TL;DR: The file management app Eagle has a feature to download all the images from any page no matter how long it is. Zero technical knowledge required.
I'm an artist with massive amounts of saved art for inspiration and admiration in twitter and instagram bookmarks, pinterest, etc. It's all unwieldy and impossible to find what I need when I need it. So I was looking at to manage my library. Turns out they have fantastic downloading tools built in.
Twitter bookmarks have proved particularly troublesome because there's no unique url for a user's saved bookmarks. I lack the coding knowledge or time to pull images with a script or other solution. And muskrat crippling the API a few years back made other tools I'd seen unusable.
It turns out that Eagle's method for importing from Pinterest boards works for any page with a lot of images, including twitter bookmarks. It scrolled and pulled automatically from the page and collected over 3,000 images with source links intact. If you use other Eagle features you can get additional information, like the tweet text, but being able to press a single button and get all my saved images with no extra work was a worthwhile tradeoff.