submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/DaBokes on 2024-04-10 06:25:03.

This might be better for an r/AfterLifeProTips and it exists but doesn’t fit the bill. Please consider having a written log of passwords, usernames, logins etc. After having both of my parents and a close friend pass away within the last 5 years and being the executor of their estates I just want to say it would be very helpful to have this information to make the process smoother. My father passed away first and had done estate planning, had a will etc (plus I knew some of his login info for accounts) but it still would have made things much easier if had I had known all of them. From medical, mortgage, bank and insurance accounts to things as small as Netflix it all helps streamline the process. My dad was terminal and tried to plan and I knew after his passing the need for these things but the passing of my mom and friend came without notice. I am younger and in good health but since their deaths I keep a record on paper of my logins/passwords for every little thing that I update when necessary and made sure my wife knows about (even if she doesn’t like to think about needing it). I just encourage people to do something similar to save the people you love time and energy in a time that already drains their time, energy and emotions.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/EnvironmentalAd1006 on 2024-04-10 00:47:33.

It’ll feel weird but they’ll be on your mind when you are in the most mobile state and most likely to be able to water them as you’re thinking about it.

Edit: Some of y’all bein nasty.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/Ilikepp4 on 2024-04-10 00:02:00.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/FatPeaches on 2024-04-09 23:39:19.

Donate your glasses to Astronomers without Borders here:

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/pasteltelletubby on 2024-04-09 23:51:09.

I have wasted almost as many drinks as I’ve drank to forgetfulness. I recommend 15-20 minutes.

Bonus LPT, put a damp paper towel around the drink to make it colder/get cold faster!

Edit: I originally wrote damn instead of damp on accident

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/Bot_Fly_Bot on 2024-04-09 14:53:30.

We lost power for two days due to the blizzard in the northeast US. Ice in the ice maker melted and shorted out the ice maker, water dispenser, lighting, etc. If we'd remembered to dump it into a sink we even could have used the melted ice for flushing toilets, washing hands, etc. If you'd like to keep the ice as long as possible, empty it in a ziploc bag and put it back in the freezer.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/Obvious_Exercise_910 on 2024-04-09 17:34:44.

This will leave you with a fat stack of actual money. Keep this in a money clip, seperate from your travelling money. If you ever get robbed, you can give the thieves this money, they are likely to run off with this feeling they made a big score.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/searchingforlight23 on 2024-04-09 17:32:49.

This will save you from future worries. The logic that floats through your head doesn't float through theirs. Reason doesn't work with those who don't/can't/refuse.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/astronebula1 on 2024-04-09 06:20:03.

Just tried it out, it works. They don’t verify your Adress so you can any NYC Adress.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/jdef13 on 2024-04-09 05:17:00.

I live in a city where city departments are still catching up with technology, along with private resource centers. We have Thrive (formerly Credo & Transitional Living), NRCIL, Anchor, and Citizen Advocates to name a few. In my 20+ years in my city I've realized that the city doesn't advertise enough and the private resource centers are doing better keeping up with the times. Unfortunately because of this, people still end up falling through the cracks cuz they don't know what resources are available to them.

So that's my Life Pro Tip: learn what resources are available to you locally and don't be afraid to ask. That's what they're there for. (Don't rely on DSS, they're not always helpful).

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/mrbigshot110 on 2024-04-09 03:39:29.

This has saved me countless times, hopefully it can help someone else down the line.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/GreenManotaur on 2024-04-08 22:02:38.

It's a competitive industry and they want your biznass.

A few weeks ago I was getting quotes and Penske came in cheapest but then when I went to reserve this week, the price was up by over $100. Called em and they knocked $100 off no problem.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/goodvibezone on 2024-04-08 21:16:48.

Some companies will plan for negative news to be sent out on days where people are distracted by other events. There is less likelihood they will get picked up.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/BigArtichoke1826 on 2024-04-04 22:05:46.

I have had dogs for my whole life but only found this out recently by working with trainers: Dog’s often yawn out of frustration, much less so being tired.

For instance, when my dog yawns it usually means he needs food, water, or potty.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/No-Manufacturer3206 on 2024-04-08 16:54:24.

I’ve had my baby for half my life ever since I was 12 to just 2 days ago. i wasn’t home and it all happened so suddenly and I can’t stop feeling guilty for not being there for him. I see him in every space of my house and I only get to be happy when i sleep or nap dreaming of him. I’m having such a hard time doing anything without thinking of him.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/throwitawaybhai on 2024-04-08 09:38:06.

A friend of mine recently went through a nasty breakup. I remembered few years back going through a similar situation and while my male friends advice didn't work. My female friends advice worked very well and provided a nice support bet. Also the nature of my friendships are different. Male friendships revolve on what you do to hangout and female friends revolve around what we do in general.

LPT: Do hard things. (lemmit.online)
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/GapingAssTroll on 2024-04-08 08:25:45.

It's so tempting to always take the easy, convenient route. but too much comfort can mess you up. Challenges will come to you every now and then and will hit like a train if you've been too comfortable. If you make it a habit to go out of your way to do hard things regularly, you'll be more calm and comfortable when hardships come your way. After awhile you'll actually enjoy doing hard things if you habitually go in with the mindset of self improvement.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/mango789 on 2024-04-08 05:17:41.

Youtube hides most of the search results. On my account, it shows 8 videos that relate to my search, then shows random videos they recommend. There are 3 ways I know of to see the rest of the results. 1) you can do what I mention in title. 2) Click "videos" tab underneath the search bar. The "all" tab is the default. 3) If you use ublock origin, there's a filter you can ad. It seems to do the same thing as the first 2 options.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/ilikebreadss on 2024-04-05 14:41:03.

I tend to speak fast when I'm nervous, which is basically all the time because of my anxiety. This makes me fumble over my words, which is so annoying. I don't know how to stop doing that. Any advice?

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/Bugs1012 on 2024-04-04 19:23:05.

Original Title: LPT: Seek out a barber who offers guidance on your hairstyle rather than leaving it all up to you. A skilled barber doesn't just cut hair; they aim for symmetry that complements your face shape, jawline, and hairline.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/snowypotato on 2024-04-07 03:40:26.

Dust accumulates in corners, underneath furniture, on baseboards, etc. If you're pulling the TV media console away from the wall because you've got to get to the wires, for example, ask yourself if it's been more than a month or two since you could reach those surfaces, and if so, take advantage of the opportunity to clear out the dust! Your future self will thank you the next time you need to reach back there, AND it'll help keep the overall dust levels down.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/andimacg on 2024-04-07 03:13:36.

As is being reported around the world, AI voice scams are getting more and more common. These usually involve a "family member" calling and saying they are in some kind of trouble and need money.

If you receive one of these calls, ask the family member something they would know, but a scammer would not, such as "where did we go on that trip last year?"

Or "what did we do on your last birthday?"

It would probably be best to discuss this with the family before hand, just so if it's a real call, they are expecting it and don't get even more flustered.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/TinfoilTaint on 2024-04-06 23:19:58.

Many of the ads on Facebook and other apps sell items from Aliexpress and other cheap sites at an insane markup. Always search the image before buying to see if it’s a scam. The same is true for Etsy. Etsy used to be a true handmade marketplace. This is no longer true. There are still genuine crafters on there, but they are drowned out by scammers who resell items from places like Shein and Aliexpress at much higher prices. They will lie in the description and list items as “handmade” even if they aren’t.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/clockworkear on 2024-04-06 20:29:58.

...or teenage son/daughter/lodger/etc. Happened this morning: 8am alarm going off from the room next door and they're sleeping soundly through it with no intention of getting up.

Simply give them a missed call. The second it rings, just hang up. It cancels or silences the alarm. Had to do it twice but alarm stopped after that and we went back to sleep.

Edit. This appears to only work if the offending alarm is going off on an iphone.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/messedupbloke2314 on 2024-04-06 20:13:13.

This is a technique I have discovered recently and I want to share it to my fellow insomniacs.

  1. Lay down on a comfortable position.
  2. Close your eyes and think of something incoherent. This can be anything as long is it does not have any meaning.
  3. Let your mind spiral and DO NOT try to understand what your mind is thinking.
  4. Keep your mind occupied with the incoherent thoughts until you fall asleep. (No need breathing techniques)

If you tried it, i would be glad to hear about your feedbacks about the technique.

P.s. english is my second language so bear with me.

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