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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/JMSOG1 on 2023-08-17 17:03:52+00:00.
You won’t learn anything new from this post. You can skip it. This is just my thoughts.
In the case of Pwnage and Billet, LTT released videos, haphazardly, that could have sunk two small companies, with people who cared deeply about their work, clearly, being at risk of having their careers wrecked. In the case of Billet, they could have been ruined entirely due to the sale (auctioning, whatever) of the waterblock.
In the case of Madison, someone who’s dream job became an actual nightmare of burnout, sexual harrassment, and likely assault. This is extremely serious and horrifying.
In the case of Mindchop, the guy is dead because Linus/LMG didn’t properly manage the harrassment he was recieving until it was too late.
At LMG, even in the most damning testimony given by Madison, even they pointed out that, amongst the 100+ employees at LMG, there are so many people there who are good people, passionate about what they do. Those people are watching their company implode due to the incompitance of those above them, and the malice of a few. This is extremely heartbreaking.
Personally, 10 years ago, I learned to build computers by watching Linus’s videos. I haven’t missed a single main-channel upload in a long time, and even was inspired to go and get a minor in CompSci while I was in college. If you’re in this subreddit, you likely have similar stories. You likely were at least a fan at some point. If you weren’t…why are you here?
All of the above is to say…this is sad. This is heartbreaking. This is a serious, horriffying situation. This is how this should be treated.
And yet…people in the community are finding this entertaining? Funny? I see a lot of jokes being made about the company, a place where sexual harrassment took place. I see a lot of people cheering and find a weird amount of joy and entertainment in the downfall of LMG as a whole,a place where some good people are still employed. I see drama videos, memes, jokes…its fucked up.
the most egregious thing I saw was someone making an AI clone of madison’s voice, and having it read their twitter thread, with reaction images from Madison edited overtop in a video. Treating all of this as some kind of twisted entertainment is exactly the mindset that led to that video’s creation, and exactly what i’m trying to articulate I have a problem with here.
This is a fucked up, sad situation. Finding any positive emotion in this whole situation is hard for me to understand.
I’m personally not touching anything LMG related until I see the outside investigator’s report. If it doesn’t result in significant change, I’ll never touch anything LMG related again. But that’s me.
That’s it, that’s my unstructured, barely-edited speech. Continue on with your day.