
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 22 hours ago

... in case the Russians decide to take a "special training exercise" over the Finnish border

They can fucking try, but our border is a bit more geographically challenging than the ones Russia has been forcefully shifting for decades in Ukraine.

Here's how it would look like if Russia tried something; Taistelukenttä (battlefield) 2020

From the Finnish military itself.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

No they won't be.

You're genuinely just saying "if we allow disinfo, there will be less of it, but WE HAVE TO ACCEPT DISINFORMATION."

This just as fucking stupid as Americans thinking creationism should be taught "as an alternative".

No. You don't allow fucking loonies posting delusions on science boards. Never. Not a one.

"small amount of disinfo should be accepted"

Sun retoriikka o iha liia ryssää käyttäjänimi nähtynä. Ehkä et vaa tiedä et pelaat niide pussiin.

[–] [email protected] -4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You can't seriously be going "waa racism against Russians", for me calling out Matryoshka bullshit?

You guys need stop using the dumbest people, like @[email protected]. If that's the highest you got it's utter shit man. Dude's convinced he's a convincing American. ZD

Are you pro-Russian? Do you think Russia was breaking international law by invading Ukraine?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago

3D cinema failed financially because people didn't want to have to use simple basic glasses.

I have not heard anyone complain about the glasses, but tons of ppl complaining about the movies and tech quality.

Also btw currently there's currently a 127g VR glasses available for PC, and Pimax is coming out with a set that's some 180 I think (Dream Air) but also has eyetracking and whatnot.

But yeah mostly I do agree. I had the original vive and the annoyance of what were basically ski goggles that weighed a ton without any proper straps even was a bit much. It was cool though, especially once Ingot got the pro strap which had the more helmet config with the wheel at the back.

I'm thinking of perhaps seeing if I'll get a set later this year to see how far it's come in 8 years.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago (4 children)

If you want a flat earth community, that's fine, as long as you allow people to call it out as a joke once in a while.

That would be fine, because Flat Earth is a joke and that's true. It would also be fine to mod it out if they want to have a community of loonies.

But you're saying you will forcefully make sure that astronomy communities accept flat Earth, medical communities accept antivaxxing and drinking bleach for covid?

Have a think about this again ffs. And do it after you've come down from whatever you've been smoking.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (8 children)

A user should be able to (respectfully, infrequently) post/comment about a study showing marijuana is a gateway drug to !marijuana without moderation tools being used to censor that content.

So users should also be able to post about Flat Earth and Antivaxxing on science only channels, by that logic.

No thanks.

What absolutely cowardice. There are no "alternate facts".

Edit *you actually admit you're going to forced science communities to post flat Earth? Ok gg Lemmy, it wasn't that good of run anyway but cya. Russians and flathearhers. Star trek memes aren't worth enough for me to stay.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Yeah my point exactly.

But if this guy wasn't concerned about washing it and thought to leave that to the charities idk. He was a hacker, not an accountant for a cartel, so can't expect much.

But yeah giving away billions of stolen money would be a lot harder than some in the thread seem to think it is. I mean, technically you can give it via crypto but is it then of use is an other question

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

You're talking about the change that can be the result of stress.

That is true, and people so experience those things.

But that's not what a neurodevelopmental disorder is. They won't go away by hanging in nature. Hanging in nature may treat it, but doesn't cure it.

A lot of the stress from being overstimulated shares symptoms and treatment with add ans adhd though so there's very little practical difference, except that society seems it's wrong for people who don't have neurodevelopmental disorders to medicate with anything stronger than three shots of espresso and a few bottles of "doubled caffeine" energy drinks — which is actually far more dangerous physically than just popping a Ritalin.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Easy diagnosis. Take speed. Calms you down? ADHD. Speeds you up? No ADHD.

Sorry but it is not that simple, lol. It does give a hint to things, but it isn't the end-all be-all.

There add widely varying reasons that people have different [dose-response relationships.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dose%E2%80%93response_relationship


If your methodology worked, you'd have diagnosed me to have ADHD with 100% certainty. I always maintained I don't. Got tested by clinical psychologist and psychiatrist. No ADHD ADD or any other attention disorder.

The dose-response relationship, hermesis in action, is easiest to see with weed, probably. When you go to have a smoke at friend's house, you don't smoke often, they do. You smoke a little, you get tired, they start perking up. However if they also smoked a fuckton more, they'd also get tired. Low doses of THC stimulate high ones sedate. Similar with alcohol, which is why youre energetic early and then suddenly pass out. So because you've no tolerances like the weeder, the same amount smoked is a light dose for them and heavy for you, you get sedation, they stimulation.

This is essentially what is happening with you and your friends. You're taking same size lines and due to your personal differences, have different responses to the same dose.

It MAY be a sign yes, but not "easy diagnosis, ADHD 100%"

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

LOL. poor SNL...reality too funny.

How does one even try to parody something like this?


I made a joke about how Russia was a bit behind in video game tech in the 90's and got banned, lol.


I'm listening to Stromae, Pomme - Ma Meilleure Ennemie (from Arcane Season 2) Lyrics w/ translation.

And one line is "Mais comme dit le diction: Plutôt qu'être seul mieux vaut être mal accompagne."

French (sorry for butchering some of the letters, I've a Nordic layout), roughly for "But as the saying goes: Better than alone, is to be in bad company."

Reading that, I remembered a Spanish line from last weeks episode of "The Day of the Jackal": "Mejor solo que mal acompañado."

"It's better to be alone than in bad company."

A difference in views between the French and the Spanish, eh? Anyone here who's got some view on it? I'd be interested to hear a view from someone who intimately understands both cultures.


Also, from the lyrics: "Team by team, reporters baffled trump"


I had more screen space for reading with my Nokia 3310.


Just something MAGA-people seem to have a hard time with sometimes. Probably not as much when Americans are speaking to themselves, but as a non-American, sometimes it's challenging to get "those people" to admit that there is indeed anything wrong with the US. As in they won't accept a single criticism, and will loudly proclaim "America is the greatest country in the world", while wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat, which for me pretty explicitly means America isn't great, if it has to be made to be such again.

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