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The update to 0.19 (self.endlesstalkorg)
submitted 8 months ago by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

The 0.19 version is out and I expect to update sometime during the next week. Since it is a big release, I will need to spend some more time testing, that everything still works fine and ensure that the migration works without problems as well.

I will update with another post, when I know, when the update will take place.

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Cross posting

Cross posting from nostr to Lemmy


submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/nerd

Ye ek ḅot simple guide hæ, meri script, yani "hinglish-lipi", ya ise iski hi lipi me "hiṇgliṣ-lipi", ke bare me :


+ agr koi alphabet normal diḳ rha hæ, ṯo use væse hi pronounce krna hæ jæse normal hinglish (whatsapp ḅaṣa) me krte hæ :
Example : k = क, p = प , m = म

+ ek vyṇjn ki pronounciation krne ke liye 2 alphabets ki koi zrụrṯ nhi hæ :
Example : नमकीन ≠ namakịn, नमकीन = nmkịn

+ agr koi alphabet alg diḳ rha hæ, yani alphabet ke nịẋe dot ho, to use væse hi Use kreṇge jæse normal hinglish (whatsapp ḅaṣa) me kisi alphabet ke ạge "h" lgakr pronounce krte hæ.
Example : खाना = ḳana , शांति = ṣaṇti
+ yhi same alphabet ke nịẋe dot swar ko bṛi mạt'ra me convert kr deta hæ :
Example : कौन = kꜷn , कीमा = kịma , इमली = imli , कैंची = kæṇẋi
Exception : ṛ = strong 'r' ; ẋ = च ; ẍ = छ

+ ट, त ko normal hinglish me "t" aur ठ, थ ko normal hinglish me "th" liḳṯe hæ, isi vjah se ट, त, ठ, थ ko t, ṭ, ṯ, ṱ liḳa jaṯa hæ respectively.

+ kuẍ hinglish ꜷr english ke words same diḳ skṯe hæ, jæse use aur use, iske liye jb mn kre english word ke phle - lga skṯe hæ
Example : use -use krna ṱa

+ अनुस्वार, चन्द्रबिन्दु lgana hæ ṯo ṇ ka -use krna, word ke last me lgana ho ṯo ẍoṛ ḅi skṯe hæ.

+ agar ị word ke end me ạ rhạ ṯo use i ya ị dono liḳ skte hæ, væse agr word ke bịẋ me ạ rhạ hæ to ḅi dono -use kr skṯe hæ lekin isse confusion ho skṯi h

+ same ạ ke liye ḅi hæ, bs ạ me confusion nhi hoṯi generally, to ạ ka -use bs words ki starting me krṯe hæ

+ hlṇṯ yani ạḓe vyṇjn ya ' ka -use krṯe hæ : Example : क्या = k'ya or kya

+ vyṇjn ke bad svr, jæse नई ko ni nhi likh skṯe isliye "n`ai" , agar नाई liḳna hoṯa ṯo "nai" liḳṯe hæ siḓa.

+ pronounciation ke vjh se spelling mistakes acceptable hæ, jæse बहुत ko "bhuṯ" ki jgh "ḅoṯ" liḳna, lekin isse confusion ho skṯi hæ !



Real Shitpost # 1 (
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/nerd

Real Shitpost # 1

Hinglish Plus Pro Script made out of unicode characters


क 𑂍
ख ખ *
ग 𑂏
घ 𑂐
ङ ઙ *
च ʧ / 𑂓'
छ 𑂓
ज 𑂔
झ Ɉ / 𑂕
ञ 𑂖
ट 𑂗
ठ ઠ *
ड ડ
ढ 𑂛
ण 𑂢
त ત *
थ 𑂟
द ໔ * Lao digit
ध ຍ * Lao letter
न 𑂢
प 𑂣
फ ફ / ꜰ *
ब ദ * malyalam
भ 𑂦
म 𑂧
य ય *
र ર *
ल ന * malayalam
व વ *
श શ *
ष 𑂭
स 𑂮

  1. ह 𑂯ऩ 𑂢ऱ રक़ 𑂍'ख़ ખ'ग़ 𑂏'ज़ 𑂔'ड़ 𑂚ढ़ 𑂜फ़ ફ'य़ ય'क्ष ક્ષज्ञ જ્ઞ


submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/lemmy

Color Combo in Pair that are eye candy to me

Contrasting Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black as major and white or silver as minor


Welcome ! (
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/lemmy

Welcome !

This post is crossposted from Mastodon to Lemmy


submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

The update fixes an issue with moderation actions sometimes not federating correctly(See release notes here).

There should be no or very minimal downtime. To convert UTC to your local time, use this

Hello! (self.tennessee)
submitted 11 months ago by ruh to c/tennessee

First post. More to come!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

I expect a very minimal downtime of ca. 5-15 mins.

submitted 11 months ago by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

I had made some config changes to the database earlier in connection with the move to a new server, that caused the storage usage of the database to grow a lot. Then when it had no more space left, it crashed which caused the downtime. Unfortunately it happened at a time, where I wasn't available to fix immediately, which is why it was down for so long.

It is now fixed and I will keep a watch(setup an alert for database disk usage) to make sure it doesn't happen again.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

Seems to be caused by low amount of available storage. This caused k8s to evict/delete pods -> site went down,, then it would fix itself -> site goes up again but then k8s would evict again -> site goes down. This continued untill it stabilized at some point.

This should be fixed and there should be more space available, when I move the server to a new host. I expect to move to a new server sometimes in the comming week. Will annonce the date, when I know, when it will happen.

EDIT: Spoke a little bit too soon, should be fixed now though.


There was something that kept using storage, so ran into the issue again. Then the volume/storage for the image service(pictrs) stopped worked for some unknown reason(Thankfully, I have backups) and there shouldn't be any images lost.

Good news is that I have reclaimed a lot of storage, so shouldn't be in danger of running out of space for a long time.

Downtime from 23:32 - 23:56 (self.endlesstalkorg)
submitted 11 months ago by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

While preparing for migration to a new host, I had to setup the db, but during that I deleted a resource in k8s to force a reload of settings in the db. This caused the db to use a different volume and it took a bit before I could revert it back to using the old volume.

No data should have been lost. Let me know, if anything is missing.

submitted 11 months ago by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

Same thing as yesterday.

submitted 11 months ago by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

Unfortunatly the tool for scanning CSAM didn't detect the image, so to ensure there are no CSAM on the server, images for the last 8 hours has been deleted.

submitted 11 months ago by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

The filesystem manager(longhorn) I use reported that multiple volumes were faulted. This caused the site to go down.

I have no idea why the volumes faulted, only that a reboot of the server fixed it. Hopefully this was a strange one off and it doesn't occur again.

submitted 1 year ago by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

To make it easier to deferate from unwanted instances I have switched to using the fediseer. With this tool I can get censures from other trustworthy instances. A censure is a "completely subjective negative judgement"(see more here) and reasons for the censure can be listed.

Currently I'm using the censures from be seen here), that has any of the following reasons for the censure

  • Lolicon
  • CSAM
  • Fascism
  • Hate speech
  • Bigotry
  • Pedophilia
  • Bestiality
  • MAP

I will still manually deferate from instances, when it is needed, but this makes easier to deferate bad instances I would have missed/didn't know about.

Note: The automated deferation also includes spam instances, which is currently defined by

  • More than 30 registered users per local post + comments
  • More than 500 registered users per active monthly user.
submitted 1 year ago by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

The main reason is that they allow/support pedophilia, but they also allow zoophilia and biastophilia. They try to label it as MAP(minor-attracted person), but it is still pedophilia. Example of MAP post here.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

There have been a report of CSAM and unfortunately the lemmy-safety doesn't go through the images quickly enough(on my hardware) to be of use in this case.

I think there exists a tool to purge a image via information from a post, but wasn't unable to find it now. In the future I can hopefully use that tool, when reports of CSAM come in.

submitted 1 year ago by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

To ensure that there aren't any CSAM or other problematic images, I have setup db0's lemmy-safety tool. This will scan images and delete them, if there is a high chance that it is an illegal or unethical image.

Unfortunately, the tool isn't perfect, so sometimes perfectly fine images might be deleted after you have uploaded them. In that case you need to upload a different image, since a similar image will probably be flagged as well.

When the moderation tools for lemmy are better I can hopefully remove the scanning tool, but untill then I think this is the best option.

If anyone has an alternative/better idea, I would love to hear it.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

There has been CSAM on another instance and since it might have federated to this instance, I have deleted the images for the last 24 hour.

New images from now on should work. Let me know, if they don't.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

The site will go down(a maintenance site will be shown instead), while the migration is ongoing. I expect it to take 10-20 mins if everything goes well.

EDIT: I thought I would able to move images in the background before the main migration, so that I could avoid having the site down for multiple hours. Unfortunatly after testing the migration, I have found that it is impossible to do. So the site will probably be down for 3-4 hours, since there is about 100GB of images, that needs to be migrated.

EDIT2: Images have now been successfully migrated. Let me know, if any images are missing.

submitted 1 year ago by dingus182 to c/issues
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

There shouldn't be any downtime, since it is a simple upgrade with no database migrations.

EDIT: Has now been successfully updated to 0.18.4. There were no issues, so nothing should be lost.

submitted 1 year ago by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

Thanks to [email protected] there have been added an official self hosted version of alexandrite, which now uses. There have also been added more features in the update(See here)

Let me know, if there's any issues with the update.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by lemmy to c/endlesstalkorg

There should be no downtime and no content should be lost.

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