Just good old fashioned protectionism for Chevy, Ford, and Ram, brought to you by the people who preach free trade when talking about the imports they buy.
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Also means more Americans can put food on the table. But we hate Americans here, right?
How does making trucks more expensive help Americans, who famously buy lots of trucks?
Making trucks here, means having factories here. Not just factory jobs, but jobs for everything supporting it, like truckers, lines men, that sort of thing.
And any company can take advantage, they just have to make the trucks here. It's not just Ford/Chevy/Dodge. Toyota makes trucks here too.
Robert Z. Lawrence, professor of international trade and investment at Harvard University, contends the tax crippled the U.S. automobile industry by insulating it from real competition in light trucks for 40 years.
I honestly don't care what some elitist says. Probably thinks nafta didn't send jobs to Mexico.
NAFTA is a prime example of “fair trade for me, not for thee”
Also, keeping factories here means unions can actually be effective. They can go further before it becomes more profitable to move the factory over seas
Real answer: Being able to build cars means you can build things for the military. So we need domestic carmakers.
Stupid politicians punishing the people to fight a Cold War with their heads in their asses