I'll stop eating meat when you convince every other omnivore on the planet to stop it. To pretend we are some how more more elevated than any other animal on the planet is arrogant. If we were were any better than a virus we would realise te are fucking ourselves over the need for the abstract concept of stock price go up.
I have seen how animals are killed hell caravan park I holidayed In as a kid was next door to an abattoir which I walked passed eating a burger.
I also grew up in the country helping my farmer friends on cow rearing farms.
Plants and mushrooms are living entities too with growing evidence that they too react and warn their kind when under stress pr attack. As we learn more about the plant and mycelium world the arguments fall apart.
Life cannot exist without death in the end all we can do is minimise the suffering. Something we can't seem to manage for our own species never mind others.
I say this as someone with mostly vegan wife and who where it doesn't suck will pick the non meat option.
E typo I'm sure I missed some