submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/Arghblarg on 2024-04-05 03:22:02.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/CriticalMushroom8812 on 2024-04-04 17:34:29.

TADR: GameStop's DRS count is being suppressed by the DTCC holding directly registered shares (specifically, DSPP shares) for the benefit of ComputerShare for the benefit of DSPP plan participants. There were approximately 78.8 million shares of GameStop Class A Common Stock held by registered shareholders (counting "pure" DRS plus DSPP) on March 20, 2024.

By now you've almost certainly seen GameStop's latest earnings report and 10-K filing reporting a nearly unchanged 75.3M DRS'd shares. Here's a table of the share history as reported by GameStop SEC filings:

The total outstanding shares went up slightly (~359k), probably due to internal compensation (e.g., shares given to employees by the Company). These are shares newly entering circulation; which normally means to a broker who would have their shares held by the DTCC. These ~359k shares newly issued by GameStop to their employees thus accounts for part of the ~500k new shares (~72%) now held by the DTCC leaving ~141k shares unaccounted for yet.


The DRS'd share count dropped by 0.1M (~100k). As the SEC is presumably now watching the share count closely, we can probably assume that the remaining ~141k shares now at the DTCC are from the DRS count (141k rounds down to 0.1M). Why did shares leave DRS? Well, there are a few options:

  1. Apes sold/moved shares out of DRS (unlikely, but not impossible as times are tough).
  2. DTCC found more ways to Rug Pull shares out of DRS a la the MainStar DRS Rug Pull [DD]. Based on prior estimates, the Mainstar retirement account shares would've run out by around Dec/Jan 2024 and it's almost certain that the DTCC found more shares elsewhere to rug pull back as Mainstar wasn't the only custodian.
  3. The DRS reporting counted direct registered shares differently.

I believe #2 and/or #3 are much more likely as various efforts have emerged attempting to *un-*DRS shares and remove options for direct ownership, e.g., in the UK as highlighted by kibblepigeon and others. These efforts against DRS strongly suggests DRS is the right way forward.

What Happened When The Count Happened?

Very interestingly, GameStop did their share count on March 20, 2024 [EDGAR]


This share count day is very special because it counts directly registered shares (DRS) on the books of ComputerShare and the shares held by the DTCC. On this day, the sum of those shares held by ComputerShare and the DTCC must add up to the total outstanding shares.

On this March 20, 2024 share count day, 3.6M shares suddenly popped up available to borrow at 9:30am.

Gone by around noon that same day; presumably borrowed.

Shorts needed 3.5M+ shares. Someone knew that and found 3.5M+ shares for them to borrow.

These 3.5M+ borrowed GME shares won't settle until T+2Bd or reach Close Out until T+35Cd; conveniently well after GameStop's reported share count allowing these extra liquidity shares to potentially be counted as "held" by anyone who needed to share liquidity through borrowing (*cough* shorts *cough*). The main catch with this approach for the day that GameStop counts shares is that it would inflate DTCC's count of shares as both the borrower and lender claim ownership of the same shares. Double counting these shares at the DTCC plus the shares at ComputerShare would bork the total to more than the Total Outstanding; which is a problem the SEC 🙈 doesn't want to see. If these shares can't be double counted, where are these shares borrowed from?

Share Counting Day Is A Special Day

You may recall from last year a Trust Me Bro (March 22, 2023) alleging the SEC prevented GameStop from reporting some "discrepancies" with the number of direct registered shares. Right after this Trust Me Bro, GameStop started reporting numbers for Cede & Co (DTCC) alongside Record / Registered DRS Holders. Then from March 2023 to June 2023 we could see Apes DRS-ing shares took shares away from the DTCC [DD].

I think these share counting days are special because the shares are counted are on the record books of ComputerShare plus the shares held by the DTCC -- there's only two places to look. Borrowing internally within the DTCC doesn't help on this day (as explained above). If Broker A borrows shares from Broker B, Broker A gets to count their shares but Broker B can't. Similarly, consider what happens if a SHF needs GME shares. On this particular share counting day, if the SHF borrows from someone (e.g., Fidelity), Fidelity can't count those shares along with the SHF counting those shares. Also, GameStop is counting shares at the DTC/DTCC/Cede & Co level, not shares at brokers or entities like Fidelity or the SHF. In order to borrow shares on this day for the share count, the DTCC must borrow from the only place possible, which is where shares have been moving to: DRS shares at ComputerShare. Thus, the discrepancy shows up when GameStop does the share count for their SEC filing and is why GameStop has been reporting the shares held by registered holders at ComputerShare and held by the DTCC. (Due to the MainStar rug pull, we don't necessarily or clearly see the same discrepancy again until those rug pulled shares run out around Jan 2024 [DD]. Hello March 20, 2024.)

If we go back to ChartExchange's historical Borrow data, we see a spike in shares available to borrow between March 21 (the day before GameStop counted shares for the SEC filing) and March 22 (the day GameStop counted shares for the SEC filing). From a low of 70k mid-day on March 21, to a peak of 500k available to borrow by the end of the day on March 22. If we tally up each of the drops in availability (assuming they are borrows), we can estimate 750k shares were borrowed on that day.

I posit that GameStop originally intended to report a 750k share count "discrepancy", but the SEC said no; which resulted in the March 22, 2023 Trust Me Bro post. (FWIW, it makes sense the SEC immediately shot down reporting a 750k share discrepancy as it would've kicked off a shitstorm of questions about a SEC filing counting 750k more shares than there are outstanding thereby kickstarting MOASS.) If correct, then share borrowing from ComputerShare appears to have been used last March to "fix the 750k share discrepancy" for the SEC report; and share borrowing from ComputerShare appears to be used again this March 2024 borrowing 3.5M+ shares to fix a 3.5M+ share discrepancy.

Also, between March 22, 2023 and March 20, 2024 is roughly 1 year and there are about 252 trading days in a year. This "share discrepancy" visible from share borrowing increased by approximately 2.75M (=3.5M - 750k) over the past year. 2.75M shares over 252 trading days works out to just shy of 11k shares per day increase in the "share discrepancy" which is surprisingly close to the previous number of shares directly registered per trading day: 12k [DD]. Not only is the visible ~11k/trading day share discrepancy within 10% of the historical 12k shares directly registered per trading day, but if you consider that the economy and inflation has been sucking away buying power for shares, a slight reduction in the number of shares directly registered per trading day *mak...

Content cut off. Read original on https://old.reddit.com/r/GMECanada/comments/1bvq8h3/found_35m_uncounted_drs_shares_approx_788m_shares/

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/Budgetbodyparts on 2024-04-04 14:33:03.

I’m looking for some perspective here, since GME shares held in registered investments in Canada, (RSP, RIF, LIRA), cannot be loaned from what I’m lead to believe, are these shares not also just like being DRS’d so can be counted into that number? I’m an xxxx holder and I’m sure there are many more Canadian Apes out there who hold numbers like this in registered investments. Can anyone confirm that for sure the Registered investment shares cannot be loaned?

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/feelingthis44 on 2024-03-22 20:36:40.

Because apes strong together. Shills can F off.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/wutmeanfam on 2024-03-15 02:04:39.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/sweet_asian_guy on 2024-03-13 16:21:58.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/godkiller320 on 2024-03-13 13:56:28.

(sorry mods, remove if not allowed, not directly GME related)

Hello, I have a meeting with an MPP and a separate meeting with a legislative assistant this week regarding the Canadian financial system and the issues/flaws with it. I've listed some bullet points on what I'll be discussing. I'm looking for more information/sources/issues that anyone would like to share with me that I can then report in these meetings. Thanks everyone!


  • investment banking vs commercial banking - hard split/regulation to better protect the system
  • anti-competitive practices
  • over-leveraged banks (50 times the balance sheets)
  • massive derivatives trading
  • shady balance sheet reporting
  • margin requirements
  • lack of transparency / length delays in reporting

Stock Market / exchanges

  • contract for difference for share purchasing by brokers and banks
  • 2-day settlement periods
  • high frequency trading
  • latency lag for algorithmic trading - anti-retail
  • retail protection
  • naked shorting
  • dark pools
  • insider trading
  • anti-competitive practices
  • lack of transparency / length delays in reporting
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/sweet_asian_guy on 2024-03-11 20:46:28.

Also can you complete the w-8ben form online once you get your verification code?

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/Maple_DRS on 2024-03-11 17:51:14.

About a month ago I learned that BMO no longer offers free DRS transfers.

That's pretty much the only reason that I opened up the trading account.

Canadian GME holders: what is now the best way to DRS shares?


submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/unfinished_sentenc_0 on 2024-03-08 16:33:09.

something is up.... (lemmit.online)
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/CriticalMushroom8812 on 2024-03-06 19:00:12.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/CriticalMushroom8812 on 2024-02-28 14:26:53.

An interesting cohencidence of events around the upcoming March 11, 2024 BTFP end date.  (This post puts together a lot of prior DD.)

That’s right!  The OCC Proposal to Reduce Margin Requirements to Prevent A Cascade of Clearing Member Failures should go into effect just in time to reduce margin requirements for everyone who needs liquidity from the BTFP.

🦵🥫So clearly the OCC Proposal to Reduce Margin Requirements to Prevent A Cascade of Clearing Member Failures is the next major MOASS can kick after BTFP ends.  (Basically, instead of banks borrowing from the Federal Reserve at the full face par value against low market value assets via BTFP, the OCC will simply waive margin requirements.)

Basically, now that the pension pilfering plumbing is in place to shift losses over to pensions as Kenny "predicted" (May 2022), the Federal Reserve might actually stop injecting as much liquidity into banks.  A key aspect of the OCC Proposal to Reduce Margin Requirements to Prevent A Cascade of Clearing Member Failures is that a Financial Risk Management (FRM) Officer will have the “authority to implement idiosyncratic control settings for an individual risk factor” – meaning that FRM Officer has the authority to rubber stamp a margin reduction, or not and force a margin call.  A curiously powerful position allowing the OCC to selectively choose which Clearing Members survive (with reduced margin requirements) or fall (Margin Call); and when1.

Normally, the FRM Officer just approves margin reductions. But doesn't have to...


As liquidity dries up from BTFP loans ending, at risk banks, savings associations, credit unions, and other eligible depository institutions [BTFP FAQ B.1] will be reliant on the OCC to waive margin requirements.  The OCC can waive margin for the ones chosen to survive and margin calls the ones chosen to fall.

BTFP “offers advances of up to one year in length to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and other eligible depository institutions” which means that starting from March 12, 2024 the OCC can start picking losers by rejecting margin waivers, if the SEC doesn’t object to the OCC Proposal to Reduce Margin Requirements to Prevent A Cascade of Clearing Member Failures.

MOASS Is Not A Level Playing Field

Thank you to all the apes who have submitted comments against the OCC Proposal to Reduce Margin Requirements to Prevent A Cascade of Clearing Member Failures.   There are well over 2500 comments just in the templates plus a long list of apes who wrote their own comment letters.  There’s still time to get into the history books and comment so you can also say I Told You So!

Heroes, all of you.

Despite our unprecedented input into the rulemaking process, I suspect the SEC will allow the OCC proposal2 (again), because this OCC proposal gives the OCC control over which entities bite the dust and when; very likely kicking the MOASS can until they can't and/or trying to control MOASS with a "controlled burn".  The OCC proposal is simply “God Mode” powerful as the OCC's FRM Officer can basically waive margin requirements for everyone until the OCC decides not to; at which point the FRM Officer can selectively take out Clearing Members. (A very powerful enforcement position ensuring Clearing Members either play ball in the rigged game or else be taken out.)

I think the winners and losers have almost certainly already been chosen in our rigged financial market3. With the pension pilfering plumbing in place, all that remains is for the SEC to let the OCC give themselves the ability to margin call the chosen losers while waiving margin requirements for the surviving winners. Once that is approved (or, perhaps more accurately, simply unopposed by the SEC) on March 10, 2024, margin calls for the chosen losers can begin as early as March 12, 2024 as the earliest year-long BTFP loans start expiring (with more recent loans expiring up to March 11, 2025).

[1] Per the Pension Pilfering Playbook, if the OCC knows when a Clearing Member is about to default, the OCC can trigger the Master Repurchase Agreements (MRA) to force a Non-Bank Liquidity Participant (e.g., pension fund or insurance company) to buy collateral just before the collateral value falls so that the OCC can trigger the MRA again to force selling that collateral back to the OCC cheaply.  With the OCC’s FRM Officer making the decision of when a Clearing Member defaults, the OCC controls when and which Clearing Member defaults, which gives the OCC the ability to perfectly time selling high to those pension funds and insurance companies.

[2] Speak up or forever hold your peace.  Just because the SEC may allow the OCC proposal doesn’t mean we should be quiet about this.  They’re going to approve it if retail remains silent so what have we got to lose speaking up?  How often do you think you’ll get to be on the record on the right side of history?

[3] Ironically, there’s a possibility one or more of the chosen losers might resent getting kicked out of the rigged market and could be willing to advocate for a fairer market.  The enemy of our enemy could be a friend.  Or, perhaps, a whistleblower; which also pays well.

EDIT: An ape down below in the comments noted that the SEC delayed implementation to have more time to review the proposal. For anyone wondering if comments do anything, yes they do. Comments threw a wrench into this timing as the OCC God Mode just got delayed. Undoubtedly, Wall St will take the opportunity to craft responses to ape comments to push this through. Also, I expect something else will kick in to fill the gap between the BTFP ending and the future implementation date.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/feelingthis44 on 2024-03-04 21:38:47.

I've been in GME since Jan 2021. It's been a long ride, but I still believe in Ryan Cohen and his vision for a better GameStop and that us shareholders will be rewarded for our patience.

This journey has been pretty lonely though with everyone I know ragging on me for believing in MOASS. So was wondering if any apes in Toronto would like to be friends? I don't usually use reddit (trying to stop my use of social media because it can be a bit addicting), so send me an email if you wanna chat :) [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])maybe we can make a group chat or something

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/matteh0087 on 2024-02-22 07:35:08.

I read through the drsgme website.. the quest trade steps seem insanely complicated and will end up taking basically months before everythjng is done. Is this really the only way to go about doing the transfer or is there a much simpler way?

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/AsideInfamous4705 on 2024-02-13 10:02:23.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/CriticalMushroom8812 on 2024-02-11 00:39:25.

Institutional money has been slowly buying GME for months now.

Unlike what some people think, not everyone on Wall Street is on the side of the shorts. This effect will go nuclear in 2024, in my view.

You can see in this link multiple banks and funds that have already bought GME in the last 3/4 months:

A few examples of institutions that reported buying GME shares on the last day of December 2023:

  • Norges Bank ( Norges Bank Investment Management NBIM, according to the comment below)
  • Citigroup
  • Commonwealth Pennsylvania Public Shool retirement fund
  • Florida Retirement System
  • Bank of New York Mellon Corp

Also ETFs/Funds that bought in, reported in October/November/December:

  • Schwab U.S. Mid-Cap ETF
  • Schwab U.S. Broad Market ETF
  • Schwab U.S. Large-Cap Value ETF
  • Schwab Fundamental U.S. Small Company Index ETF - multiple purchases in 2023
  • Schwab U.S. Large-Cap ETF
  • Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund
  • Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund
  • Fidelity Mid Cap Index Fund
  • Fidelity Large Cap Value Index Fund
  • Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund
  • Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund
  • Dimensional U.S. Core Equity 2 ETF
  • TIAA-CREF Equity Index Fund


I know shorts follow every post here, so here goes a friendly message just for them:

Don't be mad, your bet was wrong. Now it's time to pay the bill. First ones to close may survive.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/arthouse_56 on 2024-01-22 00:25:27.

Hi fellow Canadians apes! As the tittle suggests, I’m looking for recommendations for dynamic, visionary advisors. I want to have my people lined up so I can learn from them PRIOR to this new Berkshire Hathaway entity taking off.

My current CFA looks at me with a dose of sadness. It’s not my job to convince her of anything other than what she knows within the confines of her current experience.

In order to plan, these advisors need to be on the cutting edge like the great leaders we have in RC and the activist affiliates. Otherwise I won’t get the advantage of the advice I most need.

What I know for sure: we’re holding shares as valuable as gold. RC is leading us and the world into a new age of wealth and fairness for everyone who sees and follows his vision.

I heard we don’t need to sell shares in order to buy a home for example, we can borrow against our equity. This is just one example of some of the conversation I’d like to have BEFORE this thing takes off.

Does anyone know those special visionary financial and tax types that would be open to discussing what is in the horizon?

Thanks for any suggestions! 🇨🇦 🚀

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/Kooky-Assignment-45 on 2024-02-09 01:19:13.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/CriticalMushroom8812 on 2024-02-06 13:33:32.

Original Title: When SOFR (floating leg of swaps)jumps above the BTFP rate, GME experiences some serious volatility and price increase. The volume is inversely proportional to the price at the time of the inversion due to dynamic swap hedging.this shows massive swap positions

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/alexisr100 on 2024-02-04 15:33:45.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/CriticalMushroom8812 on 2024-02-04 03:26:30.

TL;DR: This is no longer retail vs. SHFs/brokers & regulators. This is retail & Congress vs. SHFs/brokers & regulators. The odds have shifted even more in our favor. Congress is pushing the SEC for answers related to a naked shorted stock [MMTLΡ] that will open a nasty can of worms if a subpoena for a share count comes through. This affects EVERY Ape in a naked shorted stock [i.e. GME]. Representatives of short sellers have already been trying to settle behind the scenes, confirming that they know they're fucked, and they want out. Retail investors have confirmed via broker data that right before the stock (MMTLΡ) was halted in December 2022, SHFs and brokers were willing to buy their shares for up to 10,000x the amount they paid for.

The Golden Treasure [100% Proof Apes Get Paid]

Before I begin, there's something I'd like to clarify. This DD is for the purposes of analyzing the Congressional response and other material information related to a naked shorted stock (MMTLΡ) that we can then apply to GME. If Congress gets a share count on MMTLΡ, and forces some sort of settlement there, that absolutely relates to GME (one of the most, if not the most heavily naked short stock in the world). MMTLΡ was halted in December 2022 and converted to Next Bridge Hydrocarbons (NBH). Ever since December 2022, nobody has been able to purchase these shares. You can't. So, this is not, in anyway, advertising the company or the shares, because you can't buy them to begin with. All the shareholders are from 2022 and before, and they've been trapped by regulators (SEC and FINRA).

To get you to speed on this entire scandal, I'll have Dennis Kneale from the Ricochet Podcast, "What's Bugging Me", explain the focal points of the MMTLΡ timeline that led to the halt in 2022:

I'll expand on Kneale's explanation. This oil and gas company that was getting its ticker heavily shorted was going to go private; all MMTLΡ shares were going to stop trading and get converted to Next Bridge Hydrocarbons (private stock) on December 12, 2022. That meant that ALL shorts had to close their positions by the final trading day of December 12, 2022 BEFORE the stock went private.

Jeff Mendl, the Vice President of the OTC Market, confirms in an interview that MMTLΡ was supposed to keep trading up until the final trading day on the 12th of December [shorts had to close their short positions by the 12th]:

But there was a massive problem behind the scenes that FINRA and others started to realize could've been catastrophic for the market, and that was the fact that this stock had been so massively naked shorted that if shorts actually closed their positions, it would lead to a domino bankruptcy across the financial market. An FOIA request last year revealed that a few days before MMTLΡ was halted, FINRA & the SEC pulled the blue sheets on MMTLΡ (got the share count/electronic data on MMTLΡ shares held in brokerages, short positions, etc.), as they were looking at the fraud/manipulation going on there, and they found something that obviously frightened them:

Retail was never allowed to see what was in the blue sheets, but if I were to take a guess on what they saw in those blue sheets, it was most likely massive naked shorting discovered that could potentially bankrupt brokers and SHFs, in the event that they closed their short positions.

I'm not really guessing here, because this is literally what was about to happen right before FINRA issued the halt. MMTLΡ shares (that previously closed at less than $3/share), were being bought by SHFs and brokers for THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PER SHARE. Then FINRA issued the U3 halt and REVERSED ALL THOSE TRADES.

There were a lot of brokers/SHFs that knew the halt was coming, but there were some honest brokers that just wanted to close their short positions, and FINRA didn't even let them.

Here we can see the Level 2 data on trading right before the U3 Halt on MMTLΡ. The right column displays the # of shares, and the left column displays the price. MMTLΡ holders were not giving away their shares to brokers & SHFs cheap:

A vast sum of the shares were being sold for hundreds-to-thousands, and they were actually executed at those prices, as reported by many retail traders, such as Johnny Tabacco on Twitter:

The pic above is from a retail investor that had limit stop orders on MMTLΡ that executed on December 9, 2022. Level 2 data showed $1,000-$2,000 pre-market, and so he told E-Trade to cancel his sells, but they told him it was too late to cancel. The orders were executed, and he made $26,000,000. But FINRA did the U3 Halt afterwards and reversed all transactions; thereby, locking the shares and taking away his $26 million.

Here's other shareholders that reported the same thing happening to them:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

To think that there were brokers/SHFs willing to buy MMTLΡ shares at $24,994.02 per share to close the IOUS/short positions. Remarkable.

This is why the regulators (SEC & FINRA) freaked out.

To put this in perspective for us, that's like if the short squeeze starts for GME, and we see brokers/SHFs buying GME shares for $125,000 each (half a million $ per share pre-split).

...now you can see why everyone's been kicking the can on closing GME shorts. Astronomical prices were never a meme. IBKR Chair Peterffy was absolutely correct when he said he was afraid of a domino bankruptcy.

FINRA saw the level 2 data, they saw the share count (blue sheets), and they panicked, halted trading, and reversed the trades, to not let any brokers/SHFs close their short positions. Ever since then, the 65,000 MMTLΡ shareholders have been fighting hard to get a resolution, whether it be getting their 2 trading days back, force SHFs to close their positions, reach a settlement, or get a share count, and it's gotten to the point where it's reached significant Congressional attention.

One of the major breakthroughs for MMTLΡ/Next Bridge shareholders that was allegedly brought forth to the Senate Banking Committee and Congress, was that brokers literally didn't have the next bridge hydrocarbon shares (formerly MMTLΡ shares) that they were supposed to have, but instead had IOUS. Shareholders were concerned that having their shares with brokers meant they just have IOUS, so they DRS'ed their shares in waves to their transfer agent, AST. This got to the point where brokers began evading shareholders seeking to transfer, trying to get them to go through hoops to transfer their shares, such as tack on big fees if they transfer.

Charles Schwab even reportedly offered to liquidate shareholder's shares for nothing ($0 per share), as a "courtesy". Yeah, helping Charles Schwab reduce their short position by giving them free shares is a real courtesy...just not for you.

The wave of shareholders DRS'ing their shares ended up getting confirmation of a share imbalance from one broker, TradeStation, admitting that they don't have anymore certificates (legit shares) to transfer to AST:

This was formally confirmed via a statement by TradeStation to their customers:

This alone is a violation of the Exchange Act Rule 15c3-3 (Customer Protection Rule), that states "firms are obligated to maintain custody of customer securities and safeguard customer cash by segregating these assets from the firm's proprietary business activities, and promptly deliver to their owner upon request.

This can be found of page 43 of FINRA's 2021 Report on FINRA's examination and Risk Monitoring Program:

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/sweet_asian_guy on 2024-02-02 23:05:06.

I’ve been looking for info but they seem a bit dated. What’s the best option for me? I think qt charge 300$ for a transfer??

It is better if I open a BMO or interactive broker account to avoid the fees?

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/Known-Tap7360 on 2024-02-02 17:20:22.

Crossposting from other subreddit that seems to be being suppressed.

terminate plan (lemmit.online)
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/-quarbles- on 2024-02-01 17:19:05.

i did the wise thing through cs. i want to terminate my plan and have all the whole shares booked. i also want to make sure dividend reinvestment is off.

do i just go to actions-> gme plan and ‘terminate’?

how do i make sure drip is off?

was here s guide posted? did a quickie search, didn’t see one…

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/bullish416 on 2024-01-25 16:00:48.

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GME discussion for Ape Hosers

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A Canada-specific sub for GME discussion . Beauty, eh? :p -- Please: -- READ THE FAQ! (See link in Lounge) -- Keep politics discussions related...

founded 1 year ago