I feel exactly like this when some first year website engineering student starts arguing with me about website coding standards online.
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I may have argued with a senior developer as a work experiencee and stated that this code is bad practise. While I was on a shitty school, I still had many years of hobby programming, and can tell you that creating confusing variable names like "query" next to "Query" is bad practise. He was angry.
He also was angry that I didn't understand how to create a download feature into the browser (ASP.NET) and asked him if I could do it in the Server instead. After he showed me the example code, I tried to explain to him that C# code can't be executed by the browser and that everything in C# is executed by the Server...
Edit: He was the most Angry when I asked if I should buy a "Clean Coding" book as a gift.
Sounds like you were right.
Since then, I tend to hate and avoid companies that use Microsofr products mainly. Its just marketing what Microsoft does and any product of Microsoft tends to be worse than anything for free qnd Open Source.