@[email protected] It pains me greatly to say it, but I really think my MMO days are behind me at this point. They just no longer “hit” like they used to. 🤷♂️
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@DoubleAA @innkeeper I have the same issue and still, I keep on hoping every year to find an MMO that will "hit" me again as much as it did when I was in my teens. 😂
I think this is majorly our nostalgia.. *hoping*.
@[email protected] @[email protected] I've never liked WoW :/ But do share what you think about ToL when you get to play it.
@[email protected] They did a lot of QOL stuff that I very much appreciated. Haven't got to endgame yet, but so far, I'm enjoying it more than Dragonflight.
@[email protected] uuuuuuuuuuhhhhh
@[email protected] Was there something I missed? >_>
@[email protected] no no, absolutely. That was the sound of me really considering playing the expansion.
@[email protected] (Un)fortunately, I am too emotionally invested in the story that I can never fully walk away. I will say, so far, I have been presently surprised. Ran my main through the campaign, which is good. Now I am playing with new specs on my alts and profession farming while waiting for LFR. Current end game zone is pleasantly grindable. The 20th anniversary festivities look pretty nice too. Tier 2 gear revamps, reworked raids and dungs.
@doom_[email protected] Oh boy, I completely forgot about the 20th anniversary (and to think I got the game D1 😅 )
Would you say this new expansion is better and/or simpler than Dragonflight?
@[email protected] Definitely better. There are only a few currencies to start, and they give you breadcrumb quests to figure out how to use them. The zones are way more lived in with distinct culture and feel.