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Warren Anderson analyzes 19thC US Army violence against Native Americans in a new OA paper, part of a special issue of the Asia-Pacific Economic History Review (@APEHR). Armed conflict was greater in recessionary election years & when land values increased due to gold mining or RR building
@economics @demography @socialscience @sociology @politicalscience @geography @anthropology @econhist @devecon @archaeodons #history #histodons #Indigenous #colonialism #violence


🪔 For #EpigraphyTuesday: Military diploma of a Lycian sailor of the Miseno fleet, Sextus Memmius Clearchi. Dated to 16 November 140 AD, it attests to the granting of Roman citizenship to a Lycian sailor after 26 years of service in the imperial fleet. 📸 me

#romanarchaeology #archaeology #antiquity #ancientart #ancientrome #ancienthistory
@archaeodons @histodons


🪔 For eyes pleasure: three roman glass vessels dated to the 1st-3rd cc AD, now on dispay in the Romanité Museum of Nîmes. 📸 me

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#romanarchaeology #archaeology #antiquity #ancientart #ancientrome #ancienthistory
@archaeodons @histodons