Czech Subreddit – Czechs on Reddit

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This is the Czech Republic's subreddit! A place to post and discuss anything related to our country. Come and visit us!.

founded 1 year ago
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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Frisho on 2023-08-12 12:56:14+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/DonBrasi67 on 2023-08-12 12:26:25+00:00.

Ugly Americans (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Motivationgonewrong on 2023-08-12 12:23:15+00:00.

Už dávno jsem přestal pirátit filmy a seriály a rozhodně se k tomu nechci vracet. Kde kupujete filmy a seriály? Chtěl bych se podívat na Ugly Americans, ale zaboha to nemůžu nikde najít. Všude je to pro ČR neprodejný. Fuck OSA

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Nexmital on 2023-08-12 12:20:36+00:00.


chci se zeptat dvoustopých jezdců z Prahy jestli není moc riskantní nechávat moto/skutr přes noc venku. Moc bych chtěl pořídit ale nemám přístup ke garáži (bydlení okolo stanice metra Luka/Stodůlky) a zatím mě to odrazuje od koupi.

Jak to máte vy?

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Bap-po on 2023-08-12 12:16:50+00:00.

Ano, vím že tu už byl AMA příspěvek od jiného ukrajince, jen mám i příběhy od zaměstnanců tak mi přišlo že by možná některý zajímali i ostatní úhly pohledů, navíc když máme i rozkouskovanou rodinu:d (jak geograficky, tak i politicky bohužel)

Pokud by vadilo/bylo by to zbytečné tak smažu.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/nevedomost-je-sila on 2023-08-12 11:00:46+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Herta_Hispallus on 2023-08-12 11:37:40+00:00.

Are taxis safe in Czech for tourists? Im visiting Prague soon and I’m wondering what’s the best way to get around. Buss is an option too but the taxis are pretty cheap so could use them as well if they are safe. What if the driver takes longer route and I end up paying a lot for the trip. That’s what I’m scared of.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/purple-dahlia on 2023-08-12 11:03:38+00:00.

Dobré odpoledne!

I’m solo traveling in Prague and I’m loving it here! This place is one of the best I have ever visited!

I heard today there will be a Perseid meteor shower. I never saw anything like this and I wanted to make this trip even more special. I was searching for some spots but I can’t seem to find a nice place for stargazing. Do you guys know where I should go? I’m full dependent on public transportation so I can’t go too far, sadly…

Děkuji mnohokrát!

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/radwanal on 2023-08-12 10:59:37+00:00.

Vytvořil jsem sbírku na Donio, která by měla umožnit zaplatit operaci žaludku pro králíka. Sdílel jsem na svůj profil sociálních sítí, do facebookových skupin s danou tématikou... A pak se to nějak zasekla. Víte o nějakých skupinách, kam by mohlo pomoct to sdílet? Nebo jak byste to udělali Vy?

Samozřejmě budu rád, i pokud by to sdílel třeba někdo z Vás, např. ve svém instagramovém příběhu. Děkuji !

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Aven_7 on 2023-08-12 10:51:18+00:00.

Zdar, jak to děláte s účtenkama co chcete uložit? Máte někde doma kopu papírovejch, nebo nějakou appku na jejich ukládání?

Já je teď ukládám normálně fyzicky, ale nejradši bych je všechny vyházel a jen to fotil.

Soudruzi na Slovensku mají myslím QR kód na každé účtence, což mi přijde jako nejlepší řešení. Bohužel u nás nic takovýho není.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/FilipStyblik on 2023-08-12 09:52:57+00:00.

Nedávno jsme se ženou byli na dovolené v Olomouci a já se zamiloval. I když máme vlastní dům a zázemí na druhém konci republiky, tak kdybych se někdy chtěl stěhovat, tak určitě tam. Můžete mi doporučit nějaká místa/města v ČR, které ve Vás zanechala stejný dojem, jako Olomouc ve mě? Předem děkuji =)

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Thick-Nose5961 on 2023-08-12 07:57:23+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/ilovefreshlycutgrass on 2023-08-12 04:58:36+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/bigDmrazik on 2023-08-12 09:04:40+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/aBadassCutiePie on 2023-08-12 08:38:37+00:00.

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Kocovina (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/harmigeddon on 2023-08-12 08:12:55+00:00.

Sobota dopoledne, nekteri nejspis trpi stejne jako ted ja. Co vam osobne pomaha na kocovinu? Ja vypiju litry napoju vseho druhu od vody po capri sun, kdyz buh da, tak si dopreju i mekac nebo kebko a idealne druhy spanek v neomezene delce.

Kocoviny byvaji horsi i po delsi pauze, anebo kdyz pivo stoji za nic. A vcera stalo za nic, nicmene jsem chtel vypnout mozek.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Straight_Cup_160 on 2023-08-12 08:10:17+00:00.

Dobrý den, dnes mi stroj v práci zlomil prst. Mohla jsem si za to částečně sama tím, že jsem byla moc blízko stroje když mě do prstu uhodil. Zaměstnavatel mi ovšem odmítl napsat pracovní úraz kvůli tomu, že jsem podepsala poučení o bezpečnosti práce.

Přijde mi to jako nesmysl, ale kvůli tomu mi byl úraz odmítnut. Nevím jestli na to mají právo a já jsem se tím zahnala do kouta, a nebo jestli mám pravdu a je to nesmysl.

Pokud jde o nesmysl, můžete mi prosím napsat jak se bránit/dokazovat? Vůbec nevím

Je tohle scam? (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/smoldar3 on 2023-08-12 07:27:43+00:00.

Dobrý den, žena prodává kočárek na marketplacu za 5000. Nějaký pán ji napsal toto: Dobře, nicméně platbu bych provedl v hotovosti prostřednictvím kurýrní služby DPD EXPRESS, jejíž pošťák vám přinese peníze obsažené v zapečetěné obálce ✉ ručně doručené na vaši adresu a jakmile budou peníze přijaty, předáte položku agentské sběrné službě TNT v doprovodu pošťáka. OK?

Je to scam nebo se nemáme bát?

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Aweda_Cz on 2023-08-12 06:59:58+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/cubisov on 2023-08-11 22:25:13+00:00.

Dnes se stěhujeme z bytu do rodinného domu a mj. má na střeše satelit.

Co s ním můžeme dál dělat?

Asi budu muset nejdřív zjistit, jestli je zapojený a kam vede. Dá se sehnat/vyrobit dekodér, který bych napojil až najdu přípojku? Můžu natočit prabolu a reálně chytat x stovek kanálů? Můžu chytat připojení na net?

Díky za rady nebo tipy na info!

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/No_Pomegranate7134 on 2023-08-12 04:08:41+00:00.

Of course, I avoid Google Translate like the plague as it's so bad, horrible for Czech. DeepL may get it but it still stuffs up.

Example Text: (segments highlighted in bold)

I know there are rotten apples within the police force or law enforcement as a whole not forgetting the judicial system as everything that involves officers on duty, correctional or parole officers, attorneys, judges, and bondsmen doing shady stuff always gets swept under the rug by the higher-ups being overlooked, if you dare to speak up about it they fire your ass. I recalled a moment when my partner, Officer Richards was on the scene arresting a suspected runaway, yet he had to plant hash on this dude which had nothing to do with him at all!

Richards spotted the young teen who is about 14-15, loitering in the alley minding his own business and not doing anything criminal yet he had to make this kid suffer, it sickens me. He was pinning him down to the boot of our patrol car with brute force as the kid's face is pressed onto it perhaps inflicting a mandibular fracture, I remember the exchange they had between each other:

"Jackpot! Look at this! We got ourselves a junkie. You're goin' to the slammer for a while."

"Look officer, I SWEAR to god, those aren't mine! I have no fuckin' clue as to how that got there! I'm no junkie*! Please..."*


"No... please... It's not mine! I'm telling ya! Just... Stop! You're hurtin' me?!"

That's the final straw for me! Richards is becoming a dirty cop, what the fuck has gotten into him lately, usually he's never like this, I had to step in just to protect this kid as he literally being harassed by an officer:

"Dude! Stop! This kid insisted he's done nothing wrong! Please let him go!"

"He's going to the station with us! The end. I don't give a fuck if he's a junkie or not. He'll be part of the lineup along with others just like this punk."

"That doesn't give you the right to hurt him! For god sake, he's only a kid! Take it easy on him, man."

"He's just a piece of shit anyway! Who in the world would give rats ass about him?! I bet he's out here just to cause a disturbance. Anyway... stop defending him or else!"

As I was about to uncuff the kid, Richards started lashing out at me:

"What are you doin'? He's definitely a crook. Put the cuffs back on him."

"He has done nothing wrong. He's a free man. He is entitled to a normal life."


I refuse to adhere to Richard's demands, so he did it, the kid is begging to be let free as I can see him being all teared up... I cannot imagine, he's traumatized by the horrendous treatment from Richards. Officers like him are the reason why the police have a bad image, what a disgrace. There are already protests happening across the country demanding reform as corruption is rife, well... the public isn't wrong, I agree that the system needs an overhaul.

I wish I had the authority to alter his decision but it's outta my hands as Richards outranks me, he'll easily snitch on me if I refuse to get along, he knows the Lieutenant well more than I do, I've only been in for 2 years while he's been there for 7-8. As soon as we headed for the station, the kid kept his head down avoiding eye contact with the officers, however, he can sense I'm not dirty which is why he doesn't hate me.

As the kid was about to be booked in, he had the look of a stray cat who is begging to be cared for since he is not looking forward to being in the hold-up with all the grown-ups. I later learned this kid's name is Mike, he's not on the system. It's disgusting that Richards and the other officers are tolerant of putting a minor in the same cage as an adult, figuratively it's putting a baby zebra in a lion's den. I rummaged through Mike's details that have been added.

I contacted his mom immediately explaining to her what just happened, she was horrified and disgusted as her son will never do any drugs. She can figure that I'm not part of the dirty batch as there are cases that people in a similar situation are deprived of their basic rights, which should not be happening at all! She is going to complain about her son's arrest which is uncalled for, however, with the current climate, it'll be in vain as the entire system is in shambles right now unless there is a major reform.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/ocbro99 on 2023-08-12 00:30:32+00:00.

Hi I am a Bi 26M from the USA. I am wondering if anyone else is going to the Pride party after the march and wanted to maybe meet up. Let me know, thanks!

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Therockstar27 on 2023-08-11 21:52:06+00:00.

V září začínám studovat na UTB Zlín a musím říct, že jsem trochu nervózní. Odjíždím do města úplně sám z Mexika. Máš nějakou radu pro někoho, kdo nikdy nebyl ve městě?

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/bvictorien on 2023-08-11 14:08:51+00:00.

Na jaký web se dnes spoléháte? Dříve jsem spoléhal na papírové kalendáře, ale to už není praktické.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/VampireCross on 2023-08-11 11:43:43+00:00.

Ahoj, už nevím kam jinam napsat tak to zkusím tady.S přítelkyní hledáme byt od záři nejlépe v lokaci Praha 1-Praha 4,2+1 nebo větší 1+1 kk, se vším do 17500kč. Omlouvám se pokud to sem nepatří, ale už jsem docela zoufalej. Předem díky za odpovědi.

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