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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/DrAwesomeX on 2024-04-09 19:33:11.

I’ll be the first to admit I’ve never heard of this person before, but I just stumbled across this thread via Twitter. Apparently they used to do a lot of MLP-related animations, voiceovers, and general animations in general. They have roughly a million subscribers and their most popular videos range from 60M to 10M at their peak about a decade ago.

They allegedly groomed their current girlfriend when she was 15 and had sexual relations with a girl who was 16. Both still actively communicate with Fluffle

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/DrAwesomeX on 2024-04-09 19:19:35.

I’ll drop a much more in-depth analysis of who Smash Bandicoot is and what he did below, but essentially he formerly made a lot of shitposts, grew somewhat big thanks to them, and began being a dick to a lot of people. He then went on to target and strike any channel that even remotely mentioned him, almost taking down several creators until the subject was brought up to Moist Critikal, who arguably got it to stop and had the channel taken down

Since then, Smash Bandicoot has apparently now returned and is impersonating people who didn’t even really have much involvement with the initial drama, like @mr_evaporation. I’m only bringing this up as I’ve been a very close friend of Mr_Evaporation’s for a few years now, and coming from personal experience and seeing everything he’s done, this guy is a fucking NIGHTMARE to deal with. Like I’m talking stalking, death threats, sexual harassment, sending CP to minors, former impersonation attempts, guilt tripping people with suicide, etc.

This is Smash Bandicoot’s new account which I highly recommend everyone report:

And here’s some videos regarding Smash Bandicoot’s activity for those unaware:

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/Steinschlange on 2024-04-09 16:24:57.

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/SpardasMinion on 2024-04-09 05:20:02.

he's a Mega Man youtuber who use to focus on the story and lore of said series, he's gotten in some pretty deep shit recently, he's been exposed for being abusive, possible grooming and just being a deplorable human being, honestly I also wanna post this to get the word out about him and to steer clear of him, but yeah if you know about this how do you guys feel about it?

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/AndreasWerbell on 2024-04-09 03:08:53.

So, I will admit that there might be a more appropriate sub-Reddit to post this doc to, since this guy is more active on Twitch, but given that this guy is active on Youtube as well (and is abusing Youtube's DMCA system), I figured I might as well post it here, if only so that people can spread the word about this guy.

FalterXV is a femboy VTuber whose amassed quite the history - and I mean that in a negative way. Now, I'm assuming that you all have at least a general idea of what a VTuber is, so I'm not going to go into too much detail as to what VTubing is. While he's also infamous in some other gaming communities, I'm focusing on him as a VTuber.

His actions include (evidence will be linked in a Google Drive at the bottom of this post):

-Viewbotting his streams (despite having only 873 followers on Twitch at the time, most of his streams somehow manage to hit the 4 figure number; and it's not like he routinely does collabs with bigger VTubers/streamers appearing as guests on his stream; however, there is the occasional stream where )

-IP Violation (his previous VTuber model is a blatant rip-off of Azur Lane's KMS Scharnhorst - which he has somewhat of an obsession with; while his current one appears to be entirely original, it does - and I swear I am not making this up - violate the Geneva convention because of the Red Cross in the hat)

-Homophobia (this is somewhat ironic, since as I mentioned, this guy is a Femboy VTuber, although he is obsessed with a female personification of the KMS Scharnhorst)

-Ban Evasion and DMCA Takedown abuse (long story short, his original account was banned by Youtube because he kept on abusing the DMCA system; aside from what's listed in the Google Doc, there's also what he's done to Elara - which I mention below)

-Slander (Falter will often take out ads on Twitter and other sites accusing people who he does not like of bad stuff; amusingly, there have been several cases where he forgets to lock the comments on these ads, resulting in people who have no interest in VTubing whatsoever complaining about seeing them)

-Scamming via Chargebacks (detailed in the Google Doc Below)

-Harassment (to the point that 2 people took their own life - or at the very least, felt the need to fake doing so)

If anyone wants more information, a Google Doc on Falter recently dropped that also contains all the evidence for the stuff I posted (as well as a lot more stuff that I didn't mention). While I did somehow get blocked by Falter on Twitter, I have not interacted with him at all (it's likely because I commented on a Tweet by someone he's been harassing). Here's the link:

Additionally, a VTuber by the name of Elara covered the aforementioned doc in a Twitch stream (she's covered him before, so this isn't her first brush with him). However, Falter has since filed a false DMCA claim against Elara - while Elara DID manage to save a copy of the stream, given that Falter does not know when to quit, it's likely this won't be the last time this happens. If you wanna read about it from Elara's end, or see an archive she made of the VOD, here's a link to a tweet she made about Falter's False DMCA strike (which also contains a link to the VOD). Since this happened after the doc dropped, it's not mentioned, so I'm mentioning it here. There are several other people on Youtube (Ringtail, Active Genesis, and Mako Rays) who have also covered Falter's antics if you wanna see some coverage from before the doc dropped

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/Past-Mycologist3843 on 2024-04-09 00:55:31.

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/MidnightMorpher on 2024-04-09 00:26:13.

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/Just_Want_To_Write on 2024-04-08 20:35:25.

So, you may or may not have heard of a channel called After Skool (here’s the link). I first came into contact when a family member began sending videos of theirs to me, and I got a feeling that something was amiss. They’re startling popular, with 3.14 million subscribers and counting, as well as almost 200 videos under their belt. They bill themselves, per their channel description, as a channel that strives to “empower the individual and deliver profound ideas through art.” In other words, they’ve marketed themselves as a new philosophy channel, and they have the same bright, cheery, whiteboard-animation style of AsapSCIENCE to hook in viewers of all ages.

At first blush, the channel may seem harmless. Videos like “The Profound Meaning of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave” and “The Power of Radical Honesty” don’t look like misinformation at all—they actually seem interesting. And a spat of fairly reputable guests—Dr. Anna Lembke and Dr. Robert Waldinger, for example, of which I could find only credibility in their fields—cloaks the channel in an air of authority. By now, the reputation curated by After Skool is one of content that is passionately spoken but credibly delivered—think AsapSCIENCE meets Big Think.

But the truth? After Skool is a toxic swamp of nightmarish propaganda.

Let me explain.

1. The Brand

The first whiffs of danger arise when visiting their website, afterskool.net. The first thing you see as the page loads is a shoved-in-your-face banner, emblazoned with the catchphrases “Skool > School” and “Don’t Let School Get in the Way of Your Education.” This could go either way—propaganda trying to repel a leftist invasion of our institutions, or a program designed to genuinely supplement learning with philosophical ideas. But this cryptic clue isn’t cryptic for much longer, because a little ways underneath this is the conspiracy-laden headline “The ideas spread by the mainstream media are toxic and they are aimed to keep us divided. Divide and conquer.” Oh no . . .

As for the staff behind this operation, there are three “collaborators” listed on their about page, in addition to the numerous “contributors” whose ideas or lessons were included in videos (we’ll get to the videos later). We have Mark W. the animator, Martina M. as a “consultant,” and Mike S. running social media. However, the latter two team members have been cycled through multiple times, so for all intents and purposes, Mark W. is the “mastermind,” if you will, behind this operation.

Already, what has been made to seem as a team of creative minds pumping out invigorating philosophical content has devolved into one man stringing together ideas from other people into videos twisted to his own propagandistic messaging.

And speaking of the videos . . . it’s time to peek into what’s going on After Skool.

2. The Videos

The channel has almost 200 videos, so it’s impossible to cover them all—especially since After Skool has done an excellent job of smoking and mirroring their misinformation behind some true philosophical ideas and videos. But let’s get a taste of After Skool’s bitter cuisine nonetheless to see just how topsy turvy their world really is.

Before even clicking on a single video, a pattern emerges between their titles and thumbnails; most of them show people, always drawn tired and overweight, locked (sometimes physically) onto their phones as swarms of social media assault their minds, while other people—the “enlightened,” as After Skool thinks—look on the world with vigor and newfound appreciation, broken from the shackles of the modern-day Matrix (one of their thumbnails says to break free from the Matrix) and living in real reality, not a manufactured one. This is a mindset very common amongst propagandists.

Their most recent video (as of now, April 8) is from 5 days ago, and has the this-can’t-be-anything-but-a-conspiracy-theory title “TIMELINE SPLIT - Humans Are Splitting into Different Dimensions.” This is already delusional material, but it gets even worse. The actual video describes a split between the third dimension—the Matrix, essentially—and the fifth dimension of the enlightened, and this split has resulted in multiple timelines and dimensions and consciousnesses. It’s hard to summarize coherently, because the concept itself is incoherent. But the pinned comment is from the “collaborator”—for each video on this channel, the collaborator is the one who provides the ideas and likely co-writes the video—called The Alchemist. Visiting her YouTube channel unleashes even worse conspiracy content, from “This is How Archons Create the Illusion of Consent (The Forces of Involution)” to “This is How You SHIFT to The NEW EARTH (Crystallization),” produced by Sarah Elkhaldy, a so-called “claircognizant”. After Skool is peppered with these kinds of new-age, hippy-dippy, unlocking-the-spiritual-dimension videos (think the Love Has Won cult).

But heading back to the far-right propaganda field, it gets even worse. Right off the bat, one of their top contributors is the one and only Jordan Peterson. That’s right, the Jordan Peterson. The one who said that “women’s studies should be defunded” and that he won’t use “made-up words [pronouns other than he or she] of postmodern Neo-Marxists.” His videos on After Skool are about as ridiculous as one would expect from him, from “It’s NOT OK to be WEAK - Jordan Peterson Motivation” (which shows Peterson proclaiming “It’s not ok to be a weak loser” next to a drawing of an overweight man playing video games—of course wildly stereotypical) to “A Harmless Man is NOT a Good Man” (in which After Skool, in a pinned comment, responds to criticism of him featuring Jordan Peterson by saying “Believe it or not the world does not revolve around you. I make these videos for my own personal growth, to help me on my own selfish journey,” which of course serves so many Matt Rife vibes).

But believe it or not, it gets worse than Jordan Peterson. A video from December 2023, titled “ChatGPT: The Soul Eater,” which takes a sensitive and interesting topic—the role of artistic expression in a world of AI-generated content—and turns it into a Biblical parable about how the effort God put into creating the world isn’t present in ChatGPT, making it a soul-crushing, world-devouring presence that rejects human spirit. (And of course, the video wouldn’t be complete without After Skool’s trademarked stereotypical portraits of “unenlightened” people, illustrating them yet again as tired, greasy, ungroomed, overweight, and physically imprisoned in Kafkaesque technological machinations.)

A video from January 2023 is even worse. The title is horrifying enough: “Exposing Scientific Dogmas - Banned TED Talk.” The video begins with a startlingly conservative illustration: a group of people—presumably brainwashed liberals—chanting “I don’t believe in God. I believe in science!” next to a supposed definition of “science delusion.” If this wasn’t shocking enough, the video goes on to question basic scientific principles like conservation of matter and biological heredity as “scientific dogma.” But here’s the kicker: the author of the video is Rupert Sheldrake. Per his Wikipedia page, he is a “parapsychology researcher” and “New Age author” who “proposed the concept of morphic resonance [another New Age type of idea], a conjecture that lacks mainstream acceptance and has been widely criticized as pseudoscience.”

In the same conservative vein, a video posted in February of 2023, titled “Equity: The Thief of Human Potential,” postulates without evidence a grotesque claim that equity won’t give everybody equal opportunity against systemic barriers, but rather lower the standards of society to accommodate degenerates. The author of this video is Thomas Sowell, who, according to Wikipedia, has said that Joe Biden winning in 2020 would be “akin to the fall of the Roman Empire."

The videos only get stranger. One is from Heather Heying, who herself said that she, her husband, and their kids are all on ivermectin, so her scientific credibility is as bottom of the barrel as her husband’s. And yet, the channel uploaded a video in 2023 from Heying, one of the most blatantly conservative videos yet: “Sex & Gender: An Evolutionary Perspective.” Oh no. Early in the video is the disturbing claim that giving men and women equal opportunities is “a different kind of sexism” because men and women are inherently different and should be allowed...

Content cut off. Read original on https://old.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1bz5j5w/misinformation_alert_inside_the_farright/

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/EmmeASMR on 2024-04-08 03:16:47.

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/ExcaliburUmbraREEE on 2024-04-08 06:07:26.

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/samrpacker on 2024-04-07 21:58:42.

Julian Smith (known for sketches like Malk, Hot Kool Aid, and Techno Jeep), has seemingly lost everything, particularly because he hasnt been able to post to YouTube for a while, and is offering half price creative consultations to try to make money and support his child following his divorce.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/subversivewallflower on 2024-04-07 06:29:00.

Hailey Elizabeth is a drama-turned-true crime YouTuber. In her recent video, Hailey covers conspiracy theories. One topic she covers is the Bohemian Grove conspiracy that the elite come together at this place and do horrific things to children as rituals.

And who does she use to support this conspiracy? Alex Jones. Ah, yes, Alex Jones- the infamous extreme alt-right influencer who got BANNED from YouTube due to the unhinged shit he posted. The Sandy Hook victims’ families were awarded BILLIONS of dollars in damages just last year due to his attack on the parents claiming they’re “crisis actors” and “no kids died” at this school shooting. His fans harassed these poor families for YEARS and he’s made money by preying on people like this. I’m supposed to take him seriously for his claims on the Bohemian Grove conspiracies? Dude could’ve been high on the night he snuck into the campground and scream they were performing “blood rituals” all he wants. This is the same man who said chemicals were being put in water and “turnin’ the frogs gay!” Yes- he actually said that.

Okay, who else… Kid Rock? The transphobic grandpa with a nonexistent music career? The same man who said “Young ladies, young ladies, I like 'em underage see. Some say that's statutory (But I say it's mandatory)”???? He wrote that song for a kid’s movie btw.

Last but not least- Ryan Garcia. He’s recently suffered a mental breakdown, but- gasp maybe not! Hailey covers his claims on what he said on Andrew Tate’s live (do I even need to explain how trash that dude is too?) First of all, it’s obvious from his behavior that he’s unwell. Given his profession, it wouldn’t be too far fetched to guess he’e been strongly affected mentally from the injuries he sustained from boxing. Hayley goes on this weird tangent when talking about his retraction video- saying he looks unnatural (well, yeah he’s unwell and I hope someone in his life cares enough to help him), she said it could be AI (huh?), and questioned why he was wearing a crown of thorns. Is she implying he’s trying to send a message that he almost became a martyr for trying to “expose the truth”??? I looked up this guy and his nickname is KingRy. He’s religious and extremely cocky- so of course the dude owns a gold crown of thorns. Lmao And I think she misunderstood the exams the boxers undergo before a fight. I think it’s to test their physicality, not their mental health.

Hailey, do better.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/TeapotHoe on 2024-04-06 14:58:30.

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/j007yne on 2024-04-06 06:41:14.

Thank god Courtney, an actual victim of Lily Orchard, has jumped in to condemn Essence of Thought and Ethel for their terrible behaviour surrounding the Lily Orchard situation. Hopefully, this is the end for EoT’s frivolous plagiarism crusade, and Lily Orchard will finally get her just desserts

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/ProblemLongjumping12 on 2024-04-06 04:17:44.

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/kreepergayboy on 2024-04-05 18:44:37.

I'm like 100% sure everyone here already knows the context of the lio convoy shit happening or whatever, if not here's some context, but I just wanna say that ive always found the senate to be really cringe and embarrassing in a really direct way.

Like they wanna be seen as like, these mysterious internet cops who bring groomers and bad actors to their council to be judged and punished in front of an audience, and lio REALLY loves to ham it up and act like he's a fucking cop interrogating a criminal. It's unintentionally some of the funniest shit I've ever seen in my entire life and like, no one talks about how cringe it is???? It reminds me of like, how mamamax larps as hotline miami while misunderstanding what the game is about subtextually and not even doing any real journalism or how Andrew Tates exclusive club is just a telegram channel. It's the disconnect between like, the performance and the seriousness they like to try to replicate and the reality of like, this is just a fucking discord server call dude.

Thats all I have to say.

(Also this was already posted a while abo but was taken down for """lack of context""" so I added some context. My apologies)

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/shadowhunter997 on 2024-04-05 16:14:14.

For those who don't remember, Freezai took a sponsorship from BetterHelp and disabled comments when called out on it. His response is pretty basic, but seems genuine. Idk that's just my opinion though feel free to speculate in the comments as one does.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/Master-Top-5449 on 2024-04-05 14:32:43.

I’m researching into a video about how gen z was introduced to politics (I’m a member of gen z), and I’m planning to research gamer gate, the alt right pipeline and 4chan and the job they all had in introducing politics to kids and how they radicalized people

My question today is how did the alt right pipeline back in 2014-16 become the foundation of the modern alt right movement and how it pushed figure heads into the spotlight like Stephen crowder, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson etc. I’m also interested in hearing what the alt right pipeline is according to y’all since it’s been morphing and changing from media like “sjw owned” to streamers like adin rods and sneako red pilling their audience and pushing them towards the alt right.

I’m sorry if I didn’t word my questions right, I’d be glad to clarify anything in the comments!

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/ExcaliburUmbraREEE on 2024-04-04 23:51:52.

Original Title: MxR Plays scammed out of $175,000 by a close contact of Henry's. Jeannie of PotasticP denied of her silver play button along with her inevitable demonization along with MxR Plays. What can they do at this point while playing a dangerous game with their thumbnails?

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/DrAwesomeX on 2024-04-04 18:16:02.

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/ParadiseConcertHall on 2024-04-04 16:21:04.

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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/Money_Ad7322 on 2024-04-02 22:01:53.

Case Complaint Summary This complaint is a personal injury case filed by Jeffrey Wittek against defendants David Dobrik, David Dobrik LLC, and Dirt Gear Co. LLC. The complaint alleges negligence, intentional tort, and property damage. The jurisdiction of the case is not specified.

In the first cause of action for general negligence, the complaint alleges that David Dobrik, individually and on behalf of David Dobrik LLC, leased an excavator from Dirt Gear Co. LLC without receiving proper training or instruction on its use. David Dobrik then used the excavator in an unsafe manner, swinging people around on a rope attached to the excavator. Despite warnings from others, David Dobrik continued this unsafe activity and instructed the plaintiff, Jeffrey Wittek, to get on the rope. When David Dobrik slowed down the excavator too quickly, Wittek's momentum slowed down and he struck the excavator, resulting in injuries.

The complaint also includes a request for exemplary damages against David Dobrik and David Dobrik LLC. Exemplary damages are not specified in terms of a dollar amount.

Note: No specific dollar amounts or violation of statutes are mentioned in this document.

Visit linked URL to view all rulings, docket updates, and trial dates

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/Kingkrool1994 on 2024-04-03 20:53:49.

State of the Sub (lemmit.online)
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/FlowersByTheStreet on 2024-04-03 20:00:44.

Hello r/youtubedrama,

The last few months have found this subreddit surging in popularity, so the modteam here thought it would be a good idea to sort of check in with the community and reflect on how some things have been handled and how we intend on moving forward.

To start, there have been a number of stumbling blocks involved as our small team navigated some very sensitive material during a period of massive growth. For instance, the comments in the James Somerton thread (you know the one) should have been dealt with sooner and there were moments where we fell short in the handling of the Chuggaconroy allegations, and some inflection points in those developments could’ve had better care. In truth, at times it’s felt much more akin to individual games of whack-a-mole than a team standing on a united front and that’s ultimately an unhelpful approach. All this to say, we are working behind the scenes as a team to make this a better and safer community for everyone.

While we are working on making improvements, this is a good time to remind everyone of the rules that we have already:

  • Bigotry of any kind will not be tolerated.
  • Harassing others will not be tolerated.
  • Trolling (which includes low-effort comments) will not be tolerated.
  • Intentional misinformation will not be tolerated.
  • Posts should have at least some context to go along with them so we aren’t all scratching our heads.

And generally, just be cool. This is all on the sidebar in greater detail, but it bears repeating. And while this has not been a particularly massive problem, low-effort posts like memes or thinly-veiled funnels to someone’s youtube channel are also subject to removal. The volatile nature of this sub’s content may necessitate employing filters in an effort to help prevent brigading and harassment, with the intention of these being temporary measures.

This sub is meant to be a place to discover and discuss Youtube Drama, and we think is a valuable resource for navigating that information.

Finally, BrainyBiscuit is no longer part of the mod team and we would like to note that her views do not reflect our own. We wish her the best.

Thank you all for reading, and for helping to make this community a better place.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/ExcaliburUmbraREEE on 2024-04-03 06:32:20.

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