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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/-Edvis on 2023-08-19 21:41:24+00:00.

Sveiki, galbūt kažkas žinote kur Kaune būtu galima rasti coin pusher žaidimo automatus?

The original post: /r/homelab by /u/LMASSUCCI on 2024-05-20 22:19:16.

Guys, I specialize in engineering and data science. I'm doing a post in Data Architecture.

I was addicted to games and have always been enthusiastic, as a result I have a very good ASUS TUF motherboard (supports ECC) with 3 or 4 nvme inputs and if I'm not mistaken 6 SATA inputs. AMD Ryzen™ 9 7950X processor with WC and 11 Fans, cabinet with only 2 hd bays and they are free



1 SSD 240GB

DDR5 5600 2x32 RAM = 64GB NON-ECC

RTX 4070TI 12GB

I also have a legion Y540 notebook with 16gb ram, 2060 TI 6GB and 120 nvme + 1tb sdd, this notebook I'm testing truenas and it was sitting here.

And I have a company laptop, which I can also work with normally.

My Goals: Get a truenas and host everything from plex, nextcloud, Minio (my S3 lakehouse) or HDFS, VPN (censorship is increasing here), airflow, metabase, grafana and others, let flow of data pypelines with spark running, jupternotebook, train models test architectures and etc ...

My biggest frustration today is having a PC of this size and not taking advantage of everything, since I make models and pipelines sometimes personal and I have nowhere to host and etc, that is, I end up not using the machine 100%, and I'm tired of paying onedrive too.

I'd like your experience and help to get the setup in the best possible way.... for example... using the PC as a server,

i'm thinking of leaving it at 128GB ram, given the quality of theirs i'm thinking of buying + 64 GB non ecc instead of trying to sell them and buy a 128 ECC kit

I'm thinking of buying another 4tb SSD

and make a raid where I would add 2 SSDS 8TB and leave + 2 HDDS 16TB.

I don't know how to make the best use of the read and write rates and how to have the most space possible, since I've seen combinations with 3 HDS that leave 2 HDS free.

Can you help me with alternatives for the best setup, what new parts to buy, use the notebook in a dock with a monitor and leave this PC as a server or create a new server? remembering that computing power for the data area usually benefits from heavy-duty harware with higher clocks since they demand a lot of execution time.

I don't have a very big budget, I want to try to make the most of it without spending another 20k on a new computer. If the NON ECC ddr5 memory doesn't make a big difference to me, it's more advantageous to keep them and buy another 64.

ps: tech stuff in brazil is very expensive. it's hard to find anyone else with the same setup as me.


The original post: /r/homelab by /u/MarvinandCatto on 2024-05-20 22:02:11.
T430 Build advice (
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/homelab by /u/bartonprime on 2024-05-20 21:54:37.

Hey everyone , just seeking a bit of advice .

I currently have a t630 with 32gb ram running WS2019 , its hosts my plex and the all the Arrs , with 32TB (8x4TB) dual Xeon 2620 v2s

I also just picked up a t430 with the same specs but has the v4 processors, now I would like to try my hand a proxmox, and then run TrueNAS as a vm and also a firewall like Pfsense as a VM. Would I be correct in assuming this will work better with an extra dual NIC card (1x wan, 1x lan , 2x trueNAS for bandwidth ?)

I’m thinking if I like this new setup I’ll migrate my data and take the ram from the existing server to beef it up .

Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/VR0654 on 2023-08-19 18:43:03+00:00.

Hello! Would like to visit a flea market in Vilnius (or any in Lithuania even if it’s 300 km from Vilnius). Can you please suggest some good with addresses and working hours?

Thank you!

The original post: /r/homelab by /u/CaptainTXS on 2024-05-20 19:54:25.

Got myself a Brocade 6450-48P Switch to replace my HP Procurve. I'm having a bit of trouble setting up VLANs. I have several VLANs configured on my OPNSENSE router, mainly for my WiFi access point, which runs three separate SSIDs. I followed the setup guide from Fohdeesha for the switch.

I've tried adding different VLANs using other guides and tagging the ports, but I'm still facing issues. The main reason I got this switch was to use 10G fiber and reduce the cable clutter by consolidating interfaces over that line.

How do I set up the trunk for those VLANs to route back to my switch via the fiber connection?

How do I properly configure a trunk port on the Brocade switch to handle multiple VLANs over the fiber connection?

I am attempting to use VLANS to replicate my diagram below. Thank you in advance for any assistance.


My Ideal VLAN network

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/kabelistas on 2023-08-19 17:13:45+00:00.

Gal kažkur imanoma pažiurėt garfilda su šapro igarsinimu?

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/Faded16 on 2023-08-19 16:39:32+00:00.

Gal turit kas žinių kas atstovavo Lietuvą ir kokiais būdais gavo progą sudalyvauti?:)

Jeigu teisingai mačiau, lyg ir mergina atstovavo mūsų šaliai.

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/sanwictim on 2023-08-19 16:13:19+00:00.

The original post: /r/oddlysatisfying by /u/Traxxastrx4mlover on 2024-05-20 00:25:46.
Rudi centai (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/MvFury on 2023-08-19 09:53:30+00:00.

Sveiki, smulkius pinigus kaupiu taupyklėje, o kaip juos stambinti? Nešti į banką? Spaudoje lyg rašo, kad šis procesas yra galvos skausmas. Kas su tuo esat susidūręs, kokie patarimai?

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/priimu on 2023-08-19 08:56:09+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/Accountant_Just on 2023-08-19 08:56:09+00:00.

Matau, kad važiuojant link Dzūkijos pilna pakelėj stovi ir pardavinėja, bet nežinau kur nusipirkti tiesiog Vilniuje, kad būtų šviežios ir skanios. Turguje kokiam? Labai užsimaniau pietum :D

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/fjundzer on 2023-08-19 08:03:01+00:00.

Gal kas gali parekomenduot pabėgimo kambarių Kaune? Žais suaugę žmonės, tai norėtųsi ir šiokio tokio iššūkio

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/Ohyeahbeetroot on 2023-08-19 07:06:17+00:00.

Dažnai važinėju autobusu, bet nežinau, koks gi etiketas yra dėl sėdėjimo. Kadangi negaliu išsirinkt vietos autobuse, sėdu ten, kur patogiausia, nebūtinai ten, kurią vietą gaunu. Pastebėjau, kad kai kurie žmonės vis vien prašo užleist vietą, net kai jis visiškai tuščias. Tad įdomu paliko, kaip kiti yra linkę elgtis tokiose situacijose?

Jessica Shy (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/ConditionFlat1180 on 2023-08-19 07:06:15+00:00.

Ka manote apie šią atlikėja? Fire ar cap?

The original post: /r/wholesomememes by /u/Guac_sok on 2024-05-19 05:57:40.
The original post: /r/wholesomememes by /u/That_Explanation2072 on 2024-05-19 05:52:28.
The original post: /r/wholesomememes by /u/ranrandonald on 2024-05-19 05:28:28.
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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/Illustrious_Slice_56 on 2023-08-18 20:54:48+00:00.

Dabar ziuriu i rytu puse ir kas sekunde dangu zaibas nusviecia, bet jokio garso nera, nesu mates tokiu zaibu lietuvoj.. ar jie cia labai toli ar jie siaip be garso?

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/kledaras on 2023-08-18 20:38:58+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/tibukee on 2023-08-18 20:31:20+00:00.

Hey! We are visiting Vilnius for a couple of days and would like to go out to grab a few drinks. Since all of us are here for the first time, we don't know the city and would like to hear some suggestions for great bars around here. Craft beer and beer overall is not really our thing but cocktails and shots would be amazing. Thanks a lot for any recommendations!

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/Broken-Car-1094 on 2023-08-18 20:19:39+00:00.

Sveiki, kas vakarykštę ir šią naktį danguje stipriai mirksi Vilniuje?

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/Qrgon on 2023-08-18 18:36:58+00:00.


visai neturiu patirties tame klausime, todėl rašau čia. Domina asmeninės parkingo vietos išsipirkimas iš miesto savivaldybės Vilniuje. Ar tai apskritai taikoma ir įmanoma praktika? Kur kreiptis ir nuo ko pradėti? Gal žinot kokioa kainos?

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The original was posted on /r/lithuania by /u/kledaras on 2023-08-18 17:40:51+00:00.

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