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submitted 5 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/homenetworking by /u/johnk442 on 2024-05-20 00:50:55.

Hello, and TIA. I have a home networking question; please do advise and forgive me if I have posted in the wrong subreddit, or posted the wrong question, etc.

* * * *

TL;DR: Client got hacked, bad, and wants a new laptop installed instead of fixing old system.

-> Can I simply install the new system and connect it to the Internet without worrying about the previous hack, since 1) the client left two obvious password files on his computer desktop, and 2) Avast gave a warning of open router ports? His ISP is Spectrum, so I don't have access to open/close any ports individually as far as I know, even from within the My Spectrum app.

-> Would a factory reset of the router work, or even be advisable?

* * * *

I am basically new to computer tech support, and while I have a piece of paper saying I have studied networking, I have never had the opportunity to actually work in the field. So I am being ultra-cautious with a client who got hacked.

I have many years' experience using software and PCs but only 1 1/2 years in actually doing stuff in this new arena. I was a contractor (eww? but I did gain experience) for a year and now am a part-time, bottom-feeding freelancer, helping senior citizens with stuff that's hard for them but that I can do (ISP router and modem setup, printer connection and TS and repair, system research and recommendation, data transfer, OS reset, etc) without negatively impacting them. I happen to live in a retirement mecca, so...

Anyway, I have a client who got hacked, bad, (RAT with accessible password files, multiple-file deletion, etc), and he wants a new laptop - he thinks we can just plug it in and connect it to the internet, and all will be well; he is disconnecting and storing the old laptop and the data thereon rather than face the difficulties of remediation, which would be beyond my current capabilities. I tried referring out to a PC tech company but the client instead wants a new system.

Avast gave a network warning saying there are open ports on the router. Given that the hack was a RAT and that the client literally had two files named "Passwords...[date]" on his desktop, and that the hacker presumably has them, as well as the previous access info for his router, I am concerned that simply hooking up the new laptop will be a disaster, as for one thing, it will be a while before the client can change all the passwords, disconnect logged in accounts, set up 2FA, etc.

His ISP is Spectrum, so I don't know how or if the hacker actually got blocked ports, unblocked. I just checked Spectrum's site and there is an extensive list of the ports Spectrum itself blocks. So, I don't even know if the Avast warning was anything to worry about.

Thanks for all answers, and if I have posted in the wrong subreddit, please advise and forgive.

submitted 3 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/europe by /u/eleanor_james on 2024-05-19 07:22:55.
Coax coming out wall was cut (
submitted 5 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/homenetworking by /u/UnrelatedKarma on 2024-05-20 00:49:19.

So my girlfriend cut the end of the coax cable off when we were painting a few months ago. I didn’t notice or care because we had Verizon 5G wireless internet. Now I’m trying to install spectrum cable but don’t know what to do. Is that cable salvageable?

I found an older coax and hooked the modem up to it but the online light just flashes white nonstop

submitted 5 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/homenetworking by /u/NE-Adventurer on 2024-05-20 00:17:18.

Hi All,

I am moving into an apartment where they are offering to provide internet, however I would like my own service and not use theirs. Two Ideas I've had are to connect an additional router to their modem to have a second network which I've searched and found that could cause issues. The other is to get a cable splitter and set up an additional modem and router. Would the latter be feasible, and would it be treated as an entirely new service?

Thank you for any advice!

submitted 3 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/europe by /u/EuropeBot on 2024-05-19 06:00:11.

Welcome to the weekly European news gathering.

Please remember to state the country or region in your post and it would be great if you link to your sources.

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This post is part of a series and gets posted every Sunday at 8AM CET.


submitted 5 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/homenetworking by /u/cockleburrito on 2024-05-19 23:55:30.

Partner doesn't want to see or hear the network rack. The NAS and NVR are the loudest devices, and while they're relatively quiet they are audible from an adjacent room. So it seems like my options are:

  • Garage -- big temperature swings, lots of spiders
  • Laundry room -- high humidity
  • Utility closet -- shared with water heater and furnace
  • Linen closet -- expensive to run power/cables
  • Attic -- hot, difficult access

Follow up question: since I will be installing far away from living spaces, and coax tends to be installed in living spaces, what's the best way to connect the network rack to the internet? Put the modem near the coax and run ethernet, or run coax to the network rack? Are they completely equivalent, or is there a good reason to choose one over the other?

Thanks for the advice!

submitted 5 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/homenetworking by /u/Positive_Bathroom_20 on 2024-05-19 21:26:32.
submitted 2 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/europe by /u/ninjascotsman on 2024-05-19 16:44:59.
submitted 2 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/europe by /u/Karlottobenz on 2024-05-19 15:49:19.
submitted 4 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/selfhosted by /u/lostmsu on 2024-05-20 03:29:42.

I want to setup a new TinyTinyRSS instance on another OS (probably NixOS) because the Bitnami image I used on GCP free tier uses Debian Buster and is no longer supported.

My only concerns are:

  • filters
  • read/unread status
  • starred articles

Does OPML export cover all these?

I can find and copy the database too if I can figure out where is it :-D

submitted 4 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/selfhosted by /u/Low-Plastic-2399 on 2024-05-20 03:20:41.

Hey is there any way to download steam games on a vm and then transfer it to my pc. i am fustrated of huge update tooking off my free time after my job. so is there any way that updates can download overnight on my synlogy or proxmox and then speedly transfer to my pc??

submitted 4 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/selfhosted by /u/IngwiePhoenix on 2024-05-20 01:32:27.

Late last year, I started an apprenticeship at a new company and I was excited to meet someone there with an equally or higher level of IT than myself - all the windows-maniacs excluded (because there is only so much excitement in a Domain Controller or Active Directory, honestly...). That employee explained and told me about all the services and things we use - one of them being Kubernetes, in the form of a cluster running OpenSuse's k3s.

Well, hardly a month later, and they got fired for some reason and I had to learn everything on my own, from scratch, right then, right now and right there. F_ck.

Months later, I have attempted to use k3s for selfhosting - trying to remove the tangled wires that is 30ish Docker Compose deployments running across three nodes. They worked - but getting a good reverse proxy setup involved creating a VPN that spans two instances of Caddy that share TLS and OSCP information through Redis and only use DNS-01 challenges through Cloudflare. Everything was everywhere - and, partially still is. But slowly, migrating into k3s has been quite nice.

But. If you ever intend to look into Kubernetes for selfhosting, here are some of the things that I have run into that had me tear my hair out hardcore. This might not be everyone's experience, but here is a list of things that drove me nuts - so far. I am not done migrating everything yet.

  1. Helm can only solve 1/4th of your problems. Whilst the idea of using Helm to do your deployments sounds nice, it is unfortunately not going to always work for you - and in most cases, it is due to ingress setups. Although there is a builtin Ingress thing, there still does not seem to be a fully uniform way of constructing them. Some Helm charts will populate the .spec.tls field, some will not - and then, your respective ingress controller, which is Traefik for k3s, will have to also correctly utilize them. In most cases, if you use k3s, you will end up writing your own ingresses, or just straight up your own deployments.
  2. Nothing is straight-forward. What I mean by this is something like: You can't just have storage, you need to "make" storage first! If you want to give your container storage, you have to give it a volume - and in return, that volume needs to be created by a storage provisioner. In k3s, this uses the Local Path Provisioner, which gets the basics done quite nicely. However - what about storage on your NAS? Well... I am actually still investigating that. And cloud storage via something like rclone? Well, you will have to allow the FUSE device to be mounted in your container. Oh, were where we? Ah yes, adding storage to your container. As you can see, it's long and deep... and although it is largely documented, it's a PITA to find at times what you are looking for.
  3. Docker Compose has a nice community, Kubernetes' doesn't...really. So, like, "docker compose people" are much more often selfhosters and hobby homelabbers and are quite eager to share and help. But whenever I end up in a kubernetes-ish community for one reason or another, people are a lot more "stiff" and expect you to know much more than you might already - or, outright ignore your question. This isn't any ill intend or something - but Kubernetes was ment to be a cloud infrastructure defintion system - not a homelabber's cheap way to build a fancy cluster to add compute together and make the most of all the hardware they have. So if you go around asking questions, be patient. Cloud people are a little different. Not difficult or unfriendly - just... a bit built different. o.o
  4. When trying to find "cool things" to add or do with your cluster, you will run into some of the most bizzare marketing you have seen in your life. Everyone/-thing uses GitOps or DevOps and includes a rat's tail of dependencies or pre-knowledge. So if you have a pillow you frequently scream into in frustration... it'll have quite some "input". o.o;

Overall, putting my deployments together has worked quite well so far and although it is MUCH slower than just writing a Docker Compose deployment, there are certain advantages like scaleability, portability (big, fat asterisk) and automation. Something Docker Compose can not do is built-in cronjobs; or using ConfigMaps that you define in the same file and language as your deployment to provide configuration. A full kubernetes deployment might be ugly as heck, but has everything neatly packaged into one file - and you can delete it just as easy with kubectl delete -f deployment.yaml. It is largely autonomous and all you have to worry about is writing your deployments - where they run, what resources are ultimatively utilized and how the backend figures itself out, are largely not of your concern (unless Traefik decides to just not tell you a peep about an error in your configuration...).

As a tiny side-note about Traefik in k3s; if you are in the process of migrating, consider enabling the ExternalNameServices option to turn Traefik into a reverse proxy for your other services that have not yet migrated. Might come in handy. I use this to link my FusionPBX to the rest of my services under the same set of subdomains, although it runs in an Incus container.

What's your experience been? Why did you start using Kubernetes for your selfhosting needs? Im just asking into the blue here, really. Once the migration is done, I hope that the following maintenance with tools like Rennovate won't make me regret everything lmao. ;

submitted 2 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/europe by /u/Embire on 2024-05-19 16:44:13.
submitted 5 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/homenetworking by /u/shax000 on 2024-05-19 20:40:21.
submitted 4 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/selfhosted by /u/FewSimple9 on 2024-05-20 00:19:16.

I've been using the Homepage Docker container and recently discovered that it can be linked with the *arr suite. I'd like to add Sonarr and Radarr integrations. I've tried using the website, searching for solutions, and even asked ChatGPT, but I haven't been able to get it working.

Could someone review my code and help me add the calendar to show upcoming shows and movies?

# For configuration options and examples, please see:

- calendar:
    - agenda:
  type: calendar
  firstDayInWeek: sunday
  view: monthly
  maxEvents: 10
  showTime: true
    - type: sonarr 
      service_group: Media 
      service_name: Sonarr
      color: teal
        unmonitored: true

- Media Management:

    - Radarr:
        icon: radarr.png
        description: Movie Management
        container: radarr
          type: radarr
          key: (deleted)

    - Sonarr:
        icon: sonarr.png
        description: Series Management
        container: sonarr
          type: sonarr
          key: (deleted)
          enableQueue: True

submitted 2 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/europe by /u/Pilast on 2024-05-19 16:38:42.
submitted 5 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/homenetworking by /u/McGlox03 on 2024-05-19 19:38:02.

I was on my computer this morning and everything was working fine, all of a sudden my connection drops and I disconnect the TP Link I have in my bedroom and reconnect expecting the connection to restore like it normally would but it doesn’t and now it shows the Ethernet connection in the pop up at the bottom right of the screen and it says no internet?

I have a TP Link downstairs connected to the router and the other half of the TP Link is in my bedroom connected to my PC, the motherboard is also only Ethernet no WiFi.

Thanks in advance!

submitted 5 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/homenetworking by /u/UnArgentoPorElMundo on 2024-05-19 18:08:47.

Hello everyone. I want to assign X number of minutes of internet access to some devices per day. For example. I want to assign device1 and device2, 120 minutes per day. I don't care how it is consumed. Maybe one day device1 uses 100 minutes and device2 uses 20. Maybe antoher day they use 60 and 60. The important thing is that once that number of minutes gets consumed, the internet connection is blocked for device1 and device2. And I want to do it also for device3 and device4. For example, I can assign 45 minutes to device3 and device4. As soon as those 45 minutes get consumed, internet should block both. Any ideas? Custom firmware? A RasberryPi? Thanks.

submitted 2 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/europe by /u/SimonMagus8 on 2024-05-19 12:57:34.
Cat6a or fiber (
submitted 5 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/homenetworking by /u/nielskool on 2024-05-19 08:17:21.


Situation: (game) server upstairs and i want the HDMI output to the tv downstairs “without” delay. I also want USB at the place of the tv. Cable distance is about 50m.

In the past I used these HDMI extenders at my previous place: And a pi for usb over ip.

I now moved to a new house and want te same, but there is not much space in de conduits and I also want to spread some extra cables through the house for internet.

So I found the following:

This way I can create with a single cat6a cable HDMI, usb and LAN. I think this is a reasonable solution for now. But I am still considering whether or not to see if I can get an extra lan cable. Not sure about the stability of LAN over these devices.

Question: Would it be possible to have a fiber to rj45 converter that supports HDBaseT? Then I can run fiber through the conduits? And have space for other cables/fibers.

So just CAT6a for the orei devices and create LAN from it or run fiber?

Is there maybe an other solution for me to look into? I don’t want moonlight/parsec/shield or steam streaming like things. Used it in the past, but since I used these HDMI extenders I don’t want anything else anymore for the tv. For laptop gaming these streaming options are fine.

submitted 1 minute ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/europe by /u/egusa on 2024-05-19 23:55:37.
submitted 3 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/hardware by /u/LeTommyWiseau on 2024-05-20 00:53:21.
submitted 5 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/homenetworking by /u/zeeks123 on 2024-05-19 08:09:19.

Im in the process of changing from 100/20 speed to 1000/50.

My current router wifi is terrible and i want to have better wifi through the house. (2 story house). the router can go upstairs or downstairs but seems to only give connection on whatever level it is based on.

Besides also wanting better wifi throughout the entire house for general devices, i also play competitive online games while plugged in through ethernet. I want the lowest latency possible and from research ive heard i need a router with good sqm to not get any bufferbloat.

Considering these 2 main requirements what current router//s would best suite?


submitted 3 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/europe by /u/NexusNeonRJ on 2024-05-19 11:53:46.
submitted 2 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/europe by /u/that_tealoving_nerd on 2024-05-19 16:33:39.
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