Fuck the GOP, I bet 99% of them have never adopted anyone.
US News
US news only.
I bet 99% od Democrats haven't.
It's a meaningless number.
And if I were betting which group adopts more, I'd be putting that money on conservatives.
Democrats aren’t trying to force those kids to be born, so it DOES matter. Democrats aren’t gutting public education. They’re also not trying to keep minimum wages low and health benefits and services non-existent. They’re not running abstinence only programs and denying access to birth control. They’re not trying to cut school lunch support. The GOP is doing all those things, so yes, it makes a HUGE difference.
While there are no official census on adoption rates based on political inclinations the blue states have considerably higher rates of adoption compared to red states and that goes for both national and international adoption.
Just picture a conservative adopting an African or Chinese baby.
According to the National Survey of Adoptive Parents (NSAP), 37% of adopted children in the US come from foster care, 38% from private domestic adoptions, and 25% from international adoptions. In 2022, nearly 40% of international adoptions to the US came from Colombia, India, and South Korea. In 2021,
California adopted the most children from other countries, with around 156