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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/OkDot8850 on 2024-04-10 07:50:12.

I was bullied and mocked for liking something a lot when I was younger. Now I monitor my behavior even with my special interests because I don't want to seem "too" excited.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/PrettyBaby666 on 2024-04-10 03:42:25.

The toothpaste I use has been discontinued. It's the only one that doesn't make me gag and refuse to brush my teeth. I normally have some in stock but I'm on to my last tube and I just discovered that it's been discontinued. I've just started a new job and now on my days off I have to use my wages to buy new toothpastes to try and hope they don't make me gag. I don't know how to explain to my partner and mum how much this has upset me. I don't want a new toothpaste. I want mine. I feel so stupid for being upset over something as simple as toothpaste but I struggled for so long with brushing my teeth until I found this toothpaste and now it's gone I'm just so annoyed and sad and frustrated.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Forestdreaming on 2024-04-10 03:38:37.

I have these episodes and I'm not sure what to call them. I don't have health insurance so I don't have very much support. Today while working( I drive around for work) I was texting with my 3 bosses and I had asked them why a part of my delivery wasn't filled last night like we had previously discussed through text the day before. They started saying they didn't know what I was talking about and saying things like "who trained her" and how they wouldn't mess up. Eventually one of them realized they had actually forgotten. One of the other ones continued saying he had no idea about it and he isn't wrong and I'm wrong for not leaving him a note and also that i needed to learn to communicate. I sent him a screenshot of our conversation proving I had communicated to them and they had agreed to add the missing items later. Instead of any apology or even acknowledging my texts he flat out ignored me. I was so upset and confused for all the negative response I received I started feeling ill and violently shaking. I had to pull over my car and I was crying. I am just so confused how to get along with these people. Even when I do communicate I get in trouble. I'm not good at understanding others all the time, as most of us aren't, but my one boss is especially hard. Everything I do is wrong. I called my mom and she talked me down some but I could barely form words and was rocking and shaking. I'm just wondering if this is just regular anxiety (which I have sever anxiety) or something else. I'm so overwhelmed at work with the constant back and forth and trying to navigate what I call the "social rules" I just feel like they're waiting for me to mess up and think im a freak. If anyone has these episodes what do you do?? I can't even think during them and they're really embarrassing..

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/ilikewatchingtv1995 on 2024-04-10 05:55:57.

Original Title: I hate that I have to bring this situation to reddit. I have a non verbal autistic child who is not even potty trained.The school is not even working with me, instead I honestly feel like they are bullying me. My child is 11yrs old.

Here’s the story. My child comes home from school with a horrific injury in a very inappropriate area. I sent my child to school that day without a bruise or injury, and my child is non verbal so obviously my child can’t tell me what happened. Part of our routine is when my child comes home I give my kid a shower, and that’s when I saw the injury and I felt like dropping dead. My child was limping wasn’t really walking around or running much, which isn’t normal my child loves running around. Instead my child was oversleeping and exhausted. I take my child to the pediatrician and the pediatrician suggested for me to call cps on the school and I did. And they then call cps on me accusing me of the worst. Now the cps worker is on my side. He showed me allegations that the school made against me. I requested a safety transfer and the school is refusing even to work with me. They completely ignored the safety transfer and I handed it in exactly the way the DOE told me to. A meeting was arranged to speak about the injury they never told me what happened instead the school has been deflecting the whole time. I ended up needing a lawyer because they are playing very dirty. I was never notified about the injury and I know they saw it because they change my child’s diaper in school every day. I’m not even looking for money I just want my child in a decent school that feel like I can trust and my child will be safe. But they are making it impossible it’s been a nightmare all I want is the safety transfer. I’ve been compliant this whole time and the cps worker and the lawyer both said so. They keep calling me one day I woke up and it was a phone call from the school and the sun hasn’t even risen properly yet it was still kind of dark out. I just want my child safe I never want to see my child looking like they were abused ever again. What do I do? They are making this incredibly difficult for me because like I said they’re refusing to work with me at all. I apologize in advance for the typos I’m not even thinking straight. I don’t understand how I’ve done my part and have the school reporting nonstop. I was told by social workers, cps workers, doctors, and my lawyer that I have been getting everything done and I’m doing a good job. Why is the school doing this to me?😭😭 I’m not asking I’m begging for help and I beg anybody that responds for kindness please.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Even-Consequence-203 on 2024-04-10 00:15:03.

My dad (M60) has a habit of saying the word ret*rd a lot, but due to a couple of my past experiences, especially due to being ND, the word itself is a bit of a trigger word for me. He's never outright called me this word or anything, but anytime I tell him and I quote 'Can you please stop saying that word? It's an ableist slur and hearing it makes me really uncomfortable', even after I tell him why it makes me uncomfortable and why it shouldn't be said by anyone, it always ends with him saying that it's 'just a word' and that I need to 'toughen up and stop being such a baby' about it 🧍‍♂️

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/vorpalbunnies123 on 2024-04-09 23:04:23.

For autistic folks with both feet and boobs which one is a greater sensory hell: bras or socks?

Maybe it’s just a me thing but I can live with a bra (a practical one, not something pretty and itchy) but socks come off the second I’m inside. Even weirder, I am really sensitive about dirt and junk on my feet but I would rather risk dirt than wear socks.

How about you?

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Beneficial-Judge6482 on 2024-04-09 19:52:42.

As many or as little you like, cool, helpful or just downright weird, I wanna hear all of them! :)

Here’s one from me: many snakes actually have little nubs left over from when they had legs, they’re situated around their cloaca (their one, all-purpose hole at the start of their tail :P).

I feel like that fact is becoming more and more known nowadays though 🥲

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/peteybruh98 on 2024-04-09 19:52:57.

I'm sorry I'm a disappointment to you.

I wish I wasn't a nicotine and prescription drug addict.

If I had the chance to leave the world I would. If you know what I'm insinuating.

I'm disappointed in myself, she's supposed to love her son not make him feel like dirt when she knows he has autism and mental health issues.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/LunarEcllpse on 2024-04-09 17:56:56.

Original Title: American here: I’m starting to get really frightened by what’s happening in our politics because I don’t exactly know what’s going on. Can someone point me in the direction of where I can read unbiased, autistic-friendly reports on it all so far?

if I had to pick a category I would say I’m left winged and/or liberal (though in this case I guess it doesn’t really matter lol), But despite knowing how I feel and knowing my moral compass, I can’t for the life of me keep up with politics because the way these neurotypical people phrase their sentences and just the way they speak and interact with each other. I’m so frustrated because this is one of my biggest struggles (not understanding people) and this is a really important thing going on you know? I need to keep up, especially since I’m now legally allowed to vote. Please help me friends!!

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/inappropriatusqueshn on 2024-04-09 17:06:00.

My partner has Autism and is non-binary, they have had some wild experiences in their life. We have been in a relationship for six months and in the early stages I did not mind them telling me stories about weird hookups and the fact they have had sex in public before.

But recently my attitude towards these stories changed because I am madly in love with them, and I made it clear to them that I do not want to hear about them (They promised me not to repeat them in front of me); I feel that if I were not a virgin before I met them I would understand that it is not a big deal for most adults (I also come from a very conservative country so sex was just not possible for me, let alone queer sex).

They have violated the promise twice now (yesterday they talked about having sex with their friend's girlfriend in front of their friends when I was sitting in their lap just two minutes ago) and tonight was very triggering as we were on a walk and doing some stargazing kissing and hugging each other.

They pointed out to the woods nearby just after I kissed them and said they had sex with their pretty girlfriend in the woods (about 50 metres away from where we just kissed) one night in 2019 because their dad wouldn't let their girlfriend stay at the house. I was about to cry as soon as I arrived home and my mood was ruined by the thought "are they hanging out with me or the memories of their ex gf (she is very pretty)" circling.

They have profusely apologized both times and I know that their heart is in the right place as they sometimes just say stuff as an infodump, am I going crazy?

Does anyone have any advice on how to help keep them more vigilant about this?

Edit: They use They/He pronouns, that's why I used his in the title.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/ThatWasFortunate on 2024-04-09 16:50:49.

Inclusion should be a front and center issue when it comes to autism awareness talks. Many of us are perfectly capable of existing in this world with reasonable accommodations but we're literally shut out of it.

I have been seeing so many "woe is me" type posts from parents of kids with autism on LinkedIn and it works against the very thing most autistic people on LinkedIn want, which is to improve the unemployment rate for autistic people. For example, one post compared raising an autistic child to flying a plane without a manual - flouting the number of resources that are out there.

If parents can't even raise their child, of course a hiring manager is going to perceive autistic people as a burden and reject them. I just want to unmask and stay employed.

We really need the help of NT voices, but they need to champion OUR causes.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Charming_Panda5923 on 2024-04-09 15:34:30.

Unfortunately she has fallen prey before to medical conspiracies will this harm me? I’m kind of nervous. She’s anti vax. Also I am trying not to break rule #3 on this subreddit so I’ll be very clear, I’m not spreading misinformation I know this method has been debunked as quackery and not scientific. I’m just wondering if anyone could give me advice on what to say to my mom

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Queen_Secrecy on 2024-04-09 16:39:53.

I see so many men here complaining that dating as an autistic man is harder, thinking it is easier as a woman for some reason, even though it's really not.

I'm a conventionally attractive cis-woman in her mid-20s, and was never in a relationship. I was never close to anyone in any way. Although I like the idea of a relationship in theory, I know I struggle too much to enter a healthy relationship.

I am autistic. I'm perceived as weird. I get nervous when people approach me, I get angry when someone touches me, I feel uncomfortable in group settings, I have delayed audible processing etc. etc.

Sure, people might not notice all that immediately, but they definitely will, once I have an actual conversation with them, which is usually necessary when someone wants to enter a relationship.

In my life, I only ended up getting along with one other autistic person on a date, but he passed away before any relationship came to be.

In the end, I am fully aware that those are 'my problems', which are not somehow the other genders fault. I'm so sick and tired of those autistic men who twist every narrative to avoid any accountability whenever possible.

(And before someone goes 'not all autistic men'- yes. Yes I know! My father is autistic, and he's a good dad. My brother is autistic too, and didn't spiral down this lncel route either)

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/de9sem on 2024-04-09 11:24:40.

No, not the good doctor

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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Ok_Negative961 on 2024-04-09 12:16:34.

I’m not autistic but my partner is. I’ve been seeing a therapist for a few months and discussed my partner’s autism and my therapist made a comment that really didn’t sit well with me - “there’s a saying: if you’ve met one autistic person you’ve met them all”

Is this ‘a saying’ and does she have a point or is this just ignorant? I honestly don’t find her that great a therapist and I feel like this might be a red flag to get rid.

Edit to correct second paragraph opening sentence. Second edit to say - Thanks all for the responses. I think she’s perhaps misquoted herself and meant to say ‘if you’ve met one autistic person, you’ve met one autistic person’ which I hadn’t heard before. If I had, I’d have questioned it more or got her to elaborate more rather than me try to relate to her misquoted phrase! Looking at it now, she must’ve misspoke and not realised I took her misquoted phrase literally because I didn’t know the correct version!

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/RainbowsOnMyMind on 2024-04-09 10:44:40.

Hi. I just got diagnosed this January at the age of 28. The psychologist never said the term Asperger’s to me, she only ever said the term autism. And in the report it says she verified the presence of autism spectrum disorder.

But right at the bottom it states the ICD-10 classification is F 84.5 Asperger syndrome.

So I’m confused how I’m supposed to feel about that, since everywhere I read it is an outdated term. I understand that Asperger is just a part of the spectrum, but should I use it in discussion?

I plan to contact the psychologist again to ask what she thinks about the Asperger’s term (maybe this is just the classification system still used by this country even if she doesn’t like it).

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/chiyuris on 2024-04-09 10:09:49.

I’m a grad student in an applied math research lab.

During lab dinner, we found out that literally every member, including the PI, is autistic. It explains a lot why I’m socially so comfortable with my lab and the PI is really easy to interact with. I wonder if autistic people unconsciously just flock to each other.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Creative_Function_62 on 2024-04-09 06:11:15.

Just curious. I tend to be naked a lot at home since I tend to get uncomfortable in clothing when I’m chilling and having to do laundry later, which adds to a lot of exhaustion.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Few-Pirate6046 on 2024-04-09 06:59:05.

It's a common thing for autistic people to hate textures like cotton, fleece, and styrofoam. But what is the one texture you just loathe with every fiber of your being and will avoid at all costs? For me, and I know this might me oddly specific, it's wooden popsicle sticks. Especially when they're wet. If I'm eating a popsicle, I will literally have the wrapper wrapped around the stick so I don't have to touch it. If my tongue even goes anywhere near the stick, I have a cringe attack like no other. This is also true for wooden chopsticks. I actually ended up buying a pair of bamboo chopsticks because the ones you get at restaurants just gross me out so much.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/PocketGoblix on 2024-04-09 05:26:56.

According the DSM-5, ADOS, multiple articles, books, and online resources, I without a doubt qualify for autism spectrum disorder.

But, at the same time, I am not disabled.

I have a job, I’m doing well in college, I’ve always done well in school, I can live independently, and even have a driving license.

However, I do struggle greatly with personal hygiene, mental illnesses, burnout, social difficulties, and diet. For example, while I can work a job, I GREATLY struggle with it - but not to the extent that I /cannot/ do it at all.

I feel like this means I am, by definition, not disabled. Or at least my “disability” is rather pathetic compared to others.

I struggle to identify with the label of “disabled” - not when I am succeeding very well in my life. If you look at where I live, what I have, what I am capable of - disabled is not the word you would use to describe it.

Thus, I feel like this fact alone might undermine my entire diagnosis. I feel like people will judge for even thinking I have autism, even though I qualify for it in every single other way.

Just looking for some advice, if you have any.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Nymyane_Aqua on 2024-04-08 21:13:02.

Hi all, I’m feeling really upset. I’ve struggled with attention issues for years and finally had an evaluation today to get an ADHD diagnosis (I was on a waitlist for six months!) so I could start some medication to get my life in order. Whelp, the psychiatrist said I exhibit every ADHD symptom but then diagnosed me with autism, which won’t allow me to get any medications because my office only prescribed those meds with very specific diagnoses.

I’m so frustrated. The autism diagnosis makes sense and I’m not upset with it because I have it, I’m just so frustrated that I’m now barred from getting the medications I need and have been told WILL help me.

Has anyone dealt with this before? I feel so lost and alone.

I hate autism (lemmit.online)
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/f4c3t4t on 2024-04-09 02:16:19.

I would literally rather be a frog than a man with autism. It's like all mistakes I make are rooted in having autism. Being hyperfunctional makes it even more difficult, all "normal" people assume that I'm just like them but I am not. I hate being the weird guy everywhere I go, I hate never feeling enough and complete, it all just makes me want to leave this planet. What's the point if nobody will ever understand why I'm like this. I am always the weird guy in every social setting. I am tired

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Socks_thePrimate on 2024-04-08 21:17:11.

Part of me thinks it's a good idea. I embrace my autism. If I could get rid of it I would because it makes it so difficult to relate to others, but for better or worse it's part of me and I appreciate that it makes me unique. I think it shouldn't be something people have to hide. I want to raise awareness (since I think I don't quite line up with the stereotype), make other autistic people feel accepted, and provide an explanation for my weird or awkward behavior lol. I also kind of want my professors to know if I'm clueless about a basic concept I'm autistic, not dumb.

Part of me thinks it's a bad idea. The fact is people are often misinformed about autism and it may invite judgement that makes my life harder, conscious or subconscious, from people like professors whose opinion of me matters beyond the social context.

I just really like this pin that says "autistic" in a cool font.

How open are you about being autistic?

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Zealousideal_Plum533 on 2024-04-08 20:29:26.

My main hobbies are watching Anime and reading Manga. Sometimes I feel so burn out by Anime and Manga that I need a break from it. Either go for a walk or a drive with family. Go to the mall and walk around. Find myself unable to sit still during a Anime episode or when reading Manga. I don't feel like doing my hobbies sometimes and just stare up at the ceiling.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/glossypenis on 2024-04-08 19:31:49.

I've never posted here but i want to celebrate and tell everyone!! I'm 18 and have been on the waiting list for 2 and a half years and i'm finally diagnosed. After getting medicated for adhd i started to notice autistic behaviors that i had assumed were adhd due to the overlap, but now knowing for certain that i'm autistic is such a relief. No more wondering if there's just something inherently wrong with me, no more appointments that end with "the results are inconclusive, go fuck yourself."

This is a weight lifted off my and my mom's shoulders. I'm so thankful for the woman we worked with for listening to us and diagnosing me officially. I'm getting drunk with my best friend tonight to celebrate lol.

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