submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Community Smash 11 VOD (www.twitch.tv)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Match starts at 27:15

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Capture the Conduit Rework

Capture the Conduit has been reworked. Conduit facilities are now "hybrid" style facilities where repositories are activated by Conduits, at which point they become capture points. Attackers must hold these capture points in order to capture the facility in a similar manner to other facilities. Bringing additional flags to a captured repository provides large amounts of capture progress and will greatly speed up capture times. This should make many aspects of capturing a base more readable, familiar, and reliable while still maintaining the more interesting aspects of needing to capture conduits.

How the new system will work:

Capture the Conduit facilities are captured via the traditional method of holding activated repositories (capture points) until the attacker captures the facility.
Repositories are activated by bringing conduits to them.
An activated repository behaves like a normal capture point until the base is captured, or the point is recaptured and deactivated.
Bringing additional flags to an owned active repository will grant a large amount of facility capture progress, roughly equivalent to owning that point for a minute.
Conduits themselves will behave the same, and be subject to the same rules and restrictions as they were previously.

Based on feedback from the Public Test Server the capture time was dramatically lowered, especially with the capture of additional flags, which now have a significant impact of capture progress. This should make attacking and capturing a facility easier than it was and also draw some attention towards the flag while a capture is still in progress. That being said, the public test was somewhat limited so we will be making further adjustments as the new system is put through its paces by more players at a higher concurrency.

For a full account of why these changes were made and our though process behind them please see the November 2023 Development Update. Facilities

As part of the playtest, we are reviewed all 22 of the Conduit facilities. Facilities that remained Conduit bases had updates made to their repository, conduit, and spawn point locations. Other minor adjustments were also made where needed.

Several facility types were also reverted to previous facility types, listed below. Esamir The Traverse Reverted to 1 Capture Point Mattherson's Triumph Reverted to 3 Capture Points Baldur Amp Station Reverted to 3 Capture Points Spiral Oasis Reverted to Construction Outpost Indar J908 Impact Site Reverted to 3 Capture Points Indar Excavation Site Reverted to 3 Capture Points Amerish The Bastion Reverted to 3 Capture Points Splitpeak Pass Reverted to 3 Capture Points West Pass Watchtower Reverted to 3 Capture Points Hossin Fort Drexler Reverted to 3 Capture Points Hunter's Blind Reverted to 1 Capture Point Known Issues

The UI still isn't complete and is being actively worked on. The UI should still be functional, but not provide all of the desired information to players for different configurations of the state of the facility. We felt that given the need for the update that releasing with the current UI issues would still be a net positive as opposed to waiting until all of the UI work was fully complete. Lunar New Year

It is the year of the Dragon, for this Lunar New Year the following bundle will be on sale starting February 10th.

Dragon Helmet
Year of the Dragon Outfit Decal
Dragon Profile Banner
Golden Lunar Banner Frame
1 Day XP Boost

Previous Lunar New Year bundles are also returning to the store for a limited time. Bug Fixes

The the NS-357 "Endeavor" Underboss has had its sights zeroed, removing a vertical misalignment
A hole in the terrain near Snowshear Watchtower has been filled by the Auraxus parks department
A gap in the water surface at Ixtab Water Purification is no longer dividing by zero
Underwater firing sounds for the VE-LR "Obelisk", NS-61 Ravenous, NS-44L Ravenous have been fixed
NSO weapons VFX/ SFX shells should now properly appear when using the silencer
NSO weapons have had their "no ammo" audio indications sounds fixed
The AMR-66, HSR-1, NS-11 series have had their silencer delays fixed
Fixed the issue when the trigger is spammed with the C-4 detonator, every other press plays no audio 
Fixed Infinite flight exploit via light assault Icarus Jump fix

from the ps2 website

and the steam version

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

...and the logic behind this is a really simple one:

Lower cone of fire = CoF tightens faster while ADS'ing.

And the "long short story" behind this is that I saw this video, went for the same "I'm gonna try to mimick this" shenanigans and it worked. Hell, I even managed to down those typical "chain headshotting me like theres a magnet on top of my nose" players. And yes, more than once, even while completely rusty (It's my second day back in the game after a long hiatus.). Also had a couple situations where I died, but made the heavy wipe both of his shield ability and its "basic" shield (Not a normal occurrence before then, but right now it is.)

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Happy 11-Year Anniversary!
PlanetSide 2 turns 11 years old on November 20! To celebrate, this year's anniversary update brings a change to bases in Oshur, we reverted back the Medic tool functionality, MAXes have a new Geode and Crystal themed armor, along with misc. changes, bug fixes and more!
As we move into the new year of PlanetSide 2, we want to give you a little sneak peek at what's coming soon! Check out the details in our latest development update here.

Double Experience Weekends!
Celebrate with us in game! Everyone can enjoy DOUBLE EXPERIENCE! See the schedule below!

  • Double Experience for ALL- Nov. 17, 18, 19, 20
  • Double Experience for MEMBERS - Nov. 24, 25, 26

All Access members receive double experience on the last full weekend of each month. More information here: https://www.daybreakgames.com/allaccess

New 11-Year Anniversary bundles
We have a fun set of Mineral and Crystal themed cosmetics for our 11th Anniversary Bundles. Each bundle tier contains everything in the tier below it plus some extra goodies.

  • Hobbyist Bundle
    • 4 unique Banner and Banner Frames, one for each faction.
    • 4 unique Volcanic Glass-themed helmets, one for each faction.
      • (NSO) - Dissonant Resonator Helmet
      • (VS) - Zeal Infuser Helmet
      • (TR) - Molten Fury Helmet
      • (NC) - Invaluable Operator Helmet
    • A Seismic Sensor Drop Pod cosmetic, for when you just need to come down hard on someone in style.
    • A unique 11th Anniversary Decal.


  • Geologist Bundle
  • Everything in the Hobbyist bundle plus:
    • The NS-44 "Primed Amethyst" Commissioner crystal themed skin.
    • A 6-Month Heroic Boost.


  • Rock Hound Bundle
    • Everything in the Hobbyist & Geologist bundles plus:
    • 4 unique Geode MAX Armors, one for each faction
      • (NSO) - Dissonant Resonator Armor
      • (VS) - Zeal Infuser Armor
      • (TR) - Molten Fury Armor
      • (NC) - Invaluable Operator Armor
    • Crystal-themed, faction colored, vehicle trims for the following 7 Vehicles (27 skinsin total)
      • Sunderer
      • Lightning
      • Valkyrie
      • Liberator
      • Galaxy
      • Corsair
    • The Fortune Seeker HLX Survey Crossbow.
    • The NS-R3 "Mountain Buster" Swarm Rocket Launcher.
    • A 12-Month Heroic Boost.

November Holiday Sales
There are a few other sales coming your way this month!

    • Thanksgiving Sale on November 23rd
      • 20% off Infantry Weapons
    • Black Friday Sale on November 24th, 25th, and 26th
      • 40% off Infantry Cosmetics
    • Cyber Monday Sale on November 27th
      • 20% off Implant Packs

Misc. Changes, and Fixes

  • The Medic tool functionality has been reverted to behave more like it did previously, once again able to maintain a link through walls and other collision; however,
    • Upon completing a revive the tool will disconnect from the target, requiring the medic to reestablish line of sight to revive them again.
  • Outfit Wars sign-ups begin! Learn more about Outfit Wars here and check out our latest trailer here.
  • The Veridad Pass and Astira Solar Station construction bases on Oshur have been converted into a single capture point outpost.
  • M. Callum and G. Kyle have had their Dog Tags relocated to accommodate the change.
  • Sanctuary has Anniversary music.
  • NSO rocket launcher reload sounds should once again function properly.
  • Melee weapons should now make a shield impact sound when they strike a shield.
  • A30 Walker and M20 Drake audio reworked.
    • Added proper mechanical layers on fire end audio.
    • Factions now have unique mechanical layers for fire end audio.
    • The fire end audio now properly replays even when quickly tapping the fire control.
  • A large number of sounds were not properly regulated by audio sliders, these have been fixed.
  • Fixed a render issue on Nexus that was causing large frame rate drops.
  • Fixed a render issue on Indar by added objects to certain locations.
  • A portal to the lands unknown has been filled in on Esamir.
  • Some laws of physics defying batteries were removed from Hossin and sent to the lab for analysis.
  • When logging back in NSO characters will now be fully visible on the login screen.
  • Tutorial VO will now properly stop if you quit while it is playing. How rude.
  • NSO Chimera wheels will no longer sound like they are still moving while in first person.
  • Only soldiers fully authorized and certified in a weapon may purchase attachments for it. You can no longer purchase attachments for unowned weapons.

The thread is now open for feedback. Starting tomorrow, please drop your bug reports in our bug report section.

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello, fellow Auraxians! We're thrilled to bring you this development update, giving you a sneak peek into some of our upcoming plans for PlanetSide 2 and some clarity on our intentions for future communication and better transparency. To kick things off, let’s talk about what’s coming this week: Outfit Wars!

Outfit Wars – Nexus Season 2


The Enlistment Phase for Nexus Season 2 begins Nov 15th, and the first round of qualifiers for the new season of Outfit Wars begins December 1st! We are excited to host this event this year and are looking forward to watching this year’s matches play out. Feedback around the timing of this year’s event along with the concern over player participation is something we have noted. Although today’s letter will not get into many details about future Outfit Wars plans, we want to share that we will review the event and will consider some future adjustments. We will have more details on what that entails when the time is right. Learn more about this year’s Outfit Wars here.

Game fixes and a new future
Undoubtedly, the departure of one of our key team members has impacted our communication with you all in recent months. However, we want to assure you that the current team is more than capable of carrying on the PlanetSide legacy, and we have some exciting plans ahead. As we regain our footing, consider this the first of monthly dev updates we plan to publish moving forward. Our Community Manager Mithril will continue to gather vital feedback and bug reports via post-patch notes on Reddit, forums and social threads. We will also do our best to address your questions and concerns on those channels as timely as possible.

Moreover, we're delighted to inform you that our dev team has welcomed some new members in recent months and has been actively tuning in to your feedback from various channels such as our forums, community Reddit, Discord, and social media channels.

In the past couple of months, we have released various game fixes and miscellaneous additions to the game which you can check out here. For each subsequent update in the coming months, we will continue to focus on fixing critical bugs and other malfunctioning mechanics wherever possible. Several new game fixes have been prepared, and we can’t wait to have you check them out. As we want you to have a fun gaming experience on Auraxis, we hope these fixes will remedy some of the pain points of the game.

As we need a little more time to announce the entire roadmap for 2024, we're eager to share details on some of our current projects. Here's a sneak peek at one of the many things we are working on! 

Capture the Conduit Update


Current State of Capture the Conduit
In its current state, Capture the Conduit (CTC) suffers from many issues and is recognized as being a hassle to play with. We hear you. Here are some of the issues we are reviewing with the current CTC status.

  • Long capture times
  • Repository, flag, and hard spawn placement often makes them too easy to defend
  • Even when a base is undefended capturing it can take a while
  • While capturing a base it is too easy for defenders to reset the capture progress
  • The base status information on the map is difficult to parse
  • It is difficult to get a sense of urgency based on the UI
  • It is difficult to ascertain the exact status of the base based by only the conduit count
  • The faction roles are extremely limited, with 1 faction being the attacker and the other a defender
  • This leads to more static concentrated battles without good in-base flow

With all of this in mind, we created a set of goals we want to achieve with this update:

  • Change the Capture the Conduits mechanics to improve capturability of bases
  • Improve map flow within bases
  • Make the status and urgency of bases more apparent in the user interface

Before we continue describing the changes, we understand the common question asked by the community is: “Why not get rid of Capture the Conduit entirely?” The current iteration of Capture the Conduit moves the game away from what we are trying to accomplish. One of our big picture goals moving forward is to minimize the repetitive nature of capturing territory and to increase the diversity of tactics, loadouts, and play styles the game supports. Having only one way to capture a base narrows the scope of the game when one of its strengths should be its openness.

How the new Capture the Conduit will work
To solve many of these problems listed above, we will be "hybridizing" Capture the Conduit bases with more traditional Capture Points. This should make many aspects of capturing a base more readable, familiar, and reliable while still maintaining the more interesting aspects of needing to capture conduits.

How the new system will work:

  • Bases are no longer captured by bringing the number of strikes to zero by delivering Conduits to Repositories.
  • Instead, bases are captured via the traditional method of holding capture points until the overall base is captured and changes ownership. The new system will use conduits to activate repositories, turning them into capture points.
  • Once a repository is activated, it behaves like a normal capture point until the base is captured, or the capture point progress is reversed and deactivated.
  • Activating a repository will grant some amount of immediate capture progress, giving attackers a buffer from recapture.
  • Currently, more flags can be captured to speed up the capture process. This is one of the mechanics that we are looking for public testing and feedback on.
  • Overall, conduits themselves will behave the same, and be subject to the same rules and restrictions as they are now.

Soon we will be releasing one or two of the updated bases to the test server for playtesting and feedback. On top of checking that the mechanics are functioning properly, we want to pay particular attention to the timings involved in capturing a base, such as empty vs. defended and how the balance of population affects the capture times.

Additional Updates
As part of the new CTC update, we are also reviewing the 22 Capture the Conduit bases. Here, we will be evaluating and adjusting elements like the placement of conduits, repositories, spawn locations, and sunderer locations. The goal here is to adjust them to accommodate the new mechanics and improve overall flow. As a result of the evaluation, and on rare occasions, some bases may revert from Capture the Conduit back to their previous base type.

Here isAndvari Barracks on Esamir an example of the kinds of changes we are making:

  • We’ve added more protected Sunderer positions to help sustain attacks.
  • Line of sight directly to the spawn room now has obstructions to increase protection from sniping.
  • We’ve placed much more cover between the spawn room and critical areas of the base to reduce the amount of time defenders are completely exposed.

Looking forward to your feedback on these updates in the replies below!
We want to thank you all for your continued support and passion for this game that we all love. We’re looking forward to celebrating our 11th anniversary with everyone this Nov 20th and can’t wait for another amazing year on Auraxis with you all. We’ll see you planetside!

  • PlanetSide 2 Team
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/7424494

Long, short story:

Am bad-to-average FPS gamer, looking to improve. Saw an OSU! gamer flinging its "shots" left and right and tried my best to mimick the experience in an FPS. And it worked significantly -- all of my shots felt more "secure", even with my aiming being rusty beyond belief.

And the "trick" to do this is simply leaving your "aiming hand" to aim (ONLY) while leaving your "non-aiming hand" to shoot and everything else. That's it.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

was finally able to play the game again yesterday, and I love the new Sanctuary theme. I put it on YouTube with a download link for the original file, for archival sake

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was touched by this message from YouTuber and fellow Planetman Teszro, who faithfully postulates that for just 500dbc a month we, too, can stop the senseless teamkilling of at least one poor soul on Auraxis!

I'm Believe!

^^ ^;)^

why not use real-time maps? (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

YouTuber Teszro polled various Planetside 2 communities to get feedback and suggestions for what they want to see in Planetside 2's future.

some of the top suggestions probably won't surprise, such as removing CTF bases. Personally I'd just like to see some adjustments to CTF mechanics and timers.

It's a short but great listen that I highly recommend.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Game servers will go down for our scheduled pc update tomorrow @ 6am pt / 3pm cest. for a 2hr downtime window.


  • Glaive IPC and The Flail now play audible muzzle blast audio when firing salvos. These can be heard out to their respective max ranges (600m for The Flail and 1000m for Glaive IPC).
  • Targeting Lasers can no longer paint targets from a vehicle's rumble seat.
  • Equipping the Targeting Laser for the Orbital Strike Uplink no longer displays no deploy zones on the mini-map.
  • Targeting Laser feedback for targets in no deploy zones no longer references a targeting dart.
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Has Rogue Planet acknowledged the bug with construction object placement?

Presently we're unable to rotate or extend & retract construction objects. We're restricted to one orientation and only immediately in front of us. Makes any kind of placement almost impossible in all but the simplest configurations and in pure flat terrain.

Does anyone have a workaround for that, by chance?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello lemmings, lemmons, and whatever other lemms are out there.

TLDR: local idiot is looking for an outfit that’s NC preferably but willing to play with TR or VS as well

It’s me FlippiestFlop your favorite obnoxious javelin knight looking for a Connery outfit. Fisu is linked there and I’m looking for a casual outfit that still tries to win every once in a blue moon. Looking for an outfit that’s ideally NC but being NSO id be willing it check out other factions too. As for promotion opportunities I’d be looking for something where I can lead but not hold the reigns. For orbitals and citadels I rarely use them, I’ll leave those to the people with functioning brains and I use vehicle discounts at armor fights ofc.

As for me I’m looking for an outfit but giving my old one, dawi, just a little bit more time before I jump. I have like 0 brain cells which surprised me I made it to asp 2 level 74 as of RN; so try hard sweatfits I will kindly ask you to leave. I’m a decent enough player with .8/.95 kd if you count vehicles. I love my javelin, it’s terrible, I love it so make of that what you will. I like doing vehicle and infantry stuff. I’m a ok pilot in a valk

Dunno what else there is to say so i look forward to hearing from your desperate outfit recruiters

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Wild that they're even going after such small subreddits. Goes to show how little they care about your opinion, enshittify away!

Reddit can go spez itself, so I'll stay here and continue to build out this community as an alternative for everyone else who dislikes being some rich asshole's product.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
  • Fixed PlanetSide 2 launcher.
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The only report option is

Does not drive advertising revenue to reddit

which makes AutoModerator auto-remove the reported posting.


submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Original post Mar 13 2023 by :ns_logo:[OO] WazixWazix on Reddit

Hello again, it has been close to 2 years since my previous post about the game files, but I just went through and updated my repository.

This upload should be better sorted and more usable overall. Since my previous post about this, I have learned how to convert the models and preserve UV maps and rigging so they should be much easier to use in programs like Blender. There are a few files that are unable to be converted this way so I have brought over the files from my previous extract which may or may not have UV maps.

TLDR: new game files, yay


Main folder - easy access to all the files

Models - 3D models, most are saved as FBX which can be imported into Blender or you can use the FBX Review program from Autodesk for quick viewing. I have found that most of the FBX files do not load in the default 3D viewer from Windows. I tried to bring over the OBJ files from my old conversion method if I was unable to convert to FBX.

Images/Textures - 2D images, I converted most of these to PNG files but set it to preserve color channels so hopefully this means that the texture files will work without issue in programs like Blender. The naming scheme on some of these is pretty bad so this was much more of a manual process than other files so please let me know if anything is misplaced.

Texture Spreadsheet - I went ahead and updated my texture spreadsheet to make it easier for people to check which texture files go to the models they are messing with. Just Ctrl+F and search for the model name.

Audio - Voice lines, music, effects, etc. These were mostly sorted by naming alone so let me know if anything is out of place. Now includes the audio from all supported languages which I don't believe was in my previous upload.

If anyone wants to contact me about files being out of place/missing, need help finding a file, or simply wanting help with using the files, I would highly recommend joining the Planetside Creative Community Discord: https://discord.gg/Qc4UK6MwGf

Feel free to ping me in that discord or message me directly, hope everyone enjoys and gets use out of this stuff.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Game servers will go down for our scheduled pc update tomorrow @ 6am pt / 3pm cest. for a 3hr downtime window.
Tides of Summer Event

Operation Tidebreaker

  • Summer directives are back with Operation Tidebreaker! Complete a variety of challenges from July 5 through July 31 to earn summer-themed Lumifiber trim for the Corsair and Harasser.

Summer Bundles

  • Fiery Ares Helmet, stylish Lightning Surfbreaker Plating, and razor-sharp Corsair Surfcutter Plating make their debut in the Depot. Available for a limited time.
  • Liberation Bundle, Stars and Stripes Contrails Bundle, flare guns, soldier soakers, and sparkler hood ornaments return to the Depot for a limited time.

Double XP for ALL

  • To celebrate the start of Operation Tidebreaker all players will receive double experience rewards from July 21 through July 23!

New Implants

New implants have been added to the game. These implants are available from Basic Implant Packs, Deluxe Implant Packs, ISO-4 Recycler, and the Implant Crafting interface.

  • Melee attacks knock enemies away a short distance. MAX only.


  • When your total health drops below [20/20/20/20/30]% your weapon's cone of fire improves by [5/7/10/12/15]% for [5/5/7/10/12] seconds.

Rapid Response

  • While wielding a beneficial construction module your sprint speed is increased by [7/10/13/15/15]%. At max rank, the time to install beneficial modules is reduced by 50%.


  • Each time you revive an ally a charge is added to Karma. At [30/27/24/20/20] charges, your next death allows you to self-revive once at [50/50/50/50/100]% health. Redeploying or using an equipment terminal will wipe your current progress. Combat Medic only.

Air Drop

  • Upon exiting a vehicle Jump Jet recharge rate is increased by [7/7/7/7/10]% for [8/10/12/15/20] seconds. Light Assault only. 30 second cooldown after triggering.


  • While overshield is active your primary weapon's bullets will now pierce through one infantry target before stopping. While this implant is equipped your overshield's maximum energy will be reduced by [30/25/20/15/15]%. Heavy Assault only.

Dev Note: A massive thanks to those who tested and provided feedback about these (and other) implants during the weeks they were iterated upon on the Public Test Server. Improvements were made for everything from balancing to names. And while the release may not be perfect, some potentially meta-breaking mistakes were avoided with the invaluable help of our community.

New Construction Targeting Lasers

  • Targeting Darts for the Glaive, Flail, and Orbital Strike Uplink have been retired
  • Glaive, Flail, and Orbital Strike Uplink now use a Targeting Laser to paint their targets
    • Acquire Time: 3000ms
    • Min Distance (from player): 20m
    • Max Distance (from player): 150m
    • Targets must be approximately 175m away from the related artillery piece (this range is unchanged).

Dev Note: These were previewed prior to the Fortification update, later mentioned in the Fortification patch notes, and are now ready for the Live environment. The new targeting system allows for more counter-play when painting a target as the player must remain exposed for the duration of the acquisition time and is no longer able to "lob" targeting darts from relative safety (or cloak and run to safety while the dart is still in the air).

Construction Changes

Glaive IPC

  • Now stops firing after each volley.
  • Added warning text to indicate an artillery strike for players in the area.
  • Adjusted a socket so the terminal interaction prompt will no longer move as the cannon rotates.

The Flail

  • Adjusted smoke indicator to red smoke to reduce confusion with squad smoke.
  • Added warning text to indicate an artillery strike for players in the area.

UI Changes

  • Disabling Social Icons in the "Waypoints and Nameplate Options" will no longer display a vehicle icon
  • Light vehicle icons are now being displayed for construction bases
  • Removed timer for vehicle abilities that have a progress bar


  • Adjusted rock placement in and around Seapost J8 to prevent players from getting stuck.
  • Corrected color and texture issues with a variety of helmets and armors.
  • Previewed Cold Fire afterburner effects no longer persist longer than desired
  • Fixed shadow clipping when piloting an aircraft
  • Fixed reload animation on "Endeavor" weapons
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Casual interview with Wrel where he discusses his departure from Rogue Planet Games and his seven year history there, among many topics related to Planetside and beyond.

He discusses his community interactions, job burn out, dev challenges as well as his focus on his new personal game development project.

A solid listen with some nice gems sprinkled in!

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Target Laser Changes

  • Fixed issue where targeting laser could not evaluate its target after interacting with a terminal.
  • No deploy zones are now displayed when wielding a targeting laser.


  • Glaive IPC will now stop firing after each volley.
  • Added warning text to indicate a Glaive artillery strike for players in the area.
  • Adjusted the Flail's smoke indicator to red smoke to reduce confusion with squad smoke.
  • Added warning text to indicate a Flail artillery strike for players in the area.

Updated Implants
Outmaneuver/Rally Mechanic

  • These implants have been removed from the game.

Dev Note: We liked the idea of incentivizing vehicle interactions, but further rewarding players for doing the things they should already be doing was perhaps misguided. That said we now have these mechanics at our disposal (reacting to directional vehicle damage, reacting to players exiting vehicles) so that they can potentially be used by designers for other abilities or objectives.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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