ‘2023-01-01’ NOT IN dates

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/triplesecman on 2023-08-15 14:25:11+00:00.

Running a Macbook with Ventura 13.5. Trying to find the install directory of MySQLWorkbench so I can change the profile I'm using for my DB.

Also, if there's a simpler way to change the logged in profile from a basic user to an admin profile (both profiles already exist) I'd appreciate the help.

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/derjanni on 2023-08-15 14:07:23+00:00.

The original post: /r/travel by /u/frog786 on 2024-05-13 04:32:12.

Flying through Auckland on Air New Zealand, to get to Sydney Australia. Immediately following the stay in Sydney I'm going to New Zealand and entering as a visitor for a few weeks. On the NZeTA it asks if you are transiting or entering- and the answer in my case is both.... do I need 2 NZeTAs? (one for the transit and one for the entrance) or will the entrance one cover both?

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/Morpheous-999 on 2023-08-15 05:06:35+00:00.

I am using Ubuntu 22.04

Is there a way I can undo the changes that I made after I made bad choice with y/n question during the period of running sudo mysql_secure_installation?

I tried closing terminal midway and opening it again but the damage is already done.

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/GroundbreakingRide97 on 2023-08-14 17:58:27+00:00.

I am getting this error:

dyld: Symbol not found: __ZTTNSt3__118basic_stringstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE

Referenced from: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql (which was built for Mac OS X 12.0)

Expected in: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib

in /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql

zsh: abort mysql

how do you fix this?

Home security (
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/homelab by /u/o0_kaizen_0o on 2024-05-09 23:17:51.

For context: So recently bought a house that came with a home securityl system. It's a little Dell system. But I'm trying to find an application that similar To teamviewer that I can use the secretly used the computer without anyone else knowing that I'm using it

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/Dull-String945 on 2023-08-13 01:07:16+00:00.

We just got the licence for this tool. I was asked to set up an alerts.

Could you please suggest me how to start on it? If I should set up custom queries to alert on disk/ tablespace usage ..etc.

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/Dull-String945 on 2023-08-13 00:52:10+00:00.

mysql> show master status \G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

File: mysql-bin.003037

Position: 463484365



Executed_Gtid_Set: 44bb99b2-d23e-11ea-8cd3-42010a5b0009:1-5045690612,




1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show slave status \G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event


Master_User: replication_user

Master_Port: 3306

Connect_Retry: 60

Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.032475

Read_Master_Log_Pos: 222977268

Relay_Log_File: mao-sql-production-relay-bin.073606

Relay_Log_Pos: 222451693

Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.032475

Slave_IO_Running: Yes

Slave_SQL_Running: Yes


Replicate_Ignore_DB: mysql,performance_schema,information_schema




Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table: mysql.%,performance_schema.%,information_schema.%

Last_Errno: 0


Skip_Counter: 0

Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 222451520

Relay_Log_Space: 222977748

Until_Condition: None


Until_Log_Pos: 0

Master_SSL_Allowed: Yes






Seconds_Behind_Master: 1

Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No

Last_IO_Errno: 0


Last_SQL_Errno: 0



Master_Server_Id: 4294967295

Master_UUID: 897c72f1-e976-11e9-9016-42010a800fcb

Master_Info_File: mysql.slave_master_info

SQL_Delay: 0

SQL_Remaining_Delay: NULL

Slave_SQL_Running_State: Slave has read all relay log; waiting for more updates

Master_Retry_Count: 86400






Retrieved_Gtid_Set: 44bb99b2-d23e-11ea-8cd3-42010a5b0009:5004462937-5045691789

Executed_Gtid_Set: 44bb99b2-d23e-11ea-8cd3-42010a5b0009:1-5045691789,




Auto_Position: 1




1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Could anyone help me to understand if the slave is up to date with master?

I know the running paraters are YES that means then the replication status is good. Also, the SECONDS_BEHIND_MASTER is between 0 to 1 sec. But I see there is a big difference between binlog numbers from master vs slave. How could i confirm if there is a lag or not? Please advise.

  1. Slave_IO_Running: Yes

  2. Slave_SQL_Running: Yes

  3. Seconds_Behind_Master: 1

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/Eigenlumen on 2023-08-12 21:20:13+00:00.

I can't seem to figure out this error in my code. I keep loosing Mysql connection:


---conn = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='####',host='####',database='###')

---cursor = conn.cursor() \—-be except Exception:


for i in range(0, len(listdates)):

---date= listdates[i]


------query = ("SELECT * FROM search WHERE time= %s;", (date,))


------row= cursor.fetchall()

---except Exception:


The error is this: "error: mysql.connector.errors.OperationalError: 2055: Lost connection to MySQL server at '', system error: Connection not available."

I had no issue looping through executions in other parts of the code and I can execute this command if not in a loop. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I tried closing the cursor inside the loop but that did not help.

Any help would greatly be appreciated as I have to add this last thing to a project and am pretty burnt out from coding. I must be making a very dumb syntax error somewhere.

Thanks for reading.

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/Saro2003_ on 2023-08-12 10:16:16+00:00.

hello guys, while connecting to the database I encounter a crash that does not allow me to access my db.

I'm currently working on MacOS Ventura 13.5.

Can someone help me?

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/PM_SOMETHING_NICE3 on 2023-08-11 21:35:06+00:00.

Lets say I have three tables; matches, teams and players, and I want to select all matches where ronaldo or messi has played and then get these matches including all teams and players data not just ronaldo and messi, how do I do that?

I tried:

select *
    matches m
        inner join
    teams t
        on t.matches_matchId = m.matchId
        inner join 
    participants p
        on p.matches_matchId = m.matchId
  where = 'ronaldo' or = 'messi';

and that returns only messi and ronaldo participants not all players, how do I return all players in those matches but still limit the matches to the ones where messi and ronaldo played.

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/UpperDelay6105 on 2023-08-11 18:49:24+00:00.

hello everyone,

right now I am doing full backups of my mysql servers using percona xtrabackup, each an every night. it has been suggested that I use incremental backups, but I don't understand how that would help me. here's my situation:

  1. sunday - full backup, not prepared
  2. monday - incremental backup
  3. tuesday - incremental backup
  4. wednesday - oh no, the server has crashed and I must rebuild. but I can't use my incremental backups because they are not prepared, and they must be prepared before they can used to restore the server. but I can't prepare them, b/c the server has died, never to return.

what am I missing here? I'm tired of doing full backups every night, but it seems to be the only way to guarantee that I can restore a crashed server.


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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/epiduralvividly on 2023-08-11 18:16:10+00:00.

I screen recorded a video to exactly show how it happens but then you cant upload photos and videos here so ill try my best to explain. okay ive added an imagur link i hope that's okay if its not please let me know ill remove it.

i can access the mysql option at the end of the settings in my mac and i clicked 'start my SQL server' as usual entered my mac password and it turned on.....

until it turned off again and on again and it keeps doing this... the green light keeps turning on and off and i dont know what to do

imagur link:

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/Nic3up on 2023-08-11 16:17:27+00:00.

The contractor responsible for the development of a webapp in my company is claiming that our community license of mysql can only utilize 4GB ram and 1 Core of the CPU. Their webapp is having performance issues (mysql spikes to a %100 CPU usage every now and then, freezing the webapp, and the issue is "fixed" by restarting the process) and they claim that the hardcap might be the reason for the spike, and the solution will be to buy a license that costs something like $25k. He says that this license will enable us to use 5 cores of the server.

Now, i know that that's bs because i was a developer before i joined this company. But management is going through with it. And i have a dilemma, should i tell my manager that the license thing is bs? Or should i just pretend to hear nothing?

For context, the contractor is definitely experienced, and i would be surprised if they believe their own story. This contactor has a very long relationship with my company too, they know everyone long before i joined. And they even invited the managers to a wedding one time. I'm also responsible for QAing their webapp, so i do have a role in their development process. But not for licencing and such things.

Man the corporate life is so weird. Or is that just how sales meetings go in large companies?

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The original was posted on /r/mysql by /u/vanke on 2023-08-11 11:39:14+00:00.

Sorry if AWS RDS related stuff doesn't belong here but I guessed, oh well it's still MYSQL right?

Nonetheless here's what's happening

I was just trying to running a migration as usual when I encountered the following error

Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user 'admin'@'%' to database 'mydatabase'

Started yesterday after an minor upgrade to mysql to, might be a coincidence but nothing was changed on rds and or it's users.

I started to think that this minor upgrade led to loss of privileges but I ran SHOW GRANTS for admin and it came back like this:


Apparently it should be working just fine, tried to create a new user with the same grants, came back the same error, flushed privileges and even rebooted RDS to no avail.

Prior to that (the minor upgrade) my rds instance was running low on storage, which I increased but the problem still persists.

Any ideas what could be happening?

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