This was years ago but just thinking about it now…the entire emergency room visit was denied. Now, I wasn’t the one who had to pay, because the hospital ended up paying it for me…but still. Really? All the bloodwork, endless exams, all the scans and ultrasounds, the overnight stay, the fluids, medication, everything would have been so, so expensive…and you cant even cover a young mother who is very ill because she just lost her baby? What? Im sorry????
Oh, and the antibiotic medication i needed from almost going septic due to the infection was also not covered.
Imagine if i DID have to pay. I would have probably died from the stress. Imagine how many people are out there, dealing with the same thing. How many are uninsured, going through the same situation. I can’t imagine how fucking stressful and excruciating that would be.
The healthcare system needs extreme reformation.