submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/postbiotic on 2023-09-28 09:40:07.

This is a very interesting interview with a pediatrician who has questioned gender-affirming care from the beginning, and is at least partly responsible for the AAP even considering 'going back to review evidence'. She's part of SEGM. I'm a pediatrician and my experience of this phenomenon has been much the same.


submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/little-flower-444 on 2023-09-26 19:01:14.

Hello everyone,

First off I'd like to say that I am not a hateful person so please if I say something that seems offensive I don't mean to. I just feel very devastated and scared for a close friend of mine.

I have a friend who I think is lost and turning to the trans community for comfort and belonging. Their "transition" happened extremely fast to me. Came out of almost nowhere.

Quick back story of my friend: my friend and I are chosen family and spent many years of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners together they were like a cousin to me. Our parents would have get togethers every couple months and we would play, grew up together (at a little distance). We both had very little family and I known them since we were 8, we're 20s now.

They didn't have very good parents, the mother and father eventually abandoned them at 20... I couldn't do anything for them being 21 and married myself. It was hard on them and I know they felt horrible, I still loved them and stayed in touch even though I moved out of state. (It's a long story why the parents left them but basically it was a horrible divorce and they lived outside the house with a friend when it happened so their parents didn't feel the need to take them with them after the divorce since they were an adult living on their own).

Friend broke up with the person they lived with, homeless for a moment and parents still didn't help. They became and alcoholic and got clean after a year of heavy use. Got married and was living life happy and making good money the last 4 years.

Here is where I get really concerned... they were born female and had always been pretty feminine, especially once they got married and met a man who was very kind and supportive to them. They loved being girly and feminine so much they got licensed to do lashes and facials and have been doing it for years now.

Over the last year (literally 2 weeks away from being 1 year right now) of questioning their gender and they have had surgery. It was a shock, I knew they were playing around with presenting more masculine (again, no judgment, they seem happy). They are still with hubby who is nice to them.

They grew our armpit hair, stopped doing their lashes and shaved their head which is fine. No hormones or T use yet. Not a big concern for me, (I'm a newly graduated psychologist so seeing they are avoiding hormones and taking their time was good for mental state). Then BAM! Opened an app on my phone and saw their chest with bandages and drains celebrating the "step to transition" for themselves and I almost had a panic attack/balled my eyes out.

Not because I hate trans or something of course, I just know my friend had only started their transition less than a year ago like I mentioned and there's no coming back from a full mastectomy. They were so feminine their whole life (actually a little mean to me about the boyish way I was growing up so this is very surprising). I'm so worried about their mental state.

I don't think they took time with this decision and I'm genuinely terrified they will regret this. I don't want to loose them, I know a lot of detransitioners take their life and that's my biggest fear for them. Again, this person never came off masculine growing up and suddenly they want to present very masculine? Maybe I'm just ignorant but I have gay and trans family (only one trans person, male to female) that took many years to ever start hormones/come out. I don't want to reach out to them in a condensending way or a way thats "transphobic" saying they'll regret it, I just want them to know I'm here for whatever they may feel following this decision.

They've also stopped talking with me first the last 8 months or so, they've kind of slowly stopped texting/messaging me. So I'm not sure if I should just fade away and let them live their life. Their new friends all support their decisions but I don't know if they'd be there for them if they decide to detransition. I don't want them to feel alone ever again if I can help it. What would you like from a friend who loves you like I love them? Again, I'm not here to make them regret or contemplate their decision. They're easily influenced so I'm just preparing for the worst outcome... this happened so fast and they aren't even 25 yet.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/ttomttom123 on 2023-09-26 17:05:37.

If a child is born with a certain biological sex but later identifies with a different gender, why is it necessary to alter their biology to match their gender identity? If a trans man is inherently a man, independent of his biology, then is altering his body truly necessary for him to be recognised as a man and feel comfortable as a man? And vice versa with women? To me, this all feels like an issue with society and what it assumes a ''man'' or ''woman'' should be.

Why should breasts, vaginas, or higher-pitched voices, invalidate someone's identity as a man? Surely medical transition points more towards conforming to a particular societal expectation? My question is how necessary do you believe this truly is?

In a more accepting world, without these expectations and ''norms'', could being a trans man or trans women be any different?

I'm just wondering if you have any thoughts on this type of discussion?

Differential diagnosis (lemmit.online)
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/Sufficient_Idea_4606 on 2023-09-23 18:08:25.

Since your de-trans gender Do you think that your gender dysphoria Could have actually been a different dignosis?

Examples are :

∆Autism spectrum disorder

∆Trans/gender identity OCD

∆Body dysmorphia


submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/ProfessorCancer on 2023-09-23 20:43:16.

Doing a self-study on how both communities feel about this topic, i feel as if it is very split and somewhat controversial.

I look not to cause hate or harassment, just general answers.

Not only that but i feel like Detransitioners are somewhat outspoken.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/Kaldaus on 2023-09-23 02:05:17.

If you could exist without any form of genitalia or at least one that is not considered masc or fem. Would you take it? Or would you want one or the other, or even both?

Resources? (lemmit.online)
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/scoutfinch333 on 2023-09-22 23:52:02.

My friend is getting ready to start transition. I'd like to offer some media that would offer different reasons someone might have GD without being aggressive, diminishing or overwhelming. This is a person who came to the US from an lgbt opressive country and has been having GD since childhood.

I'm going to make up a google doc with some info collected and the popular detransitioners panels which I think do a phenominal job offering alternative perspectives. Anything other resources you might add without listing individual anecdotes?

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/No_Berry9371 on 2023-09-22 17:52:13.

I didn’t want to post this in r/detrans because I’m not detrans myself, but I’m really moved to get this out there:

I’m a masculine presenting woman and a lesbian. I never had the option of transition floated to me when I was a teenager. If I had, I think there’s a good chance I might have taken it. I’m 34 and grew up in a conservative state, so it never came up.

When I read detrans stories, I can see clearly that a lot of people who’ve transitioned FtMtF are just like me.

When I was in my twenties I moved to a liberal city and made queer friends. Some of the older nb/trans people I knew would call me they/them and he/him, and when I corrected them they’d laugh and say to just give it time.

But I’d already come to peace with being a masculine woman. It actually felt disrespectful to me that they assumed I wouldn’t be able to live with myself the way I am.

If you’re detrans or questioning, just know that I stand in solidarity with you. We are the same, in so many ways. And I welcome you back into the fold of being a masculine or gender noncomforming woman. You are welcome here, and you are seen and loved.

We are beautiful and should be proud of who we are. We should be given the space to become ALL of who we are.

You have my love and support. ❤️

P.S. If a detrans person wants to share this in r/detrans for me, I’d like that. I just want people to feel my love.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/Kaldaus on 2023-09-19 20:45:59.

So I have been thinking a lot about how I can help people with what they are going thru. I had an idea and I wanted to see what others would think. I have been planning to buy a house a bit out of town for awhile now, but have not really had the need to do it. However I live in an area with a lot of jobs, and is quite welcoming. So I thought that maybe setting things up to have people who are detransitioning and need help to have other people that can work with them. I also have experience in having to effectively detransition from both sexes at different times because of my hormones. I have done a lot of work with people about gender and have lots of things that I have done and exercises I work on that helps me a lot. If people are interested in the general idea, I would be glad to discuss it with anyone.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/yachiiX on 2023-09-21 12:59:24.

Hello everyone ! Just to say before, English is not my first langage so sorry if y’all find any mistake! Also, if I say any term offensive or whatever please TELL me ! I wanna be as respectfull as I can with this topic so I hope I won’t offend anyone with the way I’m explaining ❤️

So, for some context, I am in my third year of university in educational sciences. I have this class called “contemporary questions” and my teacher is, how to say it, above problematic. I have this class with her since 3 years and I can tell you am fighting this witch since then, even got a meeting with the presidence of the uni to speak about her behaviours but yes she’s still there and this semester we will work on transidentity. The class is awkward because of all the bullshit she says.

She informed us that the grade will be about detransitionning. We have to find someone in this situation and make an interview to understand why the person wanna get back to their biological gender (for a period or for ever). I can tell you we all fell uncomfortable with it, because of how disrespectful and intimiste the subject is, I’ve tell her but she doesn’t care.

The fact that we have to find someone while testifying about their journey on social media and be like “hey, can I interview you ? Why u doing that” seems out of line to me. But since this is a subbredit for these kind of questions I thought it might be the right place to ask. And also in the first place I don’t even know where to find people who can testify since the % of trans people is already so minim compared to cis people.

So, I am here to ask y’all since you’re the first concerned about the topic, what you think about that. If you have any advice on how approach people in this situation without making them uncomfortable and be the most respectful as possible ! Even if one of y’all wanna be in this interview it would be so great and we can discuss on private. We don’t have yet the questions we need to ask, and I’m kinda scare of it ngl.

Thanks everyone for reading, wish y’all a nice day and I hope I brought this topic in a good shape ❤️

Where to begin? (lemmit.online)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/JackieLesnick on 2023-09-21 01:47:38.

Hey, my name's Josh. I'm sorry if this is not how you're supposed to post or if there's an FAQ or something, but, like, how do you start? I'm at a loss. I feel like I have no idea how to explain this to my friends. I feel like an idiot. Would someone feel comfortable DMing me with advice walking me through how to explain detransitioning to my loved ones, and like, what the first steps to actually BEGINNING the process? Sorry, I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm scared to talk to anyone IRL.

Nuanced supporter (lemmit.online)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/erinpdx7777xdpnire on 2023-09-15 18:41:59.

Hi! I am cis/queer and I’m always on the lookout for information/articles that don’t condemn trans* folx or treat all transitioning as a mistake/false, but questions the incredible rise on the medical transitioning of kids. This article fits that bill- it provides a fair appraisal of the questionable science being used to justify medical transition of teens (& younger) in the US, gives voice to detransitioners, but doesn’t attack trans* identity (I know some people are trans*) I thought I’d share it here, because truth be told, I’m still to chicken to come out on my other social media as questioning teen transitioning.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/More_Sprinkles9335 on 2023-09-14 11:06:42.

Hi there!

I also asked this over in r/asktransgender, but I want to make sure I don't just end up in an echo chamber and thought, why not ask here as well? It might provide a different outlook (maybe even a bit more critical and/or grounded), that could help make some pieces fall into place, or at the very least reframe my thinking, so, here goes:

I (31 AMAB; Europe) have AuDHD (ADHD & Autism) and have been seriously questioning my gender identity for a while now.

What I notice I struggle with though, is that I am having a tough time understanding what I am feeling, as these feelings are so very different from the usual day-to-day 'regular' feelings (like sadness, anger, enthusiasm), which makes it difficult to truly grasp.

Heck, for all I know, I could just be stuck ruminating.

So... I was wondering. How do you end up being able to 'label' your feelings and conclude you were cis, trans, nb, ?

Any tips & tricks, advice to help me better understand what I am feeling or provide me with a different angle to look at it?

My research so far:

Someone gave a link with a couple scenarios, my answers were:

Scenario 1. I suppose I wouldn't mind, at least to take the female body for a spin for a couple days, but I'd keep the button to make sure I can smash undo, just in case.

Scenario 2. That was a tough one, as it's a more permanent type of deal, I definitly didn't like the idea of an even more masculine body, but a more androgynous / femme looking body seemed alright.

Scenario 3. Definitely would regret it to not take the time to actually get an answer, whatever that may be, which is why I am trying to work through it, instead of pushing it down like I have done countless times before. I am now at least in a place mentally, that I have the space and energy to take my time with it.

I also read the gender dysphoria bible, which was a good read, but, as I mentioned, the trouble with recognizing my feelings makes it tough to figure out what exactly it is I am feeling... >_>

I love lists, so I have made some extensive lists listing pros / cons regarding male vs female, socially, physically etc. also made one for the pros and cons of HRT & SRS, just to try and figure it out or see if I can get a clearer picture. Overall speaking, I feel it's fairly unbiased, as I recognize plenty of pros and plenty of cons in every comparison.

For the gender comparison, the pros do overtake the cons (even if minor), though the male comparison is fairly short, I think it might be because I might be blind to some things I simply take for granted.

Male (+8/-7), Female (+14/-9), HRT (+5/-7), SRS (+2/-5).

For HRT and SRS I was hypercritical, as it would be something that is pretty impactful, and without knowing my true feelings, the 'pro' side for either obviously stays fairly empty.

All in all a few other things I noticed/realized etc.:

  • I really hate being muscular (Arnold style, Zach Effron etc., I just don't like that ripped look). Now, that may just be a personal preference thing.

But since I realized that, I take care of my body in a different way, as I saw you can actually get a fairly clean lean look as a guy as well (from 96kg to 81kg currently, going well!).

I had exersised before, but hated how big my arms got.

  • Sexuality on the other hand (seems) clear as day, I like women, period. Men don't really do it for me, though I have to admit that, as an example, the 'femboy' look does cause some... *cough* activity, so maybe not 100% straight either (no idea if there is a word for being attracted to femininity)
  • I don't think I have a problem with being a male, though. There are some things I do dislike: the idea of balding (but I guess this would be universal) not a concern yet... but still; I don't like my facial hair (though that stems mostly from the sensations, as I can't tune out the prickling; likely from AuDHD), I find it also just looks cleaner shaven; I have played with the idea of shaving the rest of my body hair, but I am mortified about potentially getting comments about it.
  • I actually recalled the first time I started wondering about this stuff, I was 8 ish, sitting on the couch with my parents, while they were watching a documentary (I think) about a boy that felt like he was born in the wrong body and became a girl. I suppose it resonated with me on some level, because here we are, though in hindsight it might just be curiousity or trying to understand.

I did bring it up a few times then, but mom dismissed it (you're a boy, you wouldn't like skirts and dresses anyways) and since then I have kept these thoughts to myself. To be fair, I had been bullied at school about wearing shorts and never worn them ever again since... but also, with researching this stuff and reading more about it... girls don't have to wear skirts to be girls... so yay, more confusion!

  • NSFW(ish) warning: I regularly, during self gratification, think about what the girl would feel, trying to imagine myself in their place... not sure if kink/fetish or some weird way I try to understand their feelings (as I mimic empathy in normal situations by imagining myself in their place. Eg. bit dark example maybe, but it does show what I mean: Someone loses their pet, I try to imagine how I would feel if I'd lose my own (dog in this case), before being able to understand what they are going through. Mom asked about it once and was surprised about how well I 'fake' it :P
  • No idea if relevant: In video games I 9/10 times pick a female character, as the guys just.. don't feel right (too boxy, muscular, their voice is usually cringy as hell to me, etc.), might just be a preference thing, but thought I should mention it.
  • In dreams I occasionally see myself as a woman, but I *do* also see myself as a guy as well or just as something else entirely, but then again dreams are dreams, so again... no clue if relevant at all, but it doesn't help with trying to figure things out.
  • A thing I realize, that could be incredibly important: After age 8-9 I no longer lived with my parents (different times, and my parents simply couldn't help me out with my AuDHD, which led to me getting angry, even violent at times), so I moved to assisted living (I guess that would be the most fitting term). There I learned about my AuDHD and how to better manage it, but the problem is... those places are filled with boys. I can literally count on 1 hand the amount of girls of my age I've had around during my formative years, which might significantly affect my perspective.
  • Finally, having AuDHD makes it really hard to understand my feelings, I may have missed things, causing the above to be biased a certain way or simply not seeing the things/moments where I *do* affirm my AGAB.

Wew, okay, this turned out longer than I planned...

All in all, I would really appreciate some different angles and insights :-)

Breast removal (lemmit.online)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/PeachTulips24 on 2023-09-11 09:17:21.

I have been on E for 10 months and am in tanner stage three in my breasts. How difficult would it be to have the breast tissue removed and would it cause large scars such as the ones trans men have after getting their breasts removed? Im smaller than an A cup

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/smallest_potato on 2023-09-11 16:18:50.

Hello all, back for another question.

1.) What were some ways HRT negatively impacted your health?

2.) Were they things you were expecting?

3.) Did you ever see these issues discussed in trans communities? 4.) How did health complications factor in to your detransition? 5.) Off of HRT, did these issues clear up, or are you still dealing with health problems?

Open to those who were on either estrogen or testosterone. If you'd like to share effects of blockers as well, go for it.

Thank you for your time, wishing you all the best.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/idkwhattodo556 on 2023-09-10 16:08:59.

when i was a freshmen in highschool i started identifying as non binary, i decided to go by a new name as well and towards the end of my freshmen year i was able to have most people, even teachers calling me by that name. my parents did not support me and the new name (i didnt come out to them they went through my phone). when i got to my sophomore year i decided to just go by she/they pronouns. i believe i was just trying to hold on. i soon decided that i would use she/her because i was a girl. i also decided to continue going by the “preferred name” because i convinced myself i still liked it and because it would be embarrassing and confusing to start going by my birth name again. it’s my junior year and i keep telling everyone to call me the preferred name, but I recently came across a tiktok talking about their “cringe” names when they were also non-binary in roughly the same time period. It made me realize how easy and simple it would be to just be called my birth name by everyone. but i don’t know what to do, everyone calls me by my preferred name (not my family) even some of my teachers. the name that i changed to is ash and i think it would be a fun stage name for when i get in a band bc i like to play w fire and stuff as a joke, but not as a real name. should i just continue this until i’m out of highschool? please give suggestions.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/biomaleman on 2023-09-10 07:36:58.

When I started my journey I was in a different place, but detransitioned realizing that male doesnt mean masculine nor does female mean feminine. Even he him does even mean manly or masculine. I don't understand why people equate gender with presentation. I felt the nonconformity movement was moving strong but now seems you have to identify as nonbinary for some reason. Whats wrong with just caling male = man and leaving presentation as a social concept.

I wish I had understood this before, so wondered if anyone has felt the same leading to detransition, learning they can be whatever they want without become a pharmaceutical guineau pig.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/nitrotoiletdeodorant on 2023-09-09 10:39:39.

Hello, I hope "just curious" type of questions are okay. I'm a pre-T trans guy and I realized at some point I'm actually terribly dysphoric over how small, flat and limiting my external parts feel. I am so excited by the prospect of bottom growth. I've browsed both trans and detrans posts related to transition and realized that I relate strongly to trans but not detrans experiences when it comes to reasons for starting medical transition.

One topic I however pretty much never see discussed is how detrans women feel about bottom growth. Initially and then after T. And how did you even feel about your external bits before T? I've realized it's definitely not normal to have your libido/sexuality be heavily affected by dysphoria (I know for sure I'm a very sexual person, but sometimes it's suppressed pretty badly by how boring I feel down there).

It's so wild to me that some people actually feel "whole" with junk like this and that it's apparently a very common experience I just lack. Now I'm really curious about how people who actually like(d) their very small bits feel about them or would describe having them. Because it's definitely something other than "flat, boring, too small & limiting".

So if anyone's comfortable sharing, describe how you felt about your external parts before T, when the growth started and after T?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/acerbiteee on 2023-09-07 23:41:55.

Hi, i was taking hrt 3 months 12,5 Androcur and 4mg estrofem per day. I did because i think i was trans and i want to take a little test. Nobady know about that and they see my breast grow a little and tell me i must do a blood test. My last dosis was on 29 of July. My question is if i do the blood test a GP can detect it and how long takes to return hormones to normal levels. Please help i want to cry im afraid and i have a little more breast and my nipples swollen due to my stupidity

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/Chelstrawberrymuffin on 2023-09-05 01:04:28.

heres a picture-

dont click on that if youre not even gonna comment.

i feel like i look nothing like the average woman. i dont know whats off but something looks off and its not just the tiny chest. whatever.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/smallest_potato on 2023-09-08 01:30:55.

Hey there! Full disclosure, N/D/E, just find detrans voices incredibly important.

I was wondering for those of you who were happy with your medical transition for over 5 years, what changed? I've seen some folks who were on HRT for 7-9 years every now and then sharing their experiences with detransition. What shifted for you after so long*? Medical complications, social issues, self-discovery, something else?

If you're willing to share your experiences, I would love to hear from you.

Thank you for your time, I wish you the best. (Obviously I promise to be respectful, I would never tone police someone sharing something deeply personal.)

*I realize 5 years is not a long time in the grand scheme of things, but it seems like a longer time frame than I'm used to seeing.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/Straight_Mission_381 on 2023-09-06 22:37:57.

Pepole who detransitioned after being on HRT, How much time it took you from the moment that you first considered transitioning to the moment you've first started HRT? Do you think that given more time quastioning, you would not start HRT in the first place?

I'm about to start HRT myself because of dysphoria. I know I would probably "pass", but afraid of the "try and stop if you don't like" mentality, so wanted to know if I should wait more or not

Transition Experience (lemmit.online)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/InstructionMain311 on 2023-09-06 21:04:52.

I am looking for volunteers. I am writing a dissertation for a Ph.D. in Development Psychology and my topic is gender transition in children and adolescents. After it is completed, it will be published. I wish to show stories of young people who have transitioned and regret the decision or who changed their minds before proceeding to sex-reassignment surgery. Instead of a questionnaire, I am requesting that you narrate your experience in your own words.

Anyone who wishes to reveal their experiences, please reply. Do not use your real name and do not reveal any personal information that can identify you. Your anonymity and privacy are of utmost importance.

Anyone who wishes to speak in person, please let me know.

Thank you so much.


[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/Outrageous-Duck8667 on 2023-09-06 15:16:24.

In 2016 I was drugged and roped into a human trafficking ring. I won't go into the details of how they got me in, but I was kept subdued by psychiatric medication through all 4 years I was there. They found me when I had been about to enter into my junior year of college and I was doing very well! I was dealing with some anxiety but I was living off campus with a friend and her son, I was taking summer classes, I was managing my ADHD, able to take care of myself, maintaining a wonderful relationship and I was close with my family. Right away I was taken to a new primary care provider and was being prescribed a known harmful anti-depressant and being given other medication by the traffickers without doctors knowledge. I was forced to break off my relationship with my boyfriend of 2 years, forced to socially isolate myself, worked 12 hour days in their store front for no pay, and was forced to denounce my family and cut contact with everyone I knew. In 2017 I ended up in a Psychiatric hospital and being told that I had grabbed a gun and was waving it at other members of the household. I was told I had tried to overdose with pain pills and I had no memory of any of these events. I don't remember throwing a tantrum, I don't remember threatening anyone. So if I had really done these things and I had no memory of them, then the Psych hospital was where I needed to be! The doctor I was assigned to gave me a different anti-depressant along with some more medication and I was released 10 days later. The traffickers talked me into going home with my mother which I did. But the entire way home they were constantly texting me and using love bombing techniques. Being now what I recognize as both over and improperly medicated, I ran back to them with very few of my belongings. I don't remember very much of the next year. But by November of 2019 I was on a cocktail of 13 psychiatric medications, GI medications, Testosterone, I had been starved at points, misdiagnosed with Manic Bipolar, had a vehicle put in my name I was unable to drive, I had been forced to go without utilities, had been threatened with homelessness, sexually abused, physically abused, manipulated, financially exploited, work trafficked,, witnessed the traffickers attempt to force transition a 5 year old girl, Had my head shaved, had my service dog taken out of my care and given to another member of the household (That person and I arranged that I would do the care and she would lie). When the traffickers decided to get a cat that I was allergic to and insist that it sleep in the bed with "us." I was forced to sleep on the couch downstairs for over 3 months. That's when I started to wake up. I went to visit some friends down south where I had my first Psychadelic experience and I realized I didn't want any of this! That's when I made the decision to start planning for my freedom. When I was put on the testosterone, it was weird! The doctor had 2 meetings with me 1 week apart. On the second meeting he prescribed .3ml injection once every 4 days. The traffickers, one of whom was trans, said that would take me too long to go through Menopause, so he gave me 1ml every 5 days. There was never any discussion or documentation requested from my therapist and I never went into that doctors office without the traffickers. Before I went on my vacation I had the traffickers show me how to do my own injections. I then started having someone who could do it fill the syringe for me then I would take it in the bathroom and only inject about half into my thigh. The other half I would shoot into the toilet. I knew that I didn't want it anymore, but I didn't know if it was ok to just stop. Around the same time I started lowering the dose of T, I noticed I was having more and more stomach issues. These issues led to throwing up everything I ate every day and I ended up in the hospital on Valentines Day. I didn't mind though, the people who tattooed me and said I was their partner had never done anything for me for any occasion, so I wasn't expecting anything. Once I was back home with my family, my doctor there said I could stop the injections if I wanted to and I had already stopped taking the psychiatric medications except one. But then I started noticing horrible pain in my right side. We thought it was my Appendix but that was fine. I was miserable! We started slowly taking away and slowly reintroducing different anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications. Everything was worse than the last! And my stomach was still hurting. I was throwing up every day still and starting to lose a lot of weight very fast. I was also becoming afraid to eat. So why is all of this relevant to my question of why I need help? All of a sudden, I showed up with over 30 different food allergies. And nothing you can avoid! Soy, Rice, Potato, Milk, most tree nuts, sunflower, most seasonings especially garlic, all vegetables with a skin, Chicken, Shellfish, eggs, coconut, melons and grapes! We were able to find out that the tomato allergy runs in my biological family, and I've never really liked tomatoes anyway, so that one's fine. But before I was forced through menopause, I had never had any food allergies ever. I had belly troubles because of bullying I endured during school but no other medical issues in the slightest. And milk? As a child my parents had to stop me from drinking half a gallon a day! I was doing some other research and was able to find that women sometimes notice food allergies pop up after going through menopause and it has to do with Estrogen acting as a histamine so when the estrogen levels lower and testosterone levels rise people can notice some changes in their GI track. Then when people introduce the hormone therapies to help, food or seasonal allergies are exacerbated. My question is have anyone else noticed any food allergies come fast and hard once you ended use of the testosterone? Did they ever go away? I have thought about going to a trans clinic that's in the area, but the traffickers and I are still in the same state and they are very connected with their local trans community; I don't want to run into anyone who possibly could know them. Thank you so much for reading this entire post. I appreciate any and all advice. I've now unintentionally lost 60 pounds and my hair is getting very thin. I take supplements to stay out of the hospital for being malnourished.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/throwaway57702 on 2023-09-06 14:02:19.

Someone in my life has started transitioning (almost a year in and has recently started diying hrt), she has told me that although she does admittedly still have some issues she feels much happier now and like she has an identity and is taking care of herself more.

I could just accept this and be fine with it but her life just seems to contradict it so much. She has started abusing drugs, smoking and drinking when this was not the case before transitioning. Her personality in general is just unrecognizable, not in a way that it is more feminine but it is just clear how depressed she is. She is so irritable and doesn’t seem herself at all. She has started hanging around with a group of older trans women so maybe our friends are just too immature for her but she was always happy hanging out with us before so it just seems off.

Did anyone here insist they were happy and making the right choice even though they were in a worse place than before? Thanks

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