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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/thexbeatboxer on 2023-08-17 16:26:23+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Eisigesis on 2023-08-17 15:22:10+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Miguel3403 on 2023-08-17 13:57:59+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/it_is_just_matt on 2023-08-17 11:37:55+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/PixelatedXenon on 2023-08-17 10:03:47+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/trollmad3 on 2023-08-17 05:06:46+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/juanfdo82465 on 2023-08-17 21:01:26+00:00.

The statements to The verge and phillip de franco really show a PR Person is taking the lead, they finally learned that lesson

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/SpaceBoJangles on 2023-08-17 20:59:18+00:00.

In the midst of this shitstorm, I find it interesting that no one is giving anyone else any shit for supporting a company that everyone acknowledged was stealing user data?

Here’s a recent clip of Waveform where they talked about loving an Anker charger:

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/lord_nuker on 2023-08-17 20:18:48+00:00.

Because the apology video felt half assed with the sponsor segment jokes, ltt store insert and even mention that Dbrand wanted to sponsor it just to monetize the video as well.

I know they said on twitter that it was in their spirit, but that spirit is what got them into the mess in the first place. Hopefully they will show us some progress next week and more than just trust me bro, because at the moment nobody in the top is trustworthy

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/ImNotDrunk12 on 2023-08-17 19:49:06+00:00.

In the GN video Steve brought up the possibility of conflict of interest that LTT may have with some sponsors.

For example, the head of labs used to work for Asus. Asus has been doing some pretty shitty thing to their customers in recent years. Asus has been so bad that JayzTwoCents drop Asus as a sponsor and I believe GN did as well.


Let's try to get LTT to actually respond to this. This is one issue that they refuse to address.

Edit: I just wanted to address this. People seem to be getting really defensive over this post. People are going after JayzTwoCents and GN for their sponsors, which is fine. If you feel JayzTwoCents or GN are being unethical, then you can expose them. My point was how anti consumer Asus has been. I don't think LMG should be promoting their products and expect to view them as the "good guys".

JayzTwoCents video

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/AStorms13 on 2023-08-17 19:48:22+00:00.

When it comes to a single person vs a corporation, the employee must be believed at first. Innocent until proven guilty applies in the legal system, but without believing the accusing party to begin with, no action, legal or otherwise, would ever be taken. It must be taken seriously and treated as if it happened. LMG would not have hired a 3rd party investigator and there would not be a response like we are seeing if we did not believe Madison and assumed she was lying, or that LMG was innocent.

This is very serious. The investigations going forward will determine what actually happened. I just want to know the truth, and don’t care which way it falls. The truth matters more than anything else.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/popejohnpie on 2023-08-17 19:34:51+00:00.

Like the post from the person posting the “emergency meeting” with 15k upvotes. Dude was here 6 months ago trying to stir up this exact drama. And in those 6 months for some reason LTT employees have gone to a no name, faceless Reddit account to share their tales of exploitation instead of … I dunno… any other real journalist?

Many of these posts reek of drama-farming, which is fine because this is Reddit… but permanently online losers like that OP in that thread are using this for their own means to launch a career. Pretty suspect if you ask me.

LTT is in a tough place, it looks like they are going go through some internal changes … at the end of the day the vast majority of the people watching will continue to watch if a new scrapyard wars drops after this drama settles down.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/JMSOG1 on 2023-08-17 17:03:52+00:00.

You won’t learn anything new from this post. You can skip it. This is just my thoughts.

In the case of Pwnage and Billet, LTT released videos, haphazardly, that could have sunk two small companies, with people who cared deeply about their work, clearly, being at risk of having their careers wrecked. In the case of Billet, they could have been ruined entirely due to the sale (auctioning, whatever) of the waterblock.

In the case of Madison, someone who’s dream job became an actual nightmare of burnout, sexual harrassment, and likely assault. This is extremely serious and horrifying.

In the case of Mindchop, the guy is dead because Linus/LMG didn’t properly manage the harrassment he was recieving until it was too late.

At LMG, even in the most damning testimony given by Madison, even they pointed out that, amongst the 100+ employees at LMG, there are so many people there who are good people, passionate about what they do. Those people are watching their company implode due to the incompitance of those above them, and the malice of a few. This is extremely heartbreaking.

Personally, 10 years ago, I learned to build computers by watching Linus’s videos. I haven’t missed a single main-channel upload in a long time, and even was inspired to go and get a minor in CompSci while I was in college. If you’re in this subreddit, you likely have similar stories. You likely were at least a fan at some point. If you weren’t…why are you here?

All of the above is to say…this is sad. This is heartbreaking. This is a serious, horriffying situation. This is how this should be treated.

And yet…people in the community are finding this entertaining? Funny? I see a lot of jokes being made about the company, a place where sexual harrassment took place. I see a lot of people cheering and find a weird amount of joy and entertainment in the downfall of LMG as a whole,a place where some good people are still employed. I see drama videos, memes, jokes…its fucked up.

the most egregious thing I saw was someone making an AI clone of madison’s voice, and having it read their twitter thread, with reaction images from Madison edited overtop in a video. Treating all of this as some kind of twisted entertainment is exactly the mindset that led to that video’s creation, and exactly what i’m trying to articulate I have a problem with here.

This is a fucked up, sad situation. Finding any positive emotion in this whole situation is hard for me to understand.

I’m personally not touching anything LMG related until I see the outside investigator’s report. If it doesn’t result in significant change, I’ll never touch anything LMG related again. But that’s me.

That’s it, that’s my unstructured, barely-edited speech. Continue on with your day.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Sythus on 2023-08-17 16:08:45+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/MoChuang on 2023-08-17 15:32:19+00:00.

I'm going to get flamed for this and I'm ready for the downvotes...

But seriously, I dont think the timing of all this is coincidental. This all happened because of one thing one employee said about HUB and GN during a tour at LTX that wasn't being recorded by LTT but by another creator, right? The Billet Labs thing is a recent event that is clearly filled with miscommunication and mismanagement, but also would have happened during peak planning of LTX.

I'm not trying to completely excuse LMG here, but I have been on teams planning science conferences and Christian conferences for 100s of people. Its exhausting and mistakes and errors are way more prevalent as people are overworked keeping up their normal workload while also planning a huge event. LTX is way bigger than any event I have ever been a part of hosting. I cant even imagine how exhausted everyone at LMG was leading up to and during the event. I could easily see something like the Billet Labs issue being totally mishandled due to miscommunication while way more pressing issues were being addressed for LTX. And I can imagine that the guy giving the labs tour was equally as exhausted and definitely shouldn't have made those comments about HUB and GN, but was probably just tired and made a mistake with very poor judgement.

On another note, the benchmark errors do not get a pass here, but to be fair, I feel like that is an entirely difference issue. Those benchmark errors need to be fixed, but this is YouTube, no one is obligated to publish accurate information. If LTT wants to become a trusted tech review source and not an entertainment group, then yeah they need to step up their game, but IMO that's not the damning part of this controversy. Its the total mismanagement of the Billet Labs issues and the PR nightmare of having an employee on camera call out other trusted sources and defame them. Both of which can be very easily explained by an exhausted overworked team planning a massive conference that they haven't hosted in many years.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/fudgepuppy on 2023-08-17 15:02:27+00:00.

I tried embedding the tweet in the post, but I couldn't get it working. Sry.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/NahItsFineBruh on 2023-08-17 13:52:45+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/ReverseModule on 2023-08-17 13:15:38+00:00.

u/Reddit what is actually going on? All post against LTT are being taken down one by one. Is there a valid reason for that?

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/uniq_username on 2023-08-17 12:28:05+00:00.

How bout those close to him who are the enablers. Those that get put on a pedestal. This culture is enabled by the management and HR, they shouldn't walk away from this without blame.

Ironic.. (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/excetto on 2023-08-17 11:26:09+00:00.

The same people who have been slating LTT for the comments on the forums and such are the ones who are now creating a "bullying" culture on this sub Reddit, yea LTT have fucked up, but some of the comments are getting very distasteful, but fortunately these will be the same guys and girls watching LTTs future videos.

Subs turned into a witch hunt, but 💯 y'all be watching there videos in 12 months.

Which is ironic, because only days ago this sub was blasting the ltt fanbase for bullying too.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/gunnytom on 2023-08-17 10:15:04+00:00.

Original Title: Foreshadowing? Don't let enablers get by like any other time, every single person (who had any power) at LMG could've done or said something, but, chose to ignore it to further their own interests. Narcissists can't exist without enablers and they are at least as bad, just more cowardly.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/chad_dev_7226 on 2023-08-17 03:52:22+00:00.

With the exception of the Madison case (which leaves me a little confused), all of the talking points are actually small.

Mistakes on videos? Happens to every YouTuber. They should always strive to be better, but it happens

Accidentally selling a prototype? Sucks, but again, a mistake. Obviously wasn’t malicious or intentional.

Rushing videos? Lots of people do. I am reminded of a video where the creators of southpark said that spending a lot more time on an episode would only make it like 10% better. As an engineer, sometimes things have to be “good enough”. Fast beats perfect. I also argue that if LMG allotted twice the time for video editors, the writers and editors would have the same complaints, which is understandable, but not realistic.

Screwdriver plug in apology video? Some may find it wrong, but I think it is a reminder that there are real people behind the screen and a bit of jest to break up the depressing tone is not a bad thing

I think most of the errors is from Linus trying to keep a small company vibe while massively growing. I understand, because I’ve seen companies go from small and personal to mega corporate, which sucks but is necessary.

I think Gamers Nexus did a good thing by holding LTT accountable, and I commend him for that. I think it was slightly wrong for him to not request a comment or to notify him earlier that things were starting to get sloppy.

This will blow over in 2 weeks, as it should, and I bet within 1-2 months, the viewership and positivity in the community will be back to normal

It’s disheartening to see the dog piling going on when he has served the community extremely well.

As for the Madison case, I hope whatever happens is just and satisfactory. Nobody should go through that

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/jeremy1gray on 2023-08-17 18:42:43+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Sysody on 2023-08-17 16:01:38+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Original_Act2389 on 2023-08-17 15:40:58+00:00.

First and foremost Linus is catching a lot of deserved flak for some very bad moves that have come to light. I am also aware a post in defense of any aspect of Linus' actions is gonna come off as dickriding, but check my post history I'm not just blindly ignoring inconvenient details following my parasocial bestie.

That said, I think Hanlon's razor here is valid. What makes more sense - a small company's proprietary property with malice and forethought was stolen and auctioned for a few hundred bucks at a convention, or an inventory mismanagement error. Like, it's not enough money to embroil yourself in exactly this backlash and end up potentially paying much more in an open-and-shut lawsuit.

Linus and team were dumb as fuck for the Billet labs situation, and they're rightfully receiving a paddlin'. That said, they're addressing it decently well.

With the Madison situation, either Linus flew her all the way out to pursposefully torture her to the point of self harm, or he stupidly gave a very young person way too heavy a workload in a very unclear position in the company. Then, when she brought up complaints the entire HR process was effectively useless, either intentionally or just by a colossal misjudgement and mishandling of the situation on many employees' parts.

It kinda seems like stupidity here is a very likely explanation, though a possibility of malice exists. They will take lumps for what's happened, even if it was stupidity. These are not the kinds of things you can waffle as a business. That said, I feel like painting the crew as pure evil is a shallow take.

Edit: A bunch of people have pointed out those who bullied Madison were being malicious, I would agree.

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