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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/Single_Core on 2023-08-17 20:50:38+00:00.

I would assume anyone knows about the hundereds of scammers and bots on these services, since almost every other week someone manages to get scammed into draining their bank account. It seems that a lot of people are not aware about the ongoing scams. (Since, forever.)

It feels like they upped the amount of spam considerably to the point I would rather let my used device / bike / clothers / etc ... gather dust then to attempt to sell.

My question is sincerely, why dont these platforms enforce verified belgian phone numbers. Since nearly all of these are linked to someones identity I would find it very strange if they could continue their endeavors when this would be enforced. In combination with the enforcement of some form of 2FA (Authenticator or Email) to prevent known and trusted accounts from being compromised.

I could be naive and missing some critical piece of information as to why this is not done. If so, please enlighten me why these services are not enforcing these 2 simple rules.

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/General_Egg_4888 on 2023-08-17 20:42:31+00:00.

Hallo iedereen, ik ben (denk ik) van plan om BEM te studeren aan Artevelde in september. Ik wou weten of iemand hier dit doet/heeft gedaan en zijn/haar mening kan geven over de opleiding. Bedankt

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/Amazing-Edu on 2023-08-17 20:31:47+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/ajcondo on 2023-08-17 19:38:42+00:00.

Any recommendations on a cycling route that is good condition most of the way. I would like to avoid uneven surfaces as much as possible. I can find lots of routes online but I don’t know the area well enough to know which routes are well maintained and which aren’t.

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/coolewaterfles on 2023-08-17 16:11:27+00:00.

Ik heb gezien bij veel mensen dat dit een echte debat is. Ik persoonlijk eet frietjes het liefst op vrijdag maar er zijn bevoorbeeld mensen die op zondag frieten eten. Dus ik vraag het aan Julie

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/atrocious_cleva82 on 2023-08-17 17:25:01+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/whatthe_Long-term on 2023-08-17 17:19:18+00:00.

Is it worth disputing a parking ticket that you paid for, yet they claim that they took notion of the car at :07 and we paid at :10. Which doesn’t make sense since the parking meter isn’t that far and again.. what proof do they have? The parking session was paid.

Should we just pay the fine of 30 euros and get it over with (and probably get extorted for suck bullshit our whole lives) or is it worth it to dispute this matter with a vrederechter? And how do these things go?

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/IT_NERD5000 on 2023-08-17 16:50:45+00:00.

Onderweg naar een dagje kust heb ik gemerkt dat het station Gent Sint Pieters een roze thema hanteert(infoborden voor trap/ spoornummer/parking, glazen panelen) in plaats van het standaard blauwe. Dit heb ik nog op geen enkel ander station gezien, heeft dit een bepaalde reden?

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/Neglect3 on 2023-08-17 16:20:41+00:00.

Hello dear friends.

I'll be in Brussels for this weekend. Which places/streets can you suggest us for a hang out?

We are looking for lively pubs where young people hang out, preferably nearby to city center.

We are not into clubbing so we prefer pub-like qualified places with good beers and food.

Thanks in advance.

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/Goldenmonkey5566 on 2023-08-17 16:08:48+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/TWanderer on 2023-08-17 15:57:11+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/chicconumberone on 2023-08-17 14:22:20+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/silverionmox on 2023-08-17 15:03:55+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/PenguinJoker on 2023-08-17 14:50:08+00:00.

Are there bike lessons in English for adults in Brussels? Anyone had experience of these?

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/CharlesDeGausser on 2023-08-17 14:49:42+00:00.

I'm switching to Edpnet soon, and my current Proximus wall socket looks like this. As both phone icons are crossed out, I'm assuming those ports are no longer operational and only the 6-pin port works. When connecting the Fritzbox I got from Edpnet to the socket, can I just connect the DSL cable to the black Proximus splitter?

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/Nass96 on 2023-08-17 14:49:15+00:00.

(english text below)

Ik heb een vraag voor de zelfstandigen van ons land.


Ik zelf ben een 3de bachelor student in de elektromechanica. Als alles goed verloopt, zou ik in juni 2024 afstuderen. Ik ben zeer hard geïnteresseerd in de technologieën gelinkt aan herwinbare energie.

Ik had gedacht om na mijn studies om zelfstandig te worden in deze sector, namelijk een bedrijfje/vennootschap starten om bij particulieren of bedrijven elektrische laadpalen en thuisbatterijen te plaatsen. Maar door een beetje rond te kijken op Google, merk ik dat er al (bij wijze van spreken) duizenden bedrijven die zo een service aanbieden in belgië.

Wat heeft jullie gemotiveerd om zelfstandig te worden wetende dat het hard kan zijn en dat er veel concurrentie binnen jullie sector zit?

Hoe gaan jullie daarmee om? En in mijn geval, zou ik mijn plan moeten laten vallen en naar iets anders gaan kijken of zou ik toch voor idee verder gaan. Alle mogelijke raad en tips zijn van harte welkom

Mvg, een student met veel hoop :)

I have a question for the self-employed in our country.


I myself am a 3rd bachelor student in electromechanics. If all goes well, I would graduate in June 2024. I am very interested in technologies linked to renewable energy.

After my studies I had thought of becoming self-employed in this sector, namely starting a small company/company to install electric charging stations and home batteries at private individuals or companies. But by looking around a bit on Google, I notice that there are already (so to speak) thousands of companies that offer such a service in Belgium.

What motivated you to become self-employed knowing that it can be tough and that there is a lot of competition within your sector?

How do you deal with that? And in my case, should I drop my plan and look at something else or should I continue for idea anyway. All possible advice and tips are very welcome

Mvg, a student with a lot of hope :)

Zalando return (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/alichouu on 2023-08-17 14:41:33+00:00.

So I ordered some shirts and they arrived in two seperate packages. I have since returned them in seperate packages with confirmation from Bpost tracking. I sent them the Bpost tracking code and they keep insisting the shirts were not inside the packages. I refuse to accept this. What options do I have?

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/TwelveSixFive on 2023-08-17 14:07:27+00:00.

Me and my girlfriend are living together in Etterbeek. I am a French national and she is a Chinese national. We are trying to get registered as a "cohabitation légale" (instead of a simple "cohabitation de fait") to the Etterbeek administration.

We had an appointment, and they told us that they first need my girlfriend to prove/explain her "état civil" (civil registry) from the Chinese authorities. Neither of us is sure what the "état civil" actually encompass in this context. I understand that it's the current situation of the individual in the society, defined by registry records of life events (like birth, marriage, children, death, etc), but it's rather vague, I don't get what actual document they want to prove her "état civil" (I don't think there is a document litterally called "état civil", and I would assume such records are country-specific anyway). We couldn't really ask, the woman at the counter was really annoyed at us and clearly wanted to go eat (she started getting up and putting on her jacket etc).

So I emailed the Etterbeek administration to ask what documents exactly she needs to ask the Chinese authorities to prove her "état civil" here.

The reply was basically "well you need to contact the Chinese authorities to get a document proving her état civil, not older than 3 months old and officially translated". Note that we still don't know what specific document they want.

So she called the Chinese ambassy and told them. And lo and behold, they asked us to.. enquire from the Etterbeek administration exactly what document are needed to prove her "état civil", because "état civil" is not specific enough. What a surprise!

So I wrote another email to Etterbeek to tell them that. Their reply was in short "But it's very simple. You just have to follow our previous instructions, to get a document from the Chinese ambassy explaining or proving her état civil." That's all. They seemed really pissed.

To which I replied along the lines of "the Chinese ambassy didn't know of a single 'document' for the état civil in general. They precisely asked us to inquire about the exact and explicit lists of documents needed, because they don't know. Is it the birth certificate? The marital status certificate?"

They never replied to me, despite several follow up emails.

At this stage I don't know what to do. We are running in circles. The Etterbeek administration flat out refuses to elaborate on what specific document they want to prove her état civil (despite the Chinese ambassy asking us to ask them) and they seem to believe that everyone should understand exactly what proves the "état civil", as if there was some magical document that everyone know about. This is incredibly frustrating.

Does anyone happen to know what specific documents are needed? (Birth certificate? Marital status? Something else?)


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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/FurtiFIST on 2023-08-17 13:28:30+00:00.

Hello everyone!

Basically title. I'm planning to become freelance and I wouldn't say no to some advice.

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/JahMinoSoHi on 2023-08-17 12:51:30+00:00.

4 heel interessante gesprekken over een onderwerp dat centraal staat in ons maatschappelijk discours.

Pijnlijk, maar heel verhelderend.

Geniet ervan :-)


Aflevering #2 :

Aflevering #3 :

Aflevering #4 :


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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/GodVyshu on 2023-08-17 11:58:56+00:00.

Hello à tous, alors voilà pour résumer nous sommes une colloc de 4 personnes avec un chien.

Nous avons loué une maison pour une durée de 3 ans, et nous avons mis fin au bail après 1 an et 6 mois -> Énormément de soucis, le raccord de la baignoire n'était pas fait, du coup tout le surplus d'eau à coulé du plafond au rez de chaussée, moisissures dans la sdb et chambre, faux plafond qui s'est entièrement écroulé dans une des pièces ect, tout ça en même pas 1 an.

Depuis notre annonce de départ, nous recevons des mails comme celui ci toutes les semaines, dont 1 chose sur 10 est vraie, littéralement. Nous avons contacté un avocat nous disant de lui répondre même si ce qu'il racontait était faux, parcque dans le cas contraire celà pour être perçu comme vrai devant un juge.

Nos faisons des visites pour les prochains locataires, et à chaque fin de visites nous recevons des mails comme ça. En parlant des visites elles ne se passent pas très bien : Insultes et menaces de sa part parcque nous lui demandons de ne pas toucher à nos affaires ou de les déplacer.

Je suis censé répondre à son mail, mais clairement j'en ai marre de ses accusations et insultes.

Qu'est-ce que vous feriez vous ?


Nous constatons que depuis mes nombreuses demandes quant aux réparations nécessaires (vidéophone, éclairage,plafond,porte d'entrée,....) vous vous rendez coupable de provocations infantiles ,imbéciles et minable. Comme vous l'avez pertinament écrit, j'ai déplacé lestrop nombreuses poubelles bizarrement accumulées devant la porte fenêtre de la cuisine qui empêchaient l'accès au jardin et qui nuisent tant par l'odeur que par la vue. Vos nombreuses provocations, fausses déclarations et vos attitudes néfastes et négatives tant par l'accumulation des poubelles , abscence d'hygiène (urine de chien sur le mur du salon,toiles d'araignée, que par vos harcelements envers tous les candidats locataires ,qui se plaignent de l'odeur immonde dûe entre-autre à la présence d'un grand chien, en vue de "racheter vos meubles, rideaux,...", m'est fortement préjudiciable et feront l'objet de poursuites tant devant le juge paix en matière locative que devant les instance s judiciaires. Je vous somme de nous donner accès à l'entièreté de la maison aux heures de visites convenues et de ne plus adresser la parole tant à moi-même ni aux candidats locataires qui s'offusquent de vos propositions mobilières sur base de l'état pestinentiels et infectieux de ceux-ci.

Je vous confirme les visite de ce mardi de 16h à 18h.


Pour donner plus d'infos : Le vidéophone ne marchait pas quand nous avons emménagé, c'est indiqué dans l'état des lieux et nous le lui avons déjà signalé. Pour le reste effectivement il manque un bout de porte et une ampoule de la toilette a sauté, c'est en cours de réparation. Concernant les poubelles, elles sont mises à l'extérieur de la maison pour éviter les odeurs durant ces fortes chaleurs, nous lui avons demandé de ne pas passer par là pour accéder à la terrasse ( une autre porte y donne accès 2M plus loin ), ce à quoi il nous a répondu en insultes et menaces ( tout est enregistré). Le chien est totalement propre. Le harcèlement des futurs locataires comme il dit ne se résume qu'à leur donner un bout de papier en leur expliquant que nous laissons certaines choses comme les tringles de rideaux ou une paroie de douches, et qu'ils peuvent les racheter si ils le souhaitent.

Voilà, désolé pour ce long pavé, mais on commence vraiment à être à bout de tous ces messages. En lisant son mail on peut penser que nous sommes des gros dégueulasses, mais je peux vous affirmer qu'il n'en est rien, que tout ce qu'il dit est juste mensongers.

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/insomnia_elle on 2023-08-17 11:51:44+00:00.

Hey guys, I want to sell my laptop so I can buy a new one. Do you know a place where I could sell it online or in Brussels? It’s still a decent laptop in good condition, so it’s not a used one to sell for only parts. Thanks for the help! 🙌

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The original was posted on /r/belgium by /u/libidinous25 on 2023-08-17 11:10:59+00:00.

Hello all, I'm a non-european engineering student in Belgium. I'm planning to work here for a while after my graduation, will it be easy to find a job? I can't speak dutch or any other European language.

The original post: /r/3dprinting by /u/BeastScrollGames on 2024-05-16 08:35:13.
The original post: /r/3dprinting by /u/Booman2111 on 2024-05-16 08:35:13.
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