submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For the past two years, legitimate job postings on Indeed and Glassdoor have been replaced by scams. If you're tricked, the scammers aren't satisfied with your contact info in your CV, they reach out via email to request that you connect on an encrypted messenger app where they can privately scam you out of thousands in pre-hire "fees."

Applicants now have to add vetting job postings to their repertoire, which adds time and effort to an already stressful process. Things like researching the supposed company in need of labor, and digging into reports against them.

Protect yourself and assume any job posting is fake until proven otherwise. In the US, you should report any scams you became aware of.

Edit: add the following: @[email protected] recommends reaching out via phone or email to your nearest job service office, if you're seeking employment. These places are federally funded by our taxes, so they should be able to answer questions and help guide you to whatever your best options are, even if that includes helping you find remote work with out-of-state employers.

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[-] [email protected] 62 points 4 months ago

I always check if the job offer is also on the companies website

[-] [email protected] 36 points 4 months ago

My SO got a "job offer" from a nonexistent company that 20 min of research uncovered a single applicant being scammed out of $75k when they shared bank details, presumably for setting up direct deposit.

The "company" didn't even have a website, but just because they were lazy doesn't mean other scammers won't go the extra mile to make a real-looking website with postings. Its a tough world out there...

[-] [email protected] 19 points 4 months ago

Mine was "Lone Pine Village Company"

Offer was through LinkedIn, and they sent me a "you've been selected" email. The interview process was going to be over email 🚩, through some guy that wasn't cc'd on the email 🚩, and had a [email protected] style email address 🚩.

When i started looking into it, the job posting was removed 🚩, the company page no longer exists🚩, and the only links in the email were the email address to some Gmail address 🚩, no company website even through Duck Duck🚩.

Duck scammers, I just want a job, a ducking purpose other than "purchase product, consume content".

[-] [email protected] 10 points 4 months ago

My SO was skeptical from the start, but when they sent an email from an impressively obfuscated email address, that was the end. The alias had over 100 characters including specials, and the domain was the same.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

This is racist against ducks

Got any bread?

[-] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago

I ran into something like this from a company named Botrista who was supposedly hiring remote positions. I got suspicious before they got my personal info, dug deeper and found their site ran on wix, tried to contact them by other methods to see if I could get a real person, and concluded it was all a scam to collect the typical prehire personal info like bank accounts, ss number, home address, etc.

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this post was submitted on 01 Feb 2024
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