Debian — The Universal Operating System

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Subreddit to discuss all the Debian things, the Universal Operating System.

founded 1 year ago
The original post: /r/debian by /u/TheASHTening on 2024-12-28 12:03:21.

Howdy all, I hope you're doing well.

I did my daily apt update today, and ended up getting a GPG error on Spotify's repositories. The log is as follows:

For those of you who use Spotify, are you encountering similar errors as well? If not, then how would I go about fixing this?

I apologize if this post is not necessarily related to this specific subreddit.

Help (
submitted 7 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/debian by /u/Zealousideal_Egg_441 on 2024-12-28 04:27:58.

Hi there, went to install debian and selected kde plasma. After selecting and going thru it just leads me to a terminal. i’m quite confused

The original post: /r/debian by /u/lumpynose on 2024-12-28 03:47:28.
The original post: /r/debian by /u/dudeness_boy on 2024-12-28 03:40:54.

I've used Debian on my PC for a while now, and I decided to install it on my laptop. The batteries aren't very good and probably need replacing, but they last like 2-3 hours longer now. I can finally do things without feeling like it needs to be plugged in all the time!

The original post: /r/debian by /u/elaineisbased on 2024-12-27 22:51:35.
iwlist issues (
submitted 7 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/debian by /u/theonetain on 2024-12-27 22:31:52.

To learn more about my new Linux Debian system I am going through various tutorials to bring me up to speed. The one I'm currently on is...

...I'm at the point of learning to use iwlist to perform a wireless scan. Thinking it's in the PATH I type:

$ iwlist
bash: iwlist: command not found

Using PCManFM I find it in /usr/share/bash-completion/completions ... Continuing...

$ /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/iwlist
bash: /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/iwlist: Permission denied
$ sudo /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/iwlist
[sudo] password for USERID: 
sudo: /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/iwlist: command not found

Checking the file and permissions in PCManFM I see it's a script and set the file/script to be executable. Trying again...

$ /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/iwlist wlp5s0 scan
$ /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/iwlist --help
$ /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/iwlist --version
$ sudo /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/iwlist --version
[sudo] password for USERID: 
/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/iwlist: 10: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "fi")

...even trying as root...

$ /usr/share/bash-completion/completions$ su
# /usr/share/bash-completion/completions# whoami
# /usr/share/bash-completion/completions# pwd
# /usr/share/bash-completion/completions# ls -al iwlist
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 607 Apr  3  2022 iwlist
# /usr/share/bash-completion/completions# iwlist --version
bash: iwlist: command not found
# /usr/share/bash-completion/completions# ./iwlist --version
# /usr/share/bash-completion/completions#

Looking at the script...

# iwlist completion                                        -*- shell-script -*-

    local cur prev words cword
    _init_completion || return

    if ((cword == 1)); then
        if [[ $cur == -* ]]; then
            COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '--help --version' -- "$cur"))
            _available_interfaces -w
        COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'scan scanning freq frequency channel rate
            bit bitrate key enc encryption power txpower retry ap accesspoint
            peers event' -- "$cur"))
} &&
    complete -F _iwlist iwlist

# ex: filetype=sh

So at this point I have to ask What am I not seeing? Why is the script not executing/erroring out?

Also is this director of scripts something I should add to the PATH? Being scripts I notice they don't have man pages to quickly find out more about them. Thanks in advance for help on this.

Dear Debian (
submitted 7 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/debian by /u/Practical_Biscotti_6 on 2024-12-27 22:15:12.

I love you I truly do. It has been weeks now and I still can't access themes all categories are missing. Every time I open discover I get an error it still works but is annoying. I tell everyone to just go Debian and skip the others stuff. But I am going to Zorin at least until the bugs are fixed. I am dual booting until the bugs are fixed.

The original post: /r/debian by /u/Zery12 on 2024-12-27 19:58:20.

i really like how testing updates come: first sid, then it goes to testing, then freezing period for like 6 months, and it starts all again.

i am fine to deal with troubleshooting, and after trixie releases, i would go to the next testing version (which would take a few months ig.)

The original post: /r/debian by /u/Wasted-Friendship on 2024-12-27 18:37:54.

I have been loving me some Debian on my ProxMox cluster. I am ready to take the next step in my relationship and go to dual boot.

However, when I go to install, I can’t find the W11 NVME. So, I dropped in a SSD. The install works, but I can’t find the main drive to install the boot loader.

I thought it was just a secure boot issue, so I turned it off and tried again…nothing. Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?

The original post: /r/debian by /u/Fast_Aardvark_7405 on 2024-12-27 17:16:37.

error on when creating an os image file;

grub-mkrescue: error: `mformat` invocation failed


can anyone fix it? if not, i tried.

The original post: /r/debian by /u/oiramxd on 2024-12-27 16:40:09.
The original post: /r/debian by /u/Gdiddy18 on 2024-12-27 15:45:35.

Hi Team

Managed to get my gaming pc to deb but now the wifi card is playing up, it seems slow and if i download a game from steam it litally stops working but still shows as connected.

I have disabled fast boot in Windows 11 and all i can find is soultion for arch i have gone to /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf but this file is empty.

If im just browsing its fine it just seems to happen when downloading from steam?

The original post: /r/debian by /u/Desperate-Warthog-15 on 2024-12-27 14:53:36.

Hi guys, I want to create a custom os based on debian but i don’t know how to do. Give me a proper guide or provide me a link of a good guide in order to I can make my own os

The original post: /r/debian by /u/Marc_Bomur on 2024-12-27 14:22:30.

Hey guys,

I'm using a .json config file (with an equalizer in it) for presetting the output audio of EasyEffects 7.2.1.

I'd like to use a copy of it for presetting the input audio. But an error message stubbornly speaks about a wrong format without further information.

Could you help?

Thanks for reading!


The original post: /r/debian by /u/_BEER_Sghe on 2024-12-27 14:09:33.

Hi again, the journey to finish my new PC setup is proceeding.

I'd like to "migrate" my old Windows 10 SSD + storage HDD to make it accessible from the new build, which uses Debian as a primary OS.

I have tried following the first part of this wiki but when accessing the GRUB page at startup the only boot option is Debian.

I have never dual booted, but is this option feasible? How can I detect the other SSD and add its Windows 10 to the GRUB startup boot menu?

Thank you!

Timeshift (
submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/debian by /u/Noisuli on 2024-12-27 13:40:40.

Does anyone know how to make timeshift to require my user(sudo) password and not my root password?

The original post: /r/debian by /u/the_unknown161 on 2024-12-27 13:13:55.
The original post: /r/debian by /u/sofuego on 2024-12-27 12:40:42.

Has this happened to anyone else on Debian 12 (X11). xandr only shows 1 display (although I'm not sure if nvidia drivers intercepted it before and that is normal behavior). The NVIDIA settings menu is now very bare and missing the multi-monitor configuration settings.

LLM suggested using nvidia-xconfig (which isn't installed having just checked). The description says deprecated. Could that be the issue or is there something I'm missing?

The original post: /r/debian by /u/vishwaravi on 2024-12-27 12:28:49.

i have trouble to connect wifi in my debian. pls anyone help me. and my wifi adapter is realtek semi conducter. device : lenovo V15 G4 AMN

The original post: /r/debian by /u/Wise_Stick9613 on 2024-12-27 11:25:39.

I have only found guides on how to build packages (.deb), but that is not what I am looking for.

The original post: /r/debian by /u/Hawkeye_2706 on 2024-12-27 11:23:02.
The original post: /r/debian by /u/Kyuusaki on 2024-12-27 10:49:23.

Heya! I have to admit, i am quite a noob, when it comes to linux stuff. So please be patient.

I have some home-server running with OpenMediaVault installed on top of debian. But Latley i got an issue with my kernel. When I boot, i need to go in advanced options and select the oldest kernel, to run my server, else i will get:

Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unkown-block(0,0)

See attached photo for more details.

Any one got an idea how to fix?

In Advanced options i have the following options. I select

Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 6.1.0-0.deb11.7-amd64

for booting

output of df -h

Dateisystem    Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
udev             32G       0   32G    0% /dev
tmpfs           6,3G    3,0M  6,3G    1% /run
/dev/sda1       116G     47G   64G   43% /
tmpfs            32G       0   32G    0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5,0M       0  5,0M    0% /run/lock
tmpfs            32G    4,0K   32G    1% /tmp
/dev/sdb1       916G    581G  336G   64% /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-05dacc9e-bc45-4783-b866-c29526d3c015
/dev/sdd1       7,3T    4,8T  2,5T   67% /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-066c7a64-1746-4d3f-8aea-605de3dfa289
/dev/sde1       7,3T     48K  7,3T    1% /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-0e978f83-16c2-4906-af03-cc9fda3958c6
/dev/sdc1       3,6T    3,6T   78G   98% /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-74a5b560-6a4c-41fe-85ba-deee7b3e7271
overlay         116G     47G   64G   43% /var/lib/docker/overlay2/77d3d94c5ecb8690fdb6ad2b7b1bb15c5d2a2d1979c07ae13114e07a9e1c98e4/merged
overlay         116G     47G   64G   43% /var/lib/docker/overlay2/9d812304e05c97f35a76e8130e54dc8fc279421ab6668935e672e846ed0f334e/merged
overlay         116G     47G   64G   43% /var/lib/docker/overlay2/4aaf3cd9ac5e3ad0741ce56cae87909b0263bc8ab0ed1f60159a02d41f45171a/merged
overlay         116G     47G   64G   43% /var/lib/docker/overlay2/edd6e05ee18a558db45df050720ffebdb08fd051267e7303294ad8882dc965e3/merged

output of ls -l /boot

insgesamt 153808
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   258972  8. Okt 2023  config-6.1.0-0.deb11.13-amd64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   259010  6. Mai 2024  config-6.1.0-0.deb11.21-amd64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   259028 23. Apr 2023  config-6.1.0-0.deb11.7-amd64
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root     4096 30. Aug 08:39 grub
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 67417214  1. Okt 20:45 initrd.img-6.1.0-0.deb11.21-amd64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65224837 10. Aug 2023  initrd.img-6.1.0-0.deb11.7-amd64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       83  8. Okt 2023
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       83  6. Mai 2024
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       83 23. Apr 2023
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  8060512  8. Okt 2023  vmlinuz-6.1.0-0.deb11.13-amd64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  8091584  6. Mai 2024  vmlinuz-6.1.0-0.deb11.21-amd64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  7891840 23. Apr 2023  vmlinuz-6.1.0-0.deb11.7-amd64

Should I try something like:

update-initramfs -c -k 6.1.0-21-amd64 ?


The original post: /r/debian by /u/Spaceberryy on 2024-12-27 10:39:33.

Hello dear debian users!

I've been using mint for a little over two months now but due to unforseen circumstances, I've to reset my hard drive and I saw this as a very good opportunity to switch my distro!

Can you tell me about your experiences and another thing, how hard is it to install drivers on this? I've been having some trouble installing a driver on mint for a device called adafruit blinka mcp2221.

Back to the point, I'd love to hear your thoughts about this distro and if it's worth switching to. I program a lot tho so pls keep that in mind and I am comfortable in the terminal as well!

The original post: /r/debian by /u/PenDramatic1821 on 2024-12-27 07:09:16.

So I was following a tutorial to run kismet from virtualbox and I either did not complete all the steps or I followed a wrong set of steps. Now Im unable to use Sudo anymore. This is the error code I receive..please if somebody could help me resolve this. Google hasnt been super helpful. Im unable to just re-install I must fix it. Thank you guys so much for your time.


└─$ sudo apt upgrade

[sudo] password for sdv:

Error: Type 'sudo' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list

Error: The list of sources could not be read.

Error: Type 'sudo' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list

Error: The list of sources could not be read.


When I open my ETC/APT sources list in nano this is the only text it has in it.


deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free non-free-firmware

Additional line for source packages

deb-src kali-rolling main contrib non-free non-free-firmw>

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