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#February was the month of purification, for ancient #Romans.
One of the old rituals is #Lupercalia: young men (luperci) were initiated, and they hit the ground with goat-skin stripes in order to chase away evil spirits.
Also, they "hit" women because the festivity was linked with #Juno, goddess of childbirth.

#ValentinesDay is probably the #christianization of the Lupercalia festival.

In general, it is quite a busy –and complicated– month!
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#Folklore #Rome #History @folklore #folklorethursday #mythology @mythology


In Japanese mythology Ukemochi is a food goddess who held a feast attended by the moon god Tsukuyomi. When she produced each of the components of the meal from all her various orifices, he was so horrified that he killed her on the spot. His furious sister Amaterasu (the sun goddess) then banished him to the night sky, where he remains alone to this day. This myth explained the division between night and day.
#mythology #folklore #JapaneseFolklore @mythology @folklore