submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Do you have a bank account with US Dollars?

Are you a slave? I am not happy about it, but after watching this movie, there's no doubt that I am as well, and it's very likely so are you.

Let's do something about it. Opt out completely.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://monero.town/post/3999016

Mention @ 5:08


Reminder, vaccines are based on voodoo fake science and are designed to poison you slowly and decrease your lifespan.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is incredible footage, can't believe it's the first time I've noticed it.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Really Russell? (www.youtube.com)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The irresponsibility of individuals like Russell Brand who with little or no knowledge of circumstances and socio-political problems like the one Venezuela is going through is a sign that there are always people who believe they are the owners of the truth.

I express all this because of a video he posted on Youtube:


In effect Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world with 18% of the total.

But to minimize the current circumstances to the desire of the oil transnationals and the support of the United States for a possible coup d'état.

It is to ignore the reality of 26 million inhabitants, who have been affected by hyperinflation, food shortages, massive emigration, the neglect that reigns in health centers, as well as the constant failure of basic services, as well as the dismantling of the productive sector, through expropriations, the lack of investment and the abandonment of companies that at one point became the envy of the world, such as PDVSA, CVG and others.

My reflection to all this is to urge people who are curious about the subject to read different sources and not to be blinded by believing that all the media lies, sometimes among the lies can hide a great truth.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The red line is the trajectory of the first bullet that allegedly grazed Trump’s ear. Assuming that the bullet passed closed enough by Trump’s right side of his face, which part of his face would the bullet have grazed? His cheek? The bottom of his ear? The top of his ear? Other?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If you believe that Trump fights for the people and is against the deep state, then you need to make sense of the following:

Trump was an active participant in the Qanon operation. Indeed, initially the Qanon narrative gained a lot of credibility through the Qproofs which were proofs that Trump and Q were coordinating through "cryptic messages".

While some people still believe the Qanon narrative, many came to the conclusion that Qanon was a deep state psyop aiming to misdirect and discredit the pedogate/pizzagate research which originated from some Wikileaks documents. The operation had been quite successful as most people now believe that the pizzagate narrative originated from Qanon whereas the primary materials actually originated from Wikileaks (Podesta and DNC emails).

So considering that Qanon is a deep state psyop and Trump was actively participating in it. How can you make sense of the narrative that Trump isn't a deep state asset and fights for the people?

So far, no one had been able to provide me an answer. That's one reason that leads me to believe that the Trump assassination was most likely staged.

Also Trump referenced the deep state Qanon psyop after getting back on his feet.

Did you know that the "Fight, fight, fight" statement made by Trump right after his alleged assassination attempt is a famous Qanon reference?

Here is the proof:



Do you believe that Qanon is a legit anti deep state operation or a controlled opposition deep state operation?

That should give you a clue as to whether this alleged assassination attempt was staged or not.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

EDIT2: Below is my updated analysis making the case for a staged assassination attempt

I think the deep state is involved in this operation but the case I’ll be making below is that we can’t exclude that this operation is a staged assassination attempt.

Indeed, many of us in the “truther” community came to the conclusion that Trump, to the same extent as Biden, is a deep state asset. If this is true, it would then be difficult to explain why the deep state would want to assassinate their front-running candidate.

You may find ridiculous the idea that Trump is a deep state asset when the narrative that Trump is fighting the deep state is broadly accepted. However, did you know that Trump has numerous deep state ties including with the Rothschild, Epstein and Soros? Also, how to explain the involvement of Trump in the deep state Qanon psyop (through the Qproofs) if Trump is going after the deep state? In 2016, Trump got elected on the promise that he will drain the swamp but instead of draining it, he appointed the swamp to his administration (Barr, Ross, Acosta who were all associates of Epstein). Don’t believe me? I recommend you watched these two mirrored videos from Jake Morphonios (most of his research had been taken off the internet):



If it is a false flag, then how can we explain that the deep state would have taken the risk to kill Trump by aiming at his ear? It seems like a very dangerous stunt even for a skilled shooter. To this my response is, what evidence do we have that a bullet grazed Trump’s ear? We have:

  1. photographic evidence:
  • Bullet passing by Trump:

  • Blood on Trump’s right hand after touching his ear:

  1. ballistic sound analysis evidence (source: youtu.be/LouUbMYb7Bc) Are these evidences indisputable proofs that a bullet grazed Trump’s ear? As of now, I would say no and here is why.

First regarding the photographic evidence. It’s important to note that these photos were taken by Doug Mills who is a renowned photographer but also part of the “mockingbird media sphere”. Interesting fact, did you know that he’s the photographer who took the photo of Bush in a classroom when being notified that the 9/11 attacks just happened? (source: www.politico.com…os-226744/ / www.tampabay.com…11-attack/ ). Since Doug Mills has been following many Presidents it’s not necessarily improbable that he was with Bush on 9/11, however what are the chances that he would be covering a small Trump’s rally? Has Doug Mills covered other Trump’s rallies? If not, he’s for sure very lucky to have been attending this one.

Also, I’m not an expert in photo forensic but until we have the confirmation from multiple independent experts that these photos haven’t been tampered with, I wouldn’t consider these photographic evidences as definitive evidence. What if the bullet and blood would have been added to the originals? I’ve looked at the video of the shooting and while the resolution is not as good, I couldn’t see any trace of blood on Trump’s right hand. This element is certainly worth investigating further.

Screenshots from the video showing no apparent trace of blood:



Second, regarding the ballistic sound analysis evidence the hypothesis is that some bullets are passing by Trump’s microphone which leads us to conclude that the first three shots are composed of a supersonic bullet sound followed by the crack of the gun. However, in the hypothesis in which no bullet were aimed at Trump, could we come to a different but still coherent conclusion? For instance, it could be possible that the first 6 sounds (3 supersonic and 3 cracks) are actually coming from 2 different guns shooting in a synchronized manner to appear as they were shot from a single gun shooting three bullets at Trump. The video analysis from John Cullen seems to be supporting this hypothesis (although he’s not discussing the hypothesis that the event could have been staged) as he claims that the first shot couldn’t have been aimed at Trump. Source: rumble.com/v57df…empt-.html

In conclusion, I don’t think we have yet any evidence allowing us to indisputably conclude that any shot was aimed at Trump.

If the scenario of an assassination attempt can’t be confirmed yet, what evidences do we have to support the scenario of a staged assassination? First, we should remind ourselves that the deep state had executed several more complex false flag operations before. So saying “it couldn’t have been done” is ignoring a core expertise of the deep state. To be clear, I don’t think we have any definitive evidence for this scenario either but here some elements that weights towards it:

  • Despite the presence of 2 or 3 shooters (1 or 2 with military equipment) and having only one (maybe two) shooter being neutralized, they failed their alleged assassination mission.
  • All shooters missed their target and shot at the crowd. According to John Cullen, one shooter wasn’t aiming at Trump but allegedly at a secret service sniper however, why would they have aimed at only one unit of SS sniper when several were present? Wouldn’t it have been more effective to aim directly at Trump to reach their assassination mission?
  • If we had multiple shooters and only Crooks was neutralized, how to explain that the second and potential third shooters didn’t attempt to assassinate Trump again when he got up on his feet and was directed to his car?
  • The presence of the “mockingbird” photograph Doug Mills needs further investigation. How many Trump’s rallies was Doug Mills present at? Why would he have chosen this one which was a small rally?
  • The timing of the shooting is interesting. The shooting happened as Trump was commenting a chart (it would be interesting to know how often Trump has commented a chart before in his rallies). As a magician on stage, Trump could have been using the power of attention and misdirection to successfully divert the attention of the crowd off of him. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that Trump said “take a look” five times (and pointed at the chart) to direct the attention of the public to the chart just before the shots started. Maybe this explains why we still don’t have any footage from crowd that was behind Trump. - -Maybe all eyes were focused on the chart. That’s too bad because it may have help us settling the question as to whether or not a bullet grazed Trump’s ear.
  • Why did the FBI clean the roof on which Crooks was located. Did we search for any evidence of gun powder? What evidence do we have that Crook even fire a single shot? There were many professional snipers that day and Crook wasn’t one of them. He may have been killed before firing even a single shot.
  • In the end, this event strongly solidify the posture of Trump as a national Hero victim of dark deep state forces. The sequence of events aligns perfectly to benefit the Trump camp (right before the RNC). Overall, it almost seems too perfect for Trump (and maybe scripted) than organic chaos.
  • The recount of the shooting by Trump (during the RNC) is not authentic and seems scripted (he says that as he was still on the ground, the crowd was pointing at the shooter and people could see all the blood, source: youtu.be/4MVep85ykg4) reinforcing the narrative that Trump is not in control and people are pulling strings behind him.
  • There are numerous past evidences that Trump is owned by some elements of the deep state hence, why would they want to kill him unless the deep state is divided in multiple factions of divergent interests.

What would be the motives for a false flag/staged assassination attempt?

  • Discredit the narrative that Trump is a deep state asset
  • Counter the rise of RFK (non-controlled opposition) currently polling at 19%
  • Prop up Trump as a national Hero and broadening his support in preparation of a potential involvement in WW3 (or other major event requiring the mobilization of the whole population)

EDIT: After reviewing additional videos, I don’t think the position of the bleachers and Comperatore are accurately reported in the Abovetopsecret.com post. Further investigation of this element would be required to definitely state whether or not Comperatore was in alignment with Trump and the shooter. I can’t exclude he was victim of a lost bullet aimed at Trump as opposed to having been aimed at.

Multiple theories have emerged regarding the assassination attempt on Trump. The two most discussed are:

  • An attempt from a lone wolf shooter
  • An attempt from the deep state to eliminate their enemy

The former doesn’t appear very credible unless we are willing to accept multiple gross negligences within the Secret Service and other police forces present that day. Indeed, a local NBC affiliate reported that the gunman was spotted on a rooftop 3 hours before the shooting and an officer even reported the suspect 30 minutes before the shooting (https://www.virtue.news/trump-shooter-identified-3-hours-before-assassination-attempt-law-enforcements-critical-oversight-revealed/). While the mockingbird CNN media pushes the narrative that the shooter was spotted only 1 min and 57 seconds before the shooting (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akb7bPCrfAs).

The latter would seem like the obvious alternative scenario. However, for those who came to the conclusions that Trump, such as Biden, is a deep state asset, this doesn’t quite make sense. Why would the deep state wants to eliminate their front-running candidate? You may find ridiculous the idea that Trump is a deep state asset when the narrative that Trump is fighting the deep state is broadly accepted. However, did you know that Trump has numerous deep state ties including with the Rothschild, Epstein and Soros? Also, how to explain the involvement of Trump in the Qanon psyop (through the Qproofs) if Trump is going after the deep state? In 2016, Trump got elected on the promise that he will drain the swamp but instead of draining it, he appointed the swamp to his administration (Barr, Ross, Acosta who were all associates of Epstein). Don’t believe me? I recommend you watched these two mirrored videos from Jake Morphonios (most of his research had been taken off the internet):

https://www.bitchute.com/video/WpxeUOiWikO9 https://www.bitchute.com/video/QAW9y6emuHWB

So if it’s not a lone wolf or deep state assassination attempt, what hypothesis are we left with?

The one that comes to mind is a false flag assassination attempt from the deep state aiming to:

  • Discredit the narrative that Trump is a deep state asset
  • Counter the rise of RFK currently polling at 19%
  • Prop up Trump as a national Hero and broadening his support in preparation of a potential involvement in WW3

Although at first glance this scenario may seem ridiculous, we shall first remind ourselves that the deep state had executed several more complex false flag operations before. So saying “it couldn’t have been done” is ignoring a core expertise of the deep state.

If it is a false flag, then how can we explain that the deep state would have taken the risk to kill Trump by aiming at his ear? It seems like a very dangerous stunt even for a skilled shooter. To this my response is, what evidence do we have that a bullet grazed Trump’s ear? Objectively, we have none. It’s very possible that fake blood would have been applied to Trump after he went to the ground. Maybe it's even real blood and his ear was clipped by a SS agent while they were surrounding him out of sight of the cameras. There had been shots fired and even a person killed in the crowd but nothing prove that the shooter actually aimed at Trump. He could have shot at the crowd from a safe distance from Trump. Moreover, according to an aerial view shared on https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1349940/pg1, it appears that Corey Comperatore (the victim) wasn’t even close to be in the alignment of Trump and the shooter.

So unless the shooter changed his aim mid round (for which reasons?), he couldn’t have killed Comperatore by aiming at Trump. The author of the thread on abovetopsecret.com uses this element to make the case that a second shooter may have been aiming at Trump (comforting the scenario of a deep state attempt on Trump) but I simply think that the explanation is that the shooter (probably a MKUltra asset) wasn’t tasked to kill Trump but to aim at the crowd instead still creating the perception of an assassination on Trump.

I’d like to hear your thoughts on what holes this third scenario might have!

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Putin and the monero community have a common nemesis, the Central Bankers of the world. Although, unlike Putin, our clear message is that decentralization is the key component of the solution to what ails the planet.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

September 21st, 2019. Wow, Claudia has a crystal ball, or what? Cabin Talk back in September 2019 gave us a heads-up on the upcoming pandemic and mandatory vaccines.

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/wV9Rl6d2Mys/

Original Removed from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=wV9Rl6d2Mys





submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The official numbers for world population released by the United Nations as of now have just surpassed 8 billion people living on Earth. In 1800 there were only 900 million members of the human family spread across the world, raising to 1.65 billion in 1900, and skyrocketing to nearly 7 billion in the year 2000. Now in 2023 we have allegedly just passed the 8 billion mark with UN predictions claiming these statistics will continue to rise until reaching a whopping 11 billion at the turn of the next century. Given past failures and the many lies spewed by the UN during recent world events, however, it is fair and justified to remain skeptical of such statistics and to do some independent investigation before blindly believing.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

New documentary from David Whitehead, a must watch presentation exposing the psychopathic criminal elite that control from the shadows like cowards.


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