Cryptocurrency News & Discussion

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The leading community for cryptocurrency news, discussion, and analysis.

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The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/Practical_Public_383 on 2024-11-24 19:59:39.

Hello Ledger or Tangem for cold storage and safe ?


The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/goldyluckinblokchain on 2024-11-24 19:41:17.
The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/Financial-Reward-949 on 2024-11-24 19:17:02.

Too much should we sell, how high is it going? Etc etc etc 🤮🤮

Calm down! It’s another day at the office, nothing out of the ordinary, buy the dips, hold the plan, dca all day!

We are here because we believe in the projects and the overall goals ( or at least should be ), and nothing has changed except the train is now picking up speed and it will be exponential to all our original starting points around this time in the journey.

So sit down, shut up, and hold on, because it’s gonna wobble, May go up, May go down, but ultimately, we ain’t seen nothing yet, and that is the most indisputable factor of the crypto space!

So, like me, continue to add and take advantage of these little dips as they are all apart of the A++ dca and hodl game by buying at the various points and best of all dips or reconsolidations, and one day we will look back on this from a secured financial point of our own individual journey and will have stories and stories to tell.

It all goes back to the original mantra…

We ain’t fucking selling!

Have a great Sunday folks, looking forward to the next weeks!

The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/sirCota on 2024-11-24 18:38:15.

I was 80% in btc and 20% in doge and was happy that way… then i got handsy and just started messin with everything.

ended up into the following, with 50% btc, 30% doge, and 20% in Polkadot, Spell token, Aurora, XYO, Polygon, Orchid, Degen, Swell, Chainlink, Internet Computer, and SUI,

and most of the new ones aren’t exactly at a great price at the moment.

would you consider that covering most of your bases for this bull run? I’ve had bitcoin long enough, and i don’t sell bitcoin. as far as everything else… I got caught up in the fomo and now i somehow have little bits of each of these. what did I even buy and does the community here stand behind any of the smaller coins? a classic and dangerous case of 3 beers and coinbase open yesterday and im paying for it today. i’m the example of what not to do right now right?

The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/KIG45 on 2024-11-24 17:54:55.
The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/holdthefridge on 2024-11-24 17:26:41.

Summary and TLDR for the seasoned experts so you can either add/correct/ignore post:

  • The "ideology" (controversial - conspiracy)
  • Historical deep dive into (defi) dApps uses and how to use them
  • Crypto cycles
  • Insights from being in the market for a few cycles
  • Current Macroeconomics
  • Advise for Do's and Dont's (it's controversial as everyone has different opinions)

Important Note

I am not a CFA, nor am I an accredited investor. I am a dApp builder who had a little bit of success in DeFi. I am just giving my insights and this does not reflect any certified financial advisor's advise. That being said, CFA cannot give you money making advise either. Always read between the lines and always do your own research**.**


The year is 2024, you are seeing bitcoin and crypto coming into your timeline more and more. USA just elected a president who is pro crypto. Elon Musk is jumping up and down on Trump rally and he's also pro crypto. You are wondering "is this just internet magic money? Is this a ponzi scheme? Why the heck would I use a currency , fiat already exists. There are no additional use cases"

The Ideology

You can ignore this part if you are already tired of reading similar summary over and over again. Remember this is MY opinion and does not reflect everyone's opinion. This part also has a lot of compiled conspiracy theory and not my own.

1912, Titanic just sank and took down old banking system. The Rothschild bankers and few others who happened to be off the boat, has now gripped the world financial system. Federal Reserve which can indefinitely print money supply in exchange for gold was established in 1913. WW1 and WW2 followed shortly which introduced massive amounts of temporary tax (we still are in that temporary taxation system). Till 1970, we had this certificate (now fiat money) , that was printed and backed by Gold, oil and few other global commodities. The more commodity a country had, the more value it's printed certificate (dollar, rupee etc.) had. Gold and oil was the "native liquidity currency". Remember this: "native liquidity currency". USA being the new super leader, decided to hoard as much gold and oil possible by dealing with as many countries as possible. US dollar or any other fiat currency had this pair ($ Country's money / Gold)

1971, USA has a significant amount of gold, and oil, and a grip on the world. USSR (now Russia) was and still is it's arch rival. By now, USA has already made a few great decision for itself by establishing itself as a world native liquidity currency. USA decided to depeg the gold from it's native liquidity.

Which means before it was ($ USD / Gold ) but now it's ($ USD / ____). Where as the rest of the world was ($ Rupee / USD), ($Yen / USD). Trades were and still happens in USD, even now. If you want to send a shipment of paint from China to Bangladesh, it's done in USD. Not yen, not taka.

Now the question is, if my country's currency has a US dollar reserve and USD is being treated as one of the major liquidity currency, what about USD? What is USD's own native liquidity pair? :)

I will leave the history of 1971-2000s fill out your imagination.

From the 1900 - 2000, the old banking system has significantly shifted from being Gold backed to US dollar backed. USA is also printing as much as it wants out of thin air with nothing but war behind it's liquidity backing. Any country that is trying to get back to gold or oil standard has been uprooted. So paper money is literally being made from trees.

Fiat currency supply keeps going up, value keeps going down. If USA prints, your country's currency is gaining strength but that all depends on whether they are NOT printing themselves. This macro economics majorly affects us and crypto every single day. The key for your country is to stop printing while USA prints.

Your parents have immediately felt the affects of this depegging over 1970s - 2000s. Everything inflated fast. Their salary was not that far off of inflated value of homes, cars, food. Taxes were not that bad, it was supposed to be temporary but it was acceptable.

You were born in the 80s - 2000s, now you are either in your 20s or your 40s. You are in this subreddit trying to figure out how do you get rich via crypto and how to get out of this rut. Where's this get rich quick scheme?

2009 - Satoshi (a person or group of people or psyop by the banking system), invented BTC Bitcoin. Digital currency that can't be printed. The idea that one day it will become a native liquidity currency like gold or oil. Unhackable because you'd have to hack all the mining computers all at once. Mining means you use your computer to act as part of the ledger system that keeps transactions all in sync and calculated while solving a formula to SLOWLY mine 21 million bitcoin (total). All of a sudden you can send money overseas without any issues, albeit transaction fee is expensive af. However, this is the only thing banks and feds cannot touch or tax(However, we all know decentralized - they cannot, centralized - they can, we will dive in to this later). You can hold on to it and battle this unlimited printing of fiat. You know rest of the usual story that people say so we won't be diving more into this.

Deep dive into Defi

Decentralized is a word that gets thrown around every where. Everyone claims to be decentralized in crypto and btc subforums. However, 90% of the people are just buying and holding in CEX (centralized exchanges like binance). They are then selling it for USDT for profit or loss, and sending it back to their banks for fiat. They were never decentralized. They don't use bitcoin for anything. They don't use ethereum for anything. They don't use solana for anything.

So what can you use these coins for? Is it just for silk road like the early bitcoin days? I pay someone in btc and someone gives me the limited edition pokemon card on ebay? Sure, but no.

DeFi truly started during introduction of Ethereum by an alpha centauri alien called Vitalik. It didn't have a max supply like bitcoin, it was exactly like fiat in the sense that you can print it. However, printing was not controlled by the ETH foundation, it was printed by miners. You had to mine it. Why would we buy eth if it's still being printed?

ETH had 3 tricks up it's sleeve.

  1. dApps (decentralized apps - it's what apps are to smart phones - whaaaat?)
  2. Layer 2 EVMs (make your own network - wow!)
  3. tokens (its like a coin, you can attach a name to)

If Bitcoin is gold , Ethereum is silver. Gold is a store of value, where silver is a tool

2018 - The birth of Uniswap:

dApp builders like myself started scrambling and figuring out what to make. What can we all make in this brand new finance world?

One of the first key things that came out was Uniswap. Uniswap is a decentralized exchange. Anyone can make a token and upload it with eth as it's native liquidity pair (token/ETH). In return Uniswap gave that user a liquidity pool token which is like a key that you can use to unlock the pair and pull out the money if they wanted.

No more applying to CEX like binance for listing your own project, no more accredited investor status required for buying and selling things, no tax (controversial), and definitely cannot be frozen by banks.

You can buy and sell any token that you want, you can make your own token (if you knew how to code in ethereum smart contract language called solidity), and you can make your token tradeable via uniswap. All you had to do was go on subforums and talk about your own tokens. What you needed was a wallet like metamask with actual ETH (not in CEX), you needed to press wallet connect on uniswap, and spend that ETH to buy tokens, or sell tokens to get some ETH. There were no middle men. No one can hack uniswap.

Now what happened really? Our core degenerate mindset got us to start building shitcoins by now. 99% of the tokens on uniswap are scams, the users just unlocked and withdrew the liquidity (ETH) with the liquidity pool token. What if the token smart contract was a scam by itself? I will put a list of things for you to see before you buy any shitcoins directly on uniswap.

2020 - The birth of DxSale, and other launchpads

Ah, this is something that takes you to some of the golden age of shitcoins. DxSale and Unicrypt made it easy for anyone to make a token. You didn't need to know how to write contracts anymore, those defi apps made it for you and you own it. Your wallet owns the token as the creator. You can make a token within seconds without knowing how to code, and raise funds in those same apps. Once the funds are raised, it automatically uploaded the token/ETH as a liquidity pair on Uniswap. Uniswap returned the liquidity pool token to the Launchpad smart contracts which automatically locked the liquidity pool (LP) token (key). This solved the number one issue with Uniswap launches, which is scam by unlocking LP and disappearing in to thin air.

Great, now all you had to do was marketing and you have a token on ethereum, you could either try to launch it hard and make your coin go 100x or if you were a scam - you would've just found another way like dump the team tokens or perhaps add "fee system"

Out came the rebase tokens, fee tokens, burn tokens etc. People started making cu...

Content cut off. Read original on

The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/WineMakerBg on 2024-11-24 16:39:55.
The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/SincerelyYourStupid on 2024-11-24 15:52:38.

Hi community.

I intend to hold 95% of my coins BTC, ETH and SOL). But I'd like to spend 5% on higher risk coins, selected amongst the top 100 current coins (e.g ALGO, ADA, AVAX, TON, SHIB, DOT, LINK, LTC, CRO, ATOM, FIL, FTM). I'm looking for gains of potentially 5-20x over the next year. In other words, I'm not aping into some insane meme coin, I'm looking towards , etc.

How many coins is advisable for such a bag? Why? I don't see any logic behind influencers that preach "get these 100 coins now" - why so many? What's the argument in favor of 10 coins over 50 coins?

Finally, I'm also considering holding them at 2-3x leverage. Any thoughts on that?

The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/craly on 2024-11-24 15:40:03.
The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/mrtac96 on 2024-11-24 15:07:57.

Today i came to know Binance Beacon Chain has now shut down. Some chains managed to bind their assets (as shown in this tracker:, but some chains like FTM and Kava didn’t bind their assets to binance smart chain. This means the coins tied to these chains are now effectively lost forever.

I want to open up a discussion:

  1. What steps can users and developers take to prevent such losses in the future?
  2. Are there blockchain ecosystems that are immune to shutdown by entities or central authorities? (Please don’t mention ERC-20; the gas fees are prohibitively expensive for many users.)
The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/KIG45 on 2024-11-24 15:05:03.
The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/SekiRaze on 2024-11-24 14:46:39.

I never thought I had to ask being able to google but I just don't understand it: I am using Binance and I find it to be a good platform and easy to use. Now I have stumbled over the function of creating a Web3 Wallet, which I did. Then I thought "Huh, maybe I can try mining some currency" - just to try it out. I can not believe how hard it is to get any sort of information. What I would like to do is get some sort of Software, mine the currency to my Web3 Wallet and then transfer it to binance so I can do some trading for the luls. Can't grasp how it works. There are no tutorials that I have found that explain how to do such thing.

The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/idontcarelolmsma on 2024-11-24 14:34:30.

Here’s a refined version of your message:

Hi everyone,

I’ve been following the crypto space for a while now and have made small investments in some of the well-known coins.

That said, I’m curious—what do we really expect for the future of crypto? Is this still uncharted territory?

It feels like crypto isn’t comparable to something like the S&P 500, where you can invest and reasonably expect solid returns over a decade. Is it more of a gamble to invest in something purely digital?

Honestly, I’m just trying to understand what these coins truly represent. Take Dogecoin, for example—Elon Musk hyped it up, skyrocketed its value, and then it crashed, leaving many people with significant losses. Sure, some got rich early on, but at what cost to others?

What’s your honest take—can crypto be a legitimate long-term investment, or is it just speculation?

Let me know if you want further tweaks!

The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/sadiq_238 on 2024-11-24 13:48:49.
The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/Longjumping-Low3164 on 2024-11-24 13:48:04.

Hello. It has been a decade since Ethereum was launched. Decent amount of time if you ask me. What are results of this project? Endless list of useless projects/worthless projects or just plain scams. Substratum, Enigma, Gifto, CargoX, Wabi, Populous, Internxt, Salt, Waltonchain, etc just no name a few. Despite all this current total market cap of Ethereum is around 400 billion USD. Where is value exactly? You have to be a lunatic to buy ETH and hold it at this valuation. BMW total market cap is around 45 billion USD! They produce world known cars for over a century! I ask again where is value? What rationally justifies 400 billion USD total market cap? I will end badly for so many people...

The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/revonorway on 2024-11-24 13:42:54.

Hi everyone! I’m currently working on my exit strategy for this cycle. I’m considering preparing a bunch of limit sell orders to USDT on different cryptos. My only concern is what would happen if USDT has a flash crash for some reason? Would my limit orders be activated early? I don't consider it very likely but with crypto you never know and want to plan for every eventuality... Does anyone have any advice and/or experience with this kind of scenario? Is it safer to put in the limit orders to USD instead? 

The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/hiorea on 2024-11-24 13:02:38.
The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/Bear-Bull-Pig on 2024-11-24 12:58:48.
The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/Extreme_Nectarine_29 on 2024-11-24 12:53:24.
The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/Extreme_Nectarine_29 on 2024-11-24 12:51:01.
The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/TemporaryCitron9271 on 2024-11-24 11:44:41.

🔥 Aligned: Bridging Mina's ZK Power to Ethereum - Here's What You Need to Know

What is Aligned?

Aligned is a groundbreaking ZK verification layer that connects Mina Protocol with Ethereum, launching by the end of 2024. It enables Ethereum developers to tap into Mina's "Proof of Everything" capabilities with unprecedented efficiency.

Key Features

Efficient Verification

  • Verifies Kimchi proofs (Mina's core proof system) quickly and cheaply within Ethereum

  • Operates through a decentralized network of verifiers secured via re-staking

  • Eliminates expensive Ethereum verification costs by using a specialized verification layer

Bridge Capabilities

  • Enables Ethereum to run a full Mina node through Aligned Layer

  • Allows developers to create ZK proofs on Mina and seamlessly use them in Ethereum dApps

  • Provides state bridge functionality without the typical blockchain bloat issues

What to Expect

Technical Benefits

  • Unique ZK composability at the L1 level through recursive proofs

  • No zkEVM compatibility/performance tradeoffs

  • Significantly reduced verification costs compared to direct Ethereum verification

Development Timeline

  • Mainnet launch expected by Q4 2024 (Aligned did post on X that mainnet coming before santa :O)

  • Will include Kimchi proof verifiers and comprehensive tooling

  • Positioned to revolutionize cross-chain ZK applications

This is a game-changer for both Ethereum and Mina developers, opening up entirely new possibilities for ZK-powered applications across both ecosystems.

The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/UrAn8 on 2024-11-24 10:46:04.

Hey - the title says it all.

I want to develop a tool that integrates Etherscan’s API with ChatGPT to monitor whale activity or general patterns that can provide investment insights, first by exploring past trends to create an investment thesis, apply said thesis to recent historical data to validate, then use it to drive future investment.

It would generally be great to have a conversational interface with public ledgers to help me improve my odds.

Does this already exists? Could it even work?

The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/Available_Canary_517 on 2024-11-24 10:28:42.

In the world of cryptocurrency, the main goal is to make sure that no single authority, like a government or a bank, has control over the currency. But the problem is that there’s no limit to how much a single person or group can buy. So, couldn’t large governments, big banks, or rich investors buy a huge amount of cryptocurrency and control its demand and supply? This would affect its price, right? Also, we know that the opinions of famous people and big investors can greatly influence the price of cryptocurrency. While this isn’t really a flaw of cryptocurrency itself, it is a practical issue to consider. how could cryptocurrency replace the current financial system, as many people suggest?

The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/Active-Deal-6123 on 2024-11-24 09:59:06.

They called us crazy, wild and fanatics.




Dont let the bag fool you lad stay woke in these streets. TAKE PROFIT.


(I use US dollars out of respect for the mandem)

Market cap is 3.3T the market will crash, it will crypto bull runs are cyclical, you know it, i know it and the world knows it.


We got the biden madem tryna start ww3, we got the israelis moving mad and the gyaldem are tapped.

1 more time,



The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/WineMakerBg on 2024-11-24 08:55:07.
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