[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

yes angstrom. we are st the age of fab nodes where nm isnt precise enough measurmenet under 3nm

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

the general idea is that i think people dont want GPS data to track the locations of where their clients are so that rental car companies dont use said information to possibly apply more charges to the rental bill than necessary.

it originally was 5 days shortened to 3 back in 2017, and now its being in a bill for one.

not defending it, I personally think it should be shorter. had my fair share in that industry and my friend still currently works in it, so im blatently aware about rental car thefts all the time both from rogue actors outside and side of the business.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

its not really 15k though, even countries that are near China and has a BYD factory built in it doesnt get that pricing. The Dolphin in Thailand is a 700k Baht (~19k USD) vehicle

unless china could both skirt laws, ontop of have a supply chain that already exists in the Americas thats is equal or cheaper than in asia, they would not get that pricing unless they stripped the already stripped down vehicles even further.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

employment potential and learning are generally problems if you are young. if you are old, the time investment to learn a new language is generally not self beneficial as your time of employability starts to dwindle.

Linux ultimately will have to run into the situation of if the people want the newer language to become the mainstream, they need to be more proactive at the development of the kernel itself instead of relying on yhe older generation, who does ot the way they only know how, as relearning and rewriting everything ultimately to them, a waste of time at their point in life.

think like proton was for gaming. you dont(and will not) convince all devs to make linux compatible games using a vulkan branch. the solution in that front was to create a translation layer to offload most of that work off because its nonsensical to expect every dev to learn vulkan. this would be applied moreso to the linux kernel, so the only realistic option (imo) is that the ones who are working in rust need to make the rust based kernel and hope that it takes off in a few years to actually gain traction.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago

.00000000.....00001% of you do *

[-] [email protected] 13 points 4 days ago

lets be real, no public school has the income from the government to even support such a service.

[-] [email protected] 81 points 2 months ago

you can have a propietary os thats secure, but the problem is once you get to the point where youre selling data and allow anything to be installed of course, its no longer secure.

[-] [email protected] 94 points 4 months ago

the cancellation of the model 2 for the cybertruck may have been the worst possible decision tesla went through maybe.

[-] [email protected] 123 points 6 months ago

IMO the capacititive buttons with no feedback are even worse than the touch screen. at least with the touch screen, you will likely have a colored UI element on screen to press. with the cars that replace all the buttons with capacitive buttons with no feedback, theyre all the same color.

[-] [email protected] 127 points 6 months ago

the funniest shit about the paperowrk is that nintendo indirectly says nintendo is doing illegal work because they claim a video game emulator is a piece of software that allows users to unlawfully play pirated video games that were published for a specific console on a general purpose device.

they either have to say NSO/Nes/Snes classic are not emulation, or admit their definition of emulators is not the universally accepted definition of it, else Nintendo just Claimed Nintendo is serving up and charging for an unlawful service that is NSO.

[-] [email protected] 214 points 8 months ago

theres a generation of kids who don't understand basic directories because of the mobile market and never actually used a pc in a regular usecase.

put in perspective, there are those who are more proficient on a touchscreen keyboard more than an actual keyboard.

[-] [email protected] 72 points 9 months ago

The result of marketing pushing base 10 numbers on an archiecture that is base 2. Fundamentally is caused by the difference of 10³ (1000) vs 2¹⁰ (1024).

Actual storage size of what you will buy is Amount = initial size * (1000/1024)^n where n is the power of 10^n for the magnitude (e.g kilo = 3, mega = 6, giga = 9, tera = 12)

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