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The original post: /r/ufos by /u/shogun2909 on 2025-01-01 00:23:19.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/UndeadGodzilla on 2025-01-01 00:22:54.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/efh1 on 2024-12-31 23:48:53.

The Ecosystemic Futures podcast had an episode titled, "Beyond Paradigms: Ultra-Advanced Technologies, Anomalous Phenomena, and the Future of Innovation" in which Puthoff and Graves are both guests. They give a great discussion on advanced physics and UAP, but the real bombshell is dropped at the 6:43 mark by one of the co-hosts, Larry Forsley, who states,

"Last November 3rd, there was a meeting held at the Senate by the Armed Services and Intelligence Committees looking at 3 topics: Low Energy Nuclear Reactions or Lattice Confinement Fusion, extended electrodynamics, which is basically taking what we all love with Maxwell's equations and then correcting some pieces that seem to have been left out and then last, the role of UAP's. And the consideration for the meeting was that the power source that UAP use may very well be something like lattice confinement fusion and that the potential electro-gravitics as applied to propulsion - how they get around - so there is an overlap there. Subsequent to that meeting we had another one on December 8th and we submitted a proposal to explore this between NASA and the US Navy."

If you want to learn more about LENR and EED, I posted an analysis of a later episode also featuring Puthoff and Forsley in which this topic is elaborated on in much more detail. As for the meeting he claims was held, I couldn't find anything on it with a quick search. I assume he's referring to the year 2024, but then I see that this podcast episode was published on Nov. 12th so I'm a little confused. Maybe he meant Nov. 8th and not Dec. 8th? If so, this meeting took place roughly 2 weeks before the public AARO meeting and this podcast was published 1 week before the public AARO meeting.

In this episode Ryan Graves goes into a lot more detail about what he and other pilots have witnessed than I've heard in the past. He explains how they display that they must have some kind of energy source that we don't have. He also explains how they verified it was not a software glitch as they first assumed and that whatever they are he would describe them as operational technology rather than something experimental. He details how the military would routinely encounter these and mostly ignore them.

Graves and Travis Taylor both discuss how interdisciplinary groups are the only way to understand UAP because no one person can know enough to fully grasp the advanced nature of the topic. Puthoff pushes for advocating that anything is possible in order for us to generate great leaps in our understanding. The general theme of the discussion is to figure out how to commercialize advanced physics and there seems to be a concern that if we don't do it, someone else will.

By the way, I also proposed something very similar to what was submitted to NASA and the US Navy here on r/ufos over the past 2-3 years. I got a lot of push back at first but basically refused to shut up about it. I know this post won't get thousands of upvotes because it's not a video of blurry light or discussing NHI directly or complaining about the government or some UFO personality in pop culture. This is a discussion about advanced physics and technology.

The original post: /r/ufos by /u/SetHour5401 on 2024-12-31 23:38:44.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/Offshore_Engineer on 2024-12-31 23:26:37.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/Meaning_5 on 2024-12-31 23:21:59.

This is what Ross Colhart said at the end of last year, that early 2025 is when all hell is going to break loose. Let's see if this happens, and if it doesn't, then we have to stop listening to him. If it does, then he'll earn my trust as someone trustworthy. If nothing happens in the next three months, then he has to be held accountable for saying nonsense! Let's give him till the end of March to see if something big happens. If it doesn't, then he has to be stopped listening to!

The original post: /r/ufos by /u/rogerdojjer on 2024-12-31 23:18:51.

I don't live in an active airspace, quite a rural area - additionally, I have a Flighttracker app.

Yesterday evening I was driving home and saw what looked like three of those drones in the sky, they were all coming from different direction and moving towards these same spot.

Once I got home, I decided to have an extended look at the sky. Went outside and was out there for some hours.

I saw about a dozen of these things in the sky during this time. Again - I've eliminated the possibility of them being planes, I cross reference my flight tracker app. They were all doing just doing flyovers. The were flying low. They had red/green/white blinking lights on them that seemed almost random.

One of them was moving across the sky - it had full visible red and white blinking lights. All of a sudden the lights just disappeared. This was on an exceptionally clear night in area with minimal air pollution.

Later on, I saw two of them things in the sky and once they were out of my sight, I saw a bright white light moving quickly across the sky. I lost sight of it when it went behind some trees.

I had some very intense dreams regarding lights in the sky once I went to bed.

That's my story

The original post: /r/ufos by /u/Mordrenix on 2024-12-31 20:54:16.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/mattlaslo on 2024-12-31 19:44:39.

Congressional UAP Caucus Co-chair Tim Burchett tells me the New Jersey drones "shows you how inept" gov't is on UAPs.

“I think we push the point. We say, ‘our government can't even tell us what these things are,’” Burchett says. “Even the ones that we think we know what they are, they don't know what they are. This shows you how inept they are and how we owe it to — how it behooves us to get with it and start looking into them.”

LISTEN (Audio is free; apologies for Substack hoops and hurdles) to Burchett here:

The original post: /r/ufos by /u/LionAccomplished8129 on 2024-12-31 19:38:51.

What happened to the person who said they would fly their personal drones towards the orbs in NJ? This was about a month ago and this individual stayed they were frequently seeing these orbs flying around their area in NJ. They posted a photo of the drone they were going to use and stated they would post their finding here. They gained alot of traction but I think the post has been deleted.

Edit: Typo

The original post: /r/ufos by /u/THE_Kenny_Powerss on 2024-12-31 18:54:22.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/Deurstopper on 2024-12-31 18:39:13.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/syndic8_xyz on 2024-12-31 17:22:56.

Original Title: Happy New Year to the UFOs, avoid fireworks and send truth in 2025, because Rulers won't. Every time some new fact is found that makes Rulers less Powerful, they lie, hide and kill to cling to the past where they seemed better. Galileo and so many more!

At the turning of the year here's a list of examples from history where new facts, capabilities and thinking was met with lies, gaslighting, censorship and even murder by Rulers who felt threatened by it.

We think we've come so far and are so advanced, but... maybe we aren't!

Before Galileo:

  1. Socrates (5th century BCE) Socrates questioned the status quo of Athenian society, challenging the moral and intellectual authority of its leaders. For promoting critical thinking and “corrupting the youth,” he was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock. His execution stands as one of the earliest examples of suppressing inconvenient truths.
  2. Jesus of Nazareth (1st century CE) Jesus preached radical ideas of love, equality, and forgiveness that challenged the religious and political authorities of his time. His teachings undermined the power structures of both the Roman Empire and the Jewish authorities. He was ultimately executed by crucifixion, a punishment designed to suppress dissent and maintain control over the populace.
  3. Hypatia of Alexandria (4th-5th century CE) Hypatia, a brilliant philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer, was a prominent figure in Alexandria during a time of religious upheaval. Her teachings, including her defense of rationality and science, made her a target of political and religious factions. She was murdered by a mob, symbolizing the clash between knowledge and theocratic power.
  4. The Suppression of Heliocentrism (3rd century BCE onwards) Ancient Greek astronomers like Aristarchus of Samos proposed heliocentrism long before Copernicus, but their ideas were largely ignored or suppressed as they conflicted with the geocentric model, which aligned better with prevailing religious and political narratives.

Galileo (16th-17th century):

  1. Galileo Galilei Galileo championed the heliocentric model, building on Copernicus’s work, and used telescopic observations to provide evidence for it. This directly challenged the Church’s geocentric doctrine, leading to his trial by the Inquisition in 1633. He was forced to recant his findings and spent the rest of his life under house arrest, a stark reminder of the risks of challenging authority with scientific truth.

After Galileo:

  1. The Trial of Giordano Bruno (16th century) Bruno expanded on the idea of a heliocentric universe and went further, suggesting an infinite cosmos with countless inhabited worlds. His ideas directly threatened the Church's conception of humanity's unique place in the universe. He was burned at the stake for heresy in 1600.
  2. The Inquisition and the Index of Forbidden Books (16th-19th centuries) The Catholic Church systematically suppressed scientific and philosophical works that contradicted its teachings. The Index of Forbidden Books banned groundbreaking works like those of Copernicus and later Descartes and Darwin, delaying humanity’s progress in understanding the world.
  3. Charles Darwin and Evolution (19th century) When Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, it faced significant backlash from religious and social institutions. Evolution challenged the biblical creation narrative and the notion of humanity's special place in the natural order. Even today, the debate over evolution persists in some circles.
  4. Ignaz Semmelweis and Germ Theory (19th century) Semmelweis discovered that handwashing could drastically reduce infections in hospitals, but his findings were ridiculed and dismissed by the medical establishment of his time, which resisted changing entrenched practices. It wasn’t until much later that germ theory vindicated him.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/friddi83 on 2024-12-31 17:00:35.

Original Title: Second "possible" orb video. Date: 10th of December Time: 10PM Location: Iceland, countryside. Disclaimer! The Flir used is not the best on the market. This could be a glitch in the camera or software. This is posted in good faith. no editing apart from making the video shorter

The original post: /r/ufos by /u/SysBadmin on 2024-12-31 15:55:23.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/DogsAreTheBest36 on 2024-12-31 13:23:04.

Time: December 30 2024, approximately 7 pm. Location: south Jersey, not far from Philadelphia.

I just want people to know drones are still very active here. This is my second sighting right over my house. Every night I’m getting ring notifications that someone nearby has seen a drone. The problem is that they are impossible to take clear videos of for normal people like me who can’t afford expensive equipment. I did video one of mine but it appears like a bright dot. It didn’t appear like that to the naked eye. It’s lights weren’t even bright: so It won’t convince anyone who is skeptical. I’m offering this post only as a witness.

I double checked flight tracker although they were clearly not planes as they were traveling very slowly and not at a constant speed, sometimes stopping entirely to hover. Flight tracker has zero planes in my area at that time. Note I live close-ish to the Philly airport but these planes are very obvious as passenger planes because they’re still closer to the ground when they fly over me. These did not appear on flight radar at all. As I was looking at them, after about 3 minutes, another plane appeared heading toward the airport but that one was clear visually and on flight tracker.

Subjectively I could see they were drone- shaped though with dim lights and completely silent. I have a 30 foot tree on my property and they were above that, maybe 50 feet high? I could see them clearly but because the height was unknown I can’t tell their size. Big enough to be seen clearly at least 50 feet in the air in the dark. I could attach the video but it truly wouldn’t convince anyone. I tried videoing above my house when it was clear but my video didn’t work — this is the second time that’s happened. This exact thing happened the first time one hovered over my house last month. This time I double checked the video and saw it wasn’t recording again and that’s why this time i was able to video it as it left. But that’s also why it appears only as a bright dot.

I can’t understand how to upload my video. Yes I’m older! It’s about 2 minutes long. Again it wouldn’t convince anyone but I wanted to share.

The original post: /r/ufos by /u/bassCity on 2024-12-31 12:48:09.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/KOOKOOOOM on 2024-12-31 12:33:21.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/bassCity on 2024-12-31 11:39:44.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/TommyShelbyPFB on 2024-12-31 10:45:44.

Original Title: Some more bombshells from Harad Malmgren, advisor to JFK, LBJ, Nixon and Ford. Corroborates Dave Grusch's claims on Dept of Energy. After WW2 UFO secrets were hidden along with nuclear secrets under the highest classification by the Atomic Energy Commission, Presidents denied access to information.

The original post: /r/ufos by /u/CyroSwitchBlade on 2024-12-31 10:09:27.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/MidgetPenguinOz on 2024-12-31 10:05:19.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/Storm_treize on 2024-12-31 09:39:27.
The original post: /r/ufos by /u/Humble__Thinker on 2024-12-31 08:42:22.

Data base of all drone reports in n NJ and beyond with details of each report. Source: Enigma Labs and NJ drones FB page.

All plotted on google map

The original post: /r/ufos by /u/chrisqns_nyc on 2024-12-31 05:57:42.
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