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Booooo??? I loved it! What are you booing???
I'm an unashamed Dark Order mark lol
Stir it up!
Ya know what, love seeing Lee Moriarty get his shot. No one talks about the guy ever, was just one of the background guys you see on BTE and on Dark and such but he's been there week after week, a nice Pure title run is a nice opportunity for him.
Plus still salty Yuta was allowed to keep the title when he was out so long concussed instead of it being vacated lol.
Edit: And pretty much all of that goes for Red Velvet as well!
I'm glad they're both getting their time to shine!
Still would.
Did Mortos just do a fucking Awful Waffle?! Did I never notice Mortos' finisher is a fucking Awful Waffle?! lmao
Lexy is enjoying her involvement with Athena so much lmao
*skips past announcement of matches for battle of the belts cause it never fucking matters*
I don't think wrestling fans think these things through.
Fight forever? God DAMN!!! Do you know how awful that would get before the day is even over? ANY match would get frustratingly annoying after 3 hours.
Fun fact, back in the early 1900s, wrestling shows would be booked around ONE fight. This one match would go 2 hours, sometimes 3 hours. Just one match.
Attendance started dwindling when people realized that watching one match for 2 hours suuuuuuuuucked.
Commentary is top tier, but it needs Nigel McGuinness.
Can't go wrong with Riccaboni and Caprice!
I have to pee, but I don't want to miss the show....
Update.....I peed between matches. We're good.
Great success!
Looking forward to that Texas Death Match. The ladies killed it last time so this should be fun.
Gun rail noises intensifies
Is that Hersch vs Diamonte? Or Athena vs ???
@GeekFTW did someone found the zero hour url on YT ???
i cant find it... π
I love the crowd booing the eye poke. Simple heel tactic, getting booing from the crowd. You LOVE to see it......or hear it, as it were.
Duct taping on the table would have been cleaner set up with two people taping.
Crazy ass spot, but it was disjointed setting that up.
Match of the night right there. I was wondering if I'd switch over to rampage, but not after a match like THAT!!
Never understood why Kyle O Reiley wasn't part of Undisputed Kingdom. Or Maria for that matter.
I think Maria said she wanted to do her own thing
Kyle was offered a spot in Undisputed Kingdom but turned it down
Plus at that point UK would have 6 people in it which is a bit much, especially for a faction that's going fucking nowhere fast.
Well then Kyle is a fool....A FOOL I SAY!
HERSH VS DIAMONTE!!!! I swear. My pizza better not come right now......or if it does, I hope he comes up to my apartment.....
I don't want to miss this match.
This is what I'm drinking. Strawberry Lemonaid, mixed with vodka from a skull glass contsiner, sold by one of the ghostbusters, served in a cup I got this summer from the new ghostbusters movie.
I'm drinking Left Hand Brewing's Peanut Butter Milk Stout nitro!
Show me a pic.
I often wish Paul Wight could have showed up in WWF in the 80s. Imagine him tag teaming with Andre the Giant vs Hogan and Savage.
Holy SHIT!!! I've never seen anyone busted open hardway on the chest from MOTHERFUCKING CHOPS!!!
On Wednesday Minoru Sizuki chopped Jericho's chest until it was leaking profusely
It's time to either make the dark order a ministry of darkness level gothic dark group, or disband them.
As for Dustin Rhodes teaming with the Von Erichs, thats cool considering the history of the Von Erichs and Dusty Rhodes in WCCW.
/Wrestling Nerd.
My drink tastes like liquid jolly rancher, but it's getting me fucked up.